3 Places You'll Want to Insulate + Rockwool Advantages/Overview

3 Places You'll Want to Insulate + Rockwool Advantages/Overview

Matt Risinger

4 года назад

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@madalachandrasekhar733 - 30.03.2022 11:02

can rockwool be used for interior walls for the heat to stay in the house??

@morrishowell7410 - 16.05.2022 15:09

Matt is correct in his assessment of this product. It is the only type of interior insulation that should be allowed in U.S. home construction as far as filling the cavities with other than foam. Foam is risky if not installed properly, and it is not a DIY product in my opinion. I have installed a lot of fiberglass insulation in projects over the years, none even come close to this product. It completely fills the void, cutting is easy and precise around outlets. If you want to build a structure that requires less energy to heat and cool this product is the essential product to get you there. It is not cheap, but there is no doubt this product is going to pay you back in energy savings and the increased noise reduction is just an added bonus, as is the increased fire protection and the fact it will not absorb water. This product is hard to find, must be ordered in special order, but is worth the extra effort. Thank you Matt for bringing this product to the attention of so many people.

@DeAnda92 - 05.06.2022 00:37

Hey Matt what that fire code?? for San Antonio?

@cjjenson8212 - 11.06.2022 11:51

I like listening to you explain these products, but to me, I just smile so much wider cuz I don't have any building codes!
Building codes only steal money and make homes rediculously expensive.
But I checked you out before I committed to using rockwool, so thanks.

@lynnbennett8739 - 15.07.2022 06:07

Great video, just a note Vancouver Canada is not as cold as Chicago. It's probable the warmest city in the winter in Canada compared to say Edmonton Alberta.

@sauce_aux - 02.08.2022 01:33

Rockwool for acoustic projects, all day!!!

@TheCookster64 - 06.08.2022 04:54

I love rockwool and it's all I use. Fire resistance, sound proofing, I also love how the fibers will fall to the ground instead of float in the air.

@dc4l564 - 07.08.2022 18:44

Is safe though? # Aspestos

@diegohorton869 - 19.08.2022 04:40

I’m installing it right now

@worldview730 - 20.09.2022 20:32

How well does this product work against cold air?

@josephmerritt1411 - 21.09.2022 08:26

Can the Rockwool Comfortboard come in 4x8 sheets and be used on the exterior of the foundation wall for insulation, termite prevention, bulk water shield down to footing drain, and protect the waterproofing on the foundation wall during backfill?

@northrockranch5973 - 23.09.2022 06:13

Like a... "Parka", really missed the opportunity to say Parka, @Matt

@lascannon - 23.09.2022 17:39

Can you use comfortboard in place of safe’n’sound or comfortbatt? We have a few bags of confortboard over and would want to see if we can use it before we spend more money to buy comfortbatt/safe’n’sound.

@nicholassartell7421 - 17.10.2022 09:18

I'm remodeling a 1904 brick school house in Minnesota, and was wondering if using rockwool against the brick is good or do I need to use a rain screen? This is a full gut job

@DonatasJ-wk7vv - 18.11.2022 01:56

wire using for rock
wool holding were i can get?

@leo-fs7zu - 29.11.2022 18:16

Great video, Matt.thank you ..
I have one question. I live in PA , my attic has no insulation at all . But roof does have faced down fiberglass insulation.I plan to put Rockwool between slap . Do I need vapor retarder under Rockwool? Thanks for your reply..

@itsyaboyarchie1182 - 24.12.2022 15:48

This is honestly a really great video..good job

@iampuzzleman282 - 01.01.2023 00:21

What's the difference between safe and sound and the Comfort batt insulation that's rated R 15, both look pretty much the same

@assyrianme - 07.01.2023 23:14

Beware of formaldehyde used to bind the agents. Look for GreenGuard certification for safety. Which brands are safe? I'm not sure.

@GOLDVIOLINbowofdeath - 26.01.2023 17:00

Why don’t YT influencers just say what company is paying them money to make the video like they used to back when the laws were enforced?

@GhostLaughingMan - 03.02.2023 19:49

I've seen rock whool below grade what's up with that ?

