Magical Destroyer : Worth Watching?

Magical Destroyer : Worth Watching?

The Judgmental Critter

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@artuzinmk1 - 25.05.2024 19:33

I have watched all of magical destroyers (Spoiler: it only gets worse).

This anime tries to be something unique parodying anime tropes and paying homage to older anime studios, just to be an absolute clusterfuck and poorly executed show... It has probably one of the worst plot twists of all time at the end. I want my time watching it back.

@mirramirraonthewall - 25.05.2024 19:39

If they went for thing where the wasteland was just a fantasy he went into to cope with everyday life or something like that, maybe it could have worked, but this all feels like a very self inserty fan fic some guy wrote

@CaitiffPrimogen - 25.05.2024 19:48

It does not get better. I sat through the whole thing in the hope it would deliver on all the hints of a good story it kept dropping. It did not. The OP and ED are still amazing, but the show was a confusing, muddled, mess that could never really decide if it wanted to be serious or not, and never really got over the nerd harem fantasy

@joshuajohnson4431 - 25.05.2024 20:08

Does seem kinda a shame that you didn't finish the show in it's totality. It is most certainly a spoof piece on the traditional magical girl genre with small of hints of the "do what you enjoy"/"be true to yourself" messages hidden amidst the comic craziness. The animation can be spotty at times, and the story definitely has its mountains and valleys, but on the whole, I did enjoy this show for what it is.

@Willow.the.creative - 25.05.2024 20:33

How are you finding the most random magical girl anime 💀

@peterclaymore2239 - 25.05.2024 22:17

this anime was FIRE. its so out there and bat shit crazy that it held my attention from start to end. Oh and the reveal on who the villain is was worth the watch.

Also the don't touch my mustache joke had me in stitches

@mamacorei - 25.05.2024 22:17

I don't think I've ever had to ask myself so intensely "What the fuck am I seeing on my screen" while watching this anime.

@justmeagain4662 - 25.05.2024 22:37

Honestly, this show lost me the second it tried to unironically go for a "nerds are the REAL oppressed group" story, while simultaneously portraying every single female character as either a villain or extremely subservient to the guys. The guys suck all the intrigue and likability out of the show and the actual magical girls, despite being way more interesting from the get-go, are either side-lined or made a cheerleading squad for what is possibly the most boring protag I've ever seen in an anime. And I've watched SAO!

I think what would've maybe not saved but definitely improved the show, would have been to make the magical girls the actual protagonists. They do most of the work anyways and with Hero out of the way the writers could actually develop their characters and personalities beyond "They like Hero because somehow his complete lack of rizz is just irresistible."

@mesken653 - 25.05.2024 23:24

girls have amazing designs (especially blue and slayer), incredible opening and ending
but besides any of that this anime is hot garbage ⚰️

@mysteryxio9957 - 25.05.2024 23:25

I guess someone on the team was a fan of Dumbo

@graveyardshift6691 - 25.05.2024 23:40

Short answer: Yes.

It's abstract and Meta as hell. It doesn't START marking sense until the finale when everything gets laid bare.

Yes it's polarizing and you're either going to love it or hate it. That's fine. The best ones are. This one is meant to be niche and doesn't try to be anything but. There's a certain charm about it.

Unlike the whole 'appeal to a wider audience' nonsense in western entertainment.

@beatriceh.5666 - 25.05.2024 23:51

anime slushie did some great episodes about this show including coverage of interviews by the author. i watched all the episodes and it's just a gross fucking mess. you didn't miss much. it's only deep if you're the kind of person who thinks shota likers and incest fans are oppressed classes. people seem to think that if you have a thin veil of irony/self-mockery that it's insightful, but sorry: that's just 4chan. it's an anime for 4channers.

@nocturnalcove9736 - 26.05.2024 00:03

The OP had no reason to go that hard!

@stormydiariez3449 - 26.05.2024 00:06

Fun fact: So Japan has had a bad history with otkau’s in the past. And I think that’s what they’re trying to go for but it’s done poorly. Also people outside of Japan wouldn’t know this information so I feel as if this is only made for Japan which I don’t like.

