The Disastrous Search for Me and My Friends (Backyardigans Pilot)

The Disastrous Search for Me and My Friends (Backyardigans Pilot)


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@CaptainJZH - 12.03.2024 14:57

Yooo SewerReviewer the GOAT

@60s70s.Loverr - 12.03.2024 13:26

Rest In Peace Janice, thank you for making my childhood a little greater.

@docbrown538 - 12.03.2024 12:12

Ngl those wiki admins sound like assholes. They're sabotaging the search, and possibly trying to leak others' info, because of some mild plagiarism like 9 years ago? Dick move on their part.

@CascadianRanger - 12.03.2024 10:09

That monkey island music sent my soul souring

@emirvmendoza - 12.03.2024 10:05

The Lost Media Wiki's and in general lost media communities' attitudes about finding/releasing content without seeking permission from copyright owners, without any advocacy on changing the law to allow for lost media preservation as fair use, might become their undoing (ehem copyright/DMCA strike ehem).

@emirvmendoza - 12.03.2024 09:50

The floating LSupersonicQ head gave me whiplash

@Ethan_zox - 12.03.2024 08:18

That thumbnail is oddly funny looking and terrifying at the same time

@maxmikester8185 - 12.03.2024 06:19

Serious question, why are people trying so desperately to withhold lost media from being found? Nickelodeon has a problem if they won’t let us see a VHS tape from almost 30 years ago! Like COME ON. Whoever this producer is, answer this: who is telling you you can’t show this!?

@KnapfordMaster98 - 12.03.2024 05:12

I can't find the words to truly express how I feel, but the Me and My Friends search is the epitome of everything I HATE about lost media as a nonspecific interest and conducting mass-public searches. Whether the death threat was real or not, the amount of poor behavior, egomaniacal behavior, and bumbling mediocrity around this whole this is just sickening. Just do better ffs.

@memorymangaming1665 - 12.03.2024 04:55

i ate the only copy. sorry man. a growing boy has to eat.

@chrisms_96 - 12.03.2024 03:23

Lost media wiki admins the original gaslight gatekeep girlbosses

@ashitomarisu - 12.03.2024 02:50

too bad I have an old ass tv with a VHS player built in...up in my attic

@SiameseFaithHealersNetwork - 12.03.2024 01:27

Y'all are being trolled hard. Those tapes are fake and there is one person pretending to be multiple people!

@arstotzkanplaguedoctor - 12.03.2024 01:12

how silly

@SirCoopie - 12.03.2024 01:01

My dad watched the pilot and doesn’t have anything he still knows. He said the exact one. Tried quizzing him and he said never remembered nothing.
I’ll see!

- Sir Coopie VR

@Rainbow_Heart - 11.03.2024 20:34

I remember I only found out about this somewhere halfway (or more) through last year, and I did not know it had taken so much longer than that!! But honestly the whole thing's really intriguing, and I wish u guys the best!!
(Also rest in peace to Janice)

@GavinFromWeb - 11.03.2024 17:58

Happy 15th anniversary! And rip Janice. She was a visionary.

@amessoffandoms7897 - 11.03.2024 17:09

aside from the jimmy two shoes pilot this is the only case of lost pilots that i’m actually interested in.

@etasjo - 11.03.2024 16:14

this is so distasteful

@LeShit-Poster - 11.03.2024 12:09

This ain’t the backyardigans it’s the backyard of gatekeeping.. this is insane. “Oh yeah I have it, and alot of people want it. But I’m not gonna share it 🤭”

@FanOfManyThings21 - 11.03.2024 10:49

Them: I am a lawyer
Source: Trust me bro

@Gorilla_drip - 11.03.2024 10:33

700th comment

@gayrurumon - 11.03.2024 08:17

This video is oddly quiet.

@BelenDigievolution - 11.03.2024 04:57

Honetly what has caught my attention more in this video is just???? how lost media wiki seems to have beef with other lost media investigation groups??? like whatd they do im genuinely curious now.

@mechajay3358 - 11.03.2024 04:36

Rest In Peace to the creator Janice Burgess. She made a show thag every kid can relate to and enjoy.

@theplushexperience4589 - 11.03.2024 03:56

I actually could have me and my friends l super sonic q not joking I will tall you if I do or not and if i do ware going to have a party

@theplushexperience4589 - 11.03.2024 03:54

Update huge update I just realized that the tape that I was talking about I’m comment was not the tape I played that was I nuver tape I got that same day so I never played the tape that was in the close looking box I actually might have me and my friends I’m not fricking joking holy crap

@dragonslayros - 11.03.2024 02:57

I find it interesting that compared to all lost media the mamf is so elusive for no reason in particular we have gotten statements from other creators either due to NDA or because they no longer technically own the show so they don't think they could or in the case of some ,(ie meso blues) "I don't wanna *blows raspberry*." It's just such a weird case

@manyescoolDhamxhdeshds - 11.03.2024 02:38


@jayson36326p - 11.03.2024 00:40

I need your help Is Lsupersonic Q There is a lost dub of the koala brothers the italian dub i fratelli koala There is only a promo of the Italian dub.We need to find a few episodes and the theme song so please can you find the italian dub for the koala brothers

@FiveNightsAtEriks - 10.03.2024 23:23

IK no one knows, but why can't they just let us see it? or even find it? Couldn't we just ask them why they won't show us? Like not to act like a 5 yr old toxic kid here, or even a mad person, but I have a bad feeling something just happened, and they don't want us seeing it, maybe something embarrassing IDK. IK they have said they never worked on it, or they have never remembered it happening, but some that are so close to showing it just stop responding. IDK if we should even be tampering with this media man, just some thought that went in my head.

@Adva734 - 10.03.2024 22:15

after we find this its time to look for the costumes

@ihatemyname2816 - 10.03.2024 21:42

i wish you had more views/subs. You just put in so much effort into these videos, and come on people, lost media is like the most interesting thing like, ever
manifesting a larger audience for you chief

@samuelcamarillo1349 - 10.03.2024 20:36

audio leveling kinda trash dawg

@Smugy420 - 10.03.2024 20:35

fracking wow... what a crazy ride, never would have thought my childhood show was this important

@adriancasamayor6143 - 10.03.2024 19:37

Did anyone else have a weird feeling of those costumes? Like they can move on their own…

@Red21180 - 10.03.2024 19:24

Rest in peace janice

@SorasShadow1 - 10.03.2024 17:22

i'd be very interested to know how all this looks to people in the industry, it has to get annoying at some point right? to say nothing of potential legal issues dealing with huge companies.

@I_like_corndogs. - 10.03.2024 16:12

I don't think this pilot will never find it, let's face it,

We gotten so close to finding it but we ended up with nothing,

So I just lost hope for anyone who hasn't found it,
I don't think it'll be found this year either

@emily91303 - 10.03.2024 15:57

It’s sad 😞 to see Janice Burgess deceased this year.

@jojoplushytheater5183 - 10.03.2024 09:39

I’m pretty sure I figured out what the plot is from that awful description

@SilverScaleMA - 10.03.2024 08:12

Honestly what little they gave of the pilot's plot it is the equivalent of telling a kid in a car constantly asking "are we there yet" to pay clise attention to the landscape passing by because something they like is somewhere around here and they will miss it if they don't keep their eyes peeled. The adult knows it isn't but it keeps the kids distracted until you actually get there. XD
