So I finished Bayonetta 3 and UHH...

So I finished Bayonetta 3 and UHH...

Captain Astronaut

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@sevanaiaseeto9456 - 04.12.2023 19:01

Hideki butchered this game franchise just to spit in the face of the fanbase.

@penguin422613 - 03.12.2023 03:23

Yes I'm offended he said rouge the hedgehog when she's a bat

@sophitiaofhyrule - 15.11.2023 20:38

The director has shown multiple times that he likes the Bayo x Jeanne ship and has hinted at it being canon, only to turn around and say "actually Bayonetta was supposed to end up with Luka since the beginning"

@saberninja1252 - 02.11.2023 10:10

Never understood the whole Bayo is a lesbian take it just didn't make sense to me, she flirted with Luka more than once in the first game and the ending kind of implied they might have some feelings for each other (second game didn't touch much of that).
Me saying this doesn't mean mean I like that she was paired up with him, I knew that it could happen just because of how they interacted but i just find the whole thing awkward since Bayo first knew Luka as a little boy she even comments about him being older which made the sexy interactions they had somewhat unpleasant to me.

At minimum she would be bi but even that is a stretch since we don't even see her flirting with a woman in either Bayo 1 or 2, all being said i would've preferred her to end up either single or with Jeanne because I really dislike the Bayo and Luka ship.

@andyholloway5062 - 31.10.2023 03:31

We don't talk about "that" Dante

@crestren5996 - 30.10.2023 09:42

Bayonetta ending up with Luka is like Princess Leia getting with Jar Jar binks

@theblacksakura8732 - 29.10.2023 18:23

I felt so triggered when he called knuckles and rouge hedgehogs 😭😭😭😭 it’s an echidna and a bat….everyone in the sonic universe are not hedgehogs hell there really only a had full of them unless you go for unofficial spin offs like scourge

@pejig.598 - 15.10.2023 22:55

“Knuckles and rouge had more chemistry than them” LMAOOO NO TRUER WORDS HAVE BEEN SAID

@chexgeam6598 - 14.10.2023 02:42

The gameplay is very good.
The story is good up until the ending which is bad.

@phantomxero1x447 - 05.10.2023 23:04

So what if Bayonetta dates guys? you forgot that bisexual people exist too lol bruh way to go on being a ally lol you failed before you already even started lmao

@Kane917 - 30.09.2023 07:34

My man really said Luka is just "Some guy" lol Ight I can't take this review seriously apparently

@julianpalizzi3866 - 07.09.2023 06:17

While finishing the game there was a point where I couldn't take it anymore and just started laughing at HOW BAD it was, as soon as I saw Jeanne get killed and never mentioned by anyone I knew it was over 😭 I'm still so mad at how dirtily they did everyone a year mater.

@atrocious5230 - 11.08.2023 02:35

Im not even mad at Bayo Luka. Even though thats the most boring route they ever could've taken for a love interest given that they had no interactions or chemistry besides try hard boy and hard to get girl. Lterally the only thing they had going lol people seriously think saying "I fuck without having babies" suddently means "Oh I definitely love you and wanna fuck you" lol who let the incels inside Bayoverse. At any rate she shouldn't have gotten with anyone because that was literally her thing. Not needing a man, she went against tropes like these. Its why she was so controversial initially. The idea that women have to reserve themselves and their sexuality for some dude. And SOMEHOW Disney Channel got ahold of her and now the guy that stalks her is her lover lol. Might as well as age down Bayo to 16 to make it even more accurate. IDK who actually plotted this and went "genius". They ruined her. Whipped for the try hard man. And its not even a subtle build up to it. Its a hint and then it jumps on a desk and smacks it ass in your face for the last 2-3 chapters. She should stay dead lowkey.

@user-paul34 - 28.07.2023 01:33

I always thought that Bayonetta variants didn't talk each others because they didn't need to. Except for French variants, they were the same person and their thoughs were the same so they didn't need to communicate. But I would have loved a cutscene where they really team up all together and beat the Big Boss thank to this

@kujo4388 - 19.07.2023 13:07

Bayonetta and jeanne are both bi, bayonetta ending up with a man is completely fine.

@diamondhamster4320 - 11.07.2023 18:04

Based Luca appealing to all American Furry Groomers, trully an un-tapped demographic.

@ftrwrwbg - 24.06.2023 17:43

Oh no a version of Bayonetta in a multiverse of Bayonetta’s isn’t gay!

@kumuluslord3190 - 20.06.2023 08:15

I'm willing to give Viola a chance if they come out with a new game. She has potential to be a better character.

@sunwukong140 - 14.06.2023 00:12

Good video! :D

@suuslime3908 - 01.06.2023 05:47

I just have three things to say

1. Bayonetta and Luka just make sense, especially when Bayonetta from 1 said she doesn't care for children, but making them is something she can get behind

2. Viola is great, she's dorky enough for me to not compare her to the worst version of Dante, but a more try hard version of Nero

3. I actually really like the blocking mechanic, felt way more rewarding than spamming the dodge button.

@ianmcgraw5873 - 06.05.2023 13:39

Bayonetta 1 and 2 are my all time favorite and most played games, I'm a Bayonetta super fan, and I would (without hesitation) say that Bayonetta 3 is the worst game I've ever played lol

@papercraftcynder5430 - 26.04.2023 17:16

I came into this off the heels of Bayonetta Origins (including the side story) and not really touching Bayonetta 3 at all. I was a bit disappointed with the side story because it felt like they were trying to retroactively make Bayonetta 3 make sense (especially since the main game was so great), and I'm curious if anyone who has played both games would be able to say whether or not the side story actually did anything for Bayonetta 3.