@mohanshiva_musical - 17.02.2023 05:03

Rock wool cancerous?? Denny says

@alandavis7736 - 08.03.2023 04:01

Rats will

@heidefeldman1760 - 26.04.2023 19:06

I have a 1960 home. There was a drop ceiling I took down. If I place the 16 on center with Rockwood will I need to put plastic stapled to ceiling joists before placing my tongue n groove ceiling? Home is in The Appalachia mountains, NC.

@simonloveless8924 - 25.06.2023 17:37

wonderful show this really is Matt.

@renemontoya961 - 30.08.2023 02:42

For all the followers commenting.. how often do y’all use this in attics ? Panhandle Texas climate.. super hot in summer & cold winters .. thanks

@grimeypipes2765 - 17.09.2023 23:12

You don't recommend a mask? First and foremost. Breathing that shit in is awful. 21 years insulating. Trust me.

@mensfashion7761 - 14.10.2023 09:48

i need to sound proof a room do u recomend safe n sound or fireglass pink thanks

@billburkey2310 - 26.10.2023 13:45

Comfort board instead of R6 Zip on the exterior?

@randyshay7280 - 21.11.2023 03:04

Is Rockwool good for hot humid climates? Like in tn.

@mttrips4429 - 27.11.2023 17:45

I’d like to see you dump water on the top edge of the rockwool. Rockwool is used as a growing medium and it holds water a LONG TIME. . It won’t absorb dumping water down the side like that but if you dump it on the top edge it will absorb after a little bit.

@DK-pr9ny - 01.12.2023 18:04

How do mice feel about Rockwool?

@YIQUANONE - 18.12.2023 02:50

You should do a cost breakdown on energy savings vs extra money spent on exterior insulation. I would be curious how many decades it will take to get a return on the investment or maybe the value of the house goes up and you get your money back when you sell.

@dykeritz9 - 09.02.2024 00:17

Great Job Matt. Thank you !!

@zechariahhambone3841 - 23.02.2024 22:08

I hope Rockwool goes out of business. Some dipstick decided to raise the price of the R15 by $21 overnight. Fiberglass it is now! I've been telling all my people. And my people have been telling their people. Rockwool has already lost 10's of thousands! Spread the word, birds.

@VietTran-xl2ms - 19.04.2024 17:09

I saw a live demo of Rockwool, vs. Denim, vs. Pink Panther fiber glass and the cheap Pink Panther stuff destroyed Rockwool and Denim hands down in sound absorption and blocking abilities. Like 2 dB more than Rockwool Safe'n Sound.

@IsraelGomez-v8i - 24.06.2024 03:52

Where can I buy Rockwool wholesale

@wise_potatoe - 09.07.2024 15:04

i use rockwool for hydroponics im assuming this type is way denser

@williambrune1452 - 22.07.2024 04:55

but you can't find the 24 in ... retail

@justinhaller2055 - 15.08.2024 08:21

Will home buyers care about the difference and or pay for the difference?

@Antonioremodel - 19.08.2024 12:38

Matt couldn’t of explained it any better

@anishamm685 - 18.12.2024 07:42

I have a few Safe'n'Sound packets and I wonder how much does it insulate compared withe the ComfortBatt. I assume it insulate in a way?

@cornbeltqueen3937 - 21.01.2025 16:38

Can I Use comfortbatt for my basement ceiling? What would be the benefit from using safe and sound over the comfortbatt? My Lowe's has no safe and sound in stock. Thanks!

@dbabbler7 - 30.01.2025 10:10

What about crawl space joists?

@sarahgrady2174 - 14.02.2025 21:59

In my case, want the heat to stay IN the house!

@Laraine11501 - 17.02.2025 04:32

Matt I am looking to use Rockwool during my vinyl siding install project.
I have an old A/C unit that needs to be removed and wanted to insulate the open cavity
which Rockwool would you recommend ?? for insulting the cavity opening
where a/c unit once was - then the plan to use Zip OSB board to close up the opening. Thank You Lorraine

@jtr789310 - 24.02.2025 09:11

In my old house I could spend 20 thousand to insulate my old home to save 50 dollars a month. Things don't add up to me.