@cybercritic8834 - 26.05.2024 00:31

So, judging by the footage shown and a brief trip to Wikipedia, this is likely a parody series.
I mean, the mc doesn’t even have a name, all the enemy soldiers have those cat(?) faces for helmets, they’ve got a “cringemobile”, none of the other dudes have any actual names, it’s definitely being made with a “yeah, I’m gonna mock myself and play it completely straight” attitude. Kinda like how power rangers fans can go “yeah, I watch grown people in spandex fight people in rubber suits” while stone faced.
And now I’m back to wondering if someone’s gonna convince critter that power rangers can count as a magical girl show.

@jesterfairy3845 - 26.05.2024 01:13

Single most appropriate use of the "I Took a Pill in Ibiza" Seeb Remix I've ever seen

@coffeecaku3281 - 26.05.2024 01:57

I wonder if Critter has ever seen Smile Precure or Glitter force. It seems up their alley, tbh.

@kykeee2487 - 26.05.2024 04:01

Saw the op and loved it. Disappointed that the actual anime is apparently garbo

@BramTheDemon - 26.05.2024 04:23

Ngl, I enjoyed this. Most because it wasn't yet another dark magical girl show, which I've grown to loath.

@slimeycorp - 26.05.2024 04:45

The show does get good. But for some reason has the weirdest ending ever. Like it’s so lackluster and delivers on none of the buildup the series was leading up too. Otaku Hero actually becomes a character and they even give him a whole arc about like- his fucked up mental state? I forget the specifics, AND THEN HE DIES WHEN HE FINALLY BECOMES A CHARACTER. Really I’d honestly skip it cause it’s just going to leave you disappointed by the end. It’s like Bee and Puppycat or SvTFOE levels of disappointment.

@dragz4life422 - 26.05.2024 04:52

haven't watched yet, but the animation for the opening and ending just seems.... really high quality for the actual content of the anime.
im really curious who were the main animators for both op & ed + the people & singer behind the ending

@nosubplz3903 - 27.05.2024 03:35

I dropped the show more in the middleish after the recap episode showing why the gals are in the box and it was semi okay even revealed that yes it was the purple girl being the same magical girl and the bad guys were attempting to harnes the power I never thought bout going back after tbh but god I hated that water episode it made me wanna call Cps

@kriblar98 - 27.05.2024 11:48

i thought this was gonna be an actual magical giro show

@causticsneeze3425 - 28.05.2024 00:43

The surrealism seems real cool

@tenshi7549 - 28.05.2024 01:54

Its almost june and no maroka magica video ? Am crying

@wazzupyuwu - 31.05.2024 19:05

there is, sincerely, no faster way to make me lose interest in a magical girl show than having a man as the lead character. maybe that's close-minded of me, but considering the magical girl genre is SUPPOSED to be about embracing embracing femininity and inspiring young girls and women, i just can't be bothered to care when a man takes center stage instead. it also doesn't help that every show that does this is just poorly disguised way of worshipping pretentious nerd men, while all the women are either sidelined or demonized.

i'm so tired. so, so very tired.

@DevilmanEnvoy - 01.06.2024 05:12

Have you ever seen witchcraft works?

@spooderman6312 - 02.06.2024 11:28

anyone else really get sad when really interesting character designs and animation styles get wasted on boring shlock like this..

@zeroconnect5910 - 02.06.2024 19:52

I guess the only thing that I am interested in is why are the otaku being persecuted to begin with.

@GE-0530RN - 12.06.2024 16:18

I love CV makoto furukawa🙏

@KinoFlexReviews - 14.06.2024 02:51

As someone who loved the opening and ED for the anime, I was incredibly disappointed that the anime didn’t live up to the hype.