@sketchtheparadigmyork1217 - 24.04.2023 21:44

The music…?!?! No the music was my biggest initial disappointment.

@excaliburofgachagames9241 - 23.04.2023 17:41

The moment I saw Viola I knew this story was gonna be a repeat of Borderlands 3.

It's a shame too. guess I'm not playing any Future Bayonetta games. They want to play politics and ruin all my good games and remove my favorite sexy characters, I just won't play them anymore. Choo choo mother fckers.

P.s: In case you are wondering, No I don't like Viola. I actually made a whole longer comment on the reasons why but I felt it was unhinged. This one is better.

Bayonetta:"I write my own truth"

And I'll write it with you.

@ilovelctr - 21.04.2023 06:27

Viola doesn't even sound posh or confident. Through her entire arc she has not developed a bit when it comes to characterization. They absolutely must retcon all that happened and bring the real Bayonetta back.

@chrisd9229 - 20.04.2023 16:30

I hate this argument so it pains me to say this... But bro lol play on higher difficulties and get good 😂

@DJFlamingO2 - 20.04.2023 06:15

Well, there is nothing more to say. You point the finger on everything whats wrong with Bayo 3.

@breannap8585 - 19.04.2023 02:36

I agree that Bayo was pretty out of character in the 3rd game. She just seemed so tired to me. In the other games, she would run around for days and nights, battling anyone or thing that stepped to her and still have plenty of energy to pose, dance, quip, tease, and show emotion.
The outfits in the previous games were killer stylish. Who designed these ugly ass costumes? They should feel shame.
Jeanne's death was so disrespectful. Taken by surprise? Really? She couldn't even put up a fight?
I ship the hell out of Bayo and Jeanne. But I wouldn't have minded that Bayo is straight or even that she ended up with the biggest goofy in the franchise, if they had given Luca and Bayo more romantic scenes. They had nothing for three games but some generic flirting she directs to everyone and the death scene. I also wouldn't have been so annoyed if freaking Hideki hadn't put Bayo and Jeanne in that poll, or said Bayo's going to Hell for Jeanne was the ultimate romantic gesture. As conservative as Japan is, he knew damn well he wasn't going to make anyone gay. She's straight, fine, but to hint and tease just to pull a bait and switch is very disrespectful.

@KiWiiU-wasTaken - 07.04.2023 04:03

That sponsor segment was actually pretty funny

@ellielynx3071 - 31.03.2023 05:15

ice n ice, thanks friendz who're shortstops on the outfielders like me when I was little and watched the lion king and toy story and fox and the hound and something else too many times to count in my head

@scarletsky2614 - 29.03.2023 08:55

Now someone should make a game called "bullet witch" which is just bayonetta 3 but good and with slightly different character names and designs.

@Bucketnetta - 28.03.2023 13:02

You know what would’ve been cool? If we went through universes like in the actual game, but instead of the other Bayonettas dying, they could come with us and then we end the game by all of them summoning some powerful demon with their wicked weaves like in bayonetta 1

@thebrush9506 - 27.03.2023 04:26

Realistically the only character that stays the same with no universal variants is Rodin, so bayo3 Luka is a new Luka like how bayo3 Bayo was a different bayo than 1 and 2 bayo’s

@daikonbou - 24.03.2023 00:02

Nothing makes me happier than trains bleeding into every video on this channel. Choo choo all the way

@decusq - 20.03.2023 10:15

I agree with everything you said. I am so sad that this game pretty much castrates the Bayonetta franchise and takes it in a direction that I am not looking forward to. If anything they should have called her VIOLETTA, that way it's Viola combining her name with her moms to take after her but be her own person. This is Rey from Star Wars stealing Luke Skywalkers name all over again.

@eliajshdjddj - 16.03.2023 20:44

Bayonetta 2 is the worst in the series

@crestren5996 - 15.03.2023 07:37

I get that the Bayonetta we follow in 3 is another universe from 1 & 2, but its so jarring to see her personality be lackluster especially since we have followed 1 & 2 whom we all love.

@SamuelWagnerSWagchi - 13.03.2023 16:26

💯 love the vids keep up the amazing work!

@otakusign6896 - 13.03.2023 00:55

Viola is quickly making herself the Scrappy Doo of Bayonetta

@koramora - 28.02.2023 23:35

I rate this video "i still need to play astral chain" /10

@rastamadra1704 - 24.02.2023 23:36

I personally only had a ton of trouble with one challenge which makes enemies invisible I had to get extremely close to the last enemy which was a mini boss but if you're trying to get platinum or pure platinum I can see why it would be so hard

@PetraDunamancer - 24.02.2023 12:56

Bayo 3 is the alternate universe where bayo is straight and gets with luka, and it ended up being the worst of the trilogy, I guess the straightness sucked out all of her swag