@AemilianaRosewood - 21.06.2024 04:32

This review is stupid. I don't know what quality standards we are rating this actually decent to amazing looking show with while you also clearly recognize it's a parody on otsku-ism and shitty anime tropes, but yet you can't distance yourself from it // not properly review it a such.
You clearly dislike anything sexual/fanservice like, but it's just part of the otaku, especially anime dna and ESPECIALLY part of the anti magical girl archetype.
To each their own opinion, definitely no one needs to like this show, but I can't get behind this review at all either.
Those sassy undertones and cringe edits whenever sth happens that's not to your taste are even more weird than the show, because you, again, recognize some intent, but at the same completely miss the mark the show tries to hit.
Edit: For the animation quality standard comment: this show takes a limited budget and obviously doesn't give us ghibli level details and non stopc complex animation like in the OP, but compared to the more than 66%+ of trash anime each season, it has a clear identity and looks great even when the animation is sloppy, heck it prolly does to intentional to comment on trash animation at the same time too while still feeling Magical Destroyers esque

@andreasskjoldhammer6493 - 24.06.2024 07:06

I actually really found this show to be interesting! Like with anything, whether you find it "good" or not completely depends on your perspective. If you try to view it from the perspective the creator has for it and read into the thoughts behind it, it becomes this wonderfully complex narrative where you can put together all the missing pieces by yourself.
There is also definitely a lot of passion behind it which I think resonates a lot with people who have a passion of their own. They want to be able to express their passions and feel free to have them without the judgement of someone else hindering them, a feeling which I think has always resonated throughout otaku culture.
Of course, I find it understandable that the show felt confusing from your perspective, but I'd recommend trying to view things differently if you want to enjoy something you find hard to enjoy next time.
Sorry if this comment comes off as contradictionary and dismissive in some way, that is not my full intention.

@titakristengco - 03.07.2024 01:40

Anarchy look like Tesla in Honkai Impact 3

@letrokid1121 - 20.07.2024 16:50

I originally saw the trailer a year ago and I was genuinely excited to see it. The surreal, semi-natural setting and art style made me think it was going to be something that would have ended up being something really beautiful. Seeing how it turned out... no. :']

@Pooya_Krypton - 22.07.2024 00:27

2 month later..... did u really not like this show?

@eryalmario5299 - 26.07.2024 21:00

This anime is schizophrenic

@39ban9 - 31.07.2024 16:14

I think the point was totally missed - the magical girls are distinct, unique, and individual where the otaku army is a bunch of expendable men that elevate one of their own. A random dude. I think there’s some commentary on gender but I can’t explain it good with words. It is absolutely a parody of harem anime.

@dumbcat3445 - 03.09.2024 13:30

I thought this'd be like Panty and Stocking with fuckin the whole Brief thing

@alexandercollins5704 - 11.09.2024 05:33

Clicked on this video for Red Miku

@nave365 - 14.09.2024 07:30

so much of this series looked like its tong was implanted so far in its cheek that it could taste the wallpaper.
i was expecting a third act twist where it was actually a scathing takedown of the insular self congratulatory mastorbatory nature of otaku culture that yes you can like what you like but you cant make liking one thing your entire personality and you cant use "liking what you like" as an excuse to be a fucking creep. something like that would have redeemed the series but as the final episode came to a close there was nothing but the same self congratulatory mastorbatory tone

there is an episode that sexualizes minors (nothing explicit but everything about the visual language of how it is shot is attempting to convey sexualization) not even in a "well in japan age of consent is-" no im talking the otaku actively find a 10 YEAR OLD boy in female swimwear more attractive than blue

fuck this show its about the scummy nature of alot of otaku culture but rather then saying we can like what we like but we need to improve as people we cant just hold up in a corner blaming everyone else for not liking the things we like it says nothing if it had risen up if it had the balls to say we need to improve as a community it could have been something instead its a garbled mess with a banger opening

@chansyanne8945 - 20.09.2024 07:30

I think the whole thing about the stry having plotholes, badly written and overall sort of lazily carried the closer you got towards the end is kind of explained in the end, in how the tv head dude was given the power to create a whole world to amuse god, but even before he was given those powers, he was just an awful and bad developer, who did not create anything special, which is why his hatred for otakus and nerds was born
