Kpop Idols Who Were Body Shamed

Kpop Idols Who Were Body Shamed

Kpop Corn

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Kpop Corn
Kpop Corn - 18.11.2022 21:59

Everyone is this video has a healthy body and the netizens comments do not reflect them. If you have a similar body to anyone in this video, there’s nothing to worry about. Sorry if the sound quality is poor, I’ll add subtitles tomorrow.

Keanela Toafe
Keanela Toafe - 26.10.2023 03:23

I don't get why the fans of specific K-pop groups make fun of the K-pop idols when they are literally just trying their best. Not everybody is perfect. And if your gonna make fun of something think of how hard they are working and how hard they are working to try and maintain an image that the public will love. There is absolute no reason as to why this keeps happening to these idols.

Linda H
Linda H - 07.10.2023 06:31

I've been checking out Kpop for about a year now. I'm glad some of the idols are biting back at those folks. I don't think the term Body shaming is quite accurate. Whether on the internet or on location,those folks hollaring/messaging Your fat. Your eyes are ugly. This kind of thing. That's straight up bullying/verbal assault. Folks like this won't stop. Unless they suffer legal ramifications and public humiliation. With the internet messages,I would think that the companies the gals/guys work for have a cyber team. They could find these folks. In todays world,finding a recent picture of someone isn't to hard. Set up a specific sight to reply to their comments. Confirming that XXX(name of person leaving the comment),picture of that person are saying that YYY(name of idol),picture of idol is fat/ugly/whatever the insult is. We are informing you that your claims qualify as defamation,verbal assault,yada yada. This is the only warning from ZZZ(company) that you will receive. Future Verbal attacks of any idol or group that is employed by ZZZ will result in charges against XXX for assault.
This is just an idea I had to reduce/stop the attacks on the idols/group. I don't know if something like this is legal or possible there.

dsi brbidll
dsi brbidll - 18.09.2023 18:35

Jennie in fact has a beautiful body and the majority of Kpop female idols don't have big butts because they are very slim and do not go to the gym because of their work schedules

random_ghost - 09.09.2023 19:15

There bodies are not your business, as long as the idols are healthy and happy idgaf if they have rolls

𝐀ρ𝐫𝐢𝐥 7
𝐀ρ𝐫𝐢𝐥 7 - 01.09.2023 02:28

Body shamers are stupid

Litehouse AJ ★彡
Litehouse AJ ★彡 - 22.08.2023 22:31

love the clips at the end

Enrico Livi
Enrico Livi - 16.08.2023 23:57

Let’s not forget how Changbin gets bodyshamed on the daily despite being healthy and muscular

Nikolina Drum
Nikolina Drum - 30.07.2023 03:42

Honestly, anyone who comments on another person's body in a negative way is projecting their own insecurities. And I truly wonder how so many of these commenters don't realize how embarrassing this is for them. Your behavior is always a mirror of yourself. So anyone who body shames is deeply in a hate relationship with their own body and it is easier for them to hate on others, because it makes them forget their own hate for their own body. I would suggest therapy and learning to love yourself to those netizens.

Pretzels and cheese
Pretzels and cheese - 27.07.2023 04:26

bro Liz’s cheeks are so cute 😭😭

cure !
cure ! - 27.07.2023 01:19

Netizens ragging on female idols for having completely realistic body features (bloat, a little skin bulge, tummy sticking out in a relaxed state, general normal body fat, etc) just SCREAMS chronically online. These netizens have clearly never interacted with a real women IRL because their only idea of what a woman "should" look like comes from what they see through the screen. Them body shaming gorgeous idols for completely normal things is way more telling of their own character than those idols.
tldr netizens should touch grass lol

Hi - 05.07.2023 23:09

Why like their weight doesn’t affect you so why do you care. Like a lot of of idols end their life because of the comments people make. I rather them eat and gain weight than starving themselves.

guardian1234561 - 05.07.2023 19:57

People acting like these girls are like 600 pounds are something. Non of them were super fat or even abnormal at all. Just because a lot of K-pop stars are underweight or at a weight that suits their body doesn’t mean everyone has to be that weight.

Gina Natnicha Scheuerer
Gina Natnicha Scheuerer - 30.06.2023 17:01

People are so mean

Why - 24.06.2023 19:48

It feels like a lot of K-pop netizens really have nothing to do than being chronically online and criticizing young women and teenage girls about their weight and body

Yuta - 23.06.2023 10:21

Wether if ur skinny or big ugly or pretty rich or.poor people will always have something to say

Database - 20.06.2023 12:14

This is big in Russia.
You should not have any body markings or even shadows, face should look like glass, amazing hair,
god forbid there is natural flactuations in weight or even LIFE happening to you, you should look the same for years, otherwise suddenly you are uglier, fatter, not wanted.
Women go mental on this
People grow in all directions over the years, that clothes argument is ridiculous

Vijay Acharya
Vijay Acharya - 11.06.2023 16:29

You can also add
And mostly Lee jieun

Sped up
Sped up - 14.04.2023 01:45

It’s so unfair to body shame idols because how strict the company’s rules can be. Korean beauty standards are so high and they train so many hours a day. It’s sad because if they eat they get hate for it? It’s so unfair because if you saw your parents eat or friends you wouldn’t body shame them for it .

Marie Arenbi Carillanes-Fiesta
Marie Arenbi Carillanes-Fiesta - 04.04.2023 11:02

I guarantee you the body shakers won't look half as decent as them lol

PinkDarkBoy - 02.04.2023 14:26

Damn, I never realized KPop people were so young, like 17 or 18. I thought they were all at least like mid 20s. Your body doesn't stop maturing and going through hormonal changes until way after your teen years. They're body shaming 17 year olds who aren't even done with puberty for not having curves?? Of course their bodies are changing. When you're that young, hormones can make you gain or lose some weight as you exit puberty. Most 25 year olds will look different compared to a picture of them at 18. Some get skinner, some get chubbier or just bigger frames in general. It's called becoming an adult, your body changes. Also idk how tall they are, but I'm short as fuck and I have a 45 pound weight range for being within a normal body weight. Most of them look underweight, so they could all probably gain like 50 pounds and still be within the medical definition of normal weight, depending on shortness and severity of underweightness.

Sm0kei - 25.03.2023 21:47

love how soobin protected his yeonjun as a leader

CW86 - 23.03.2023 07:05

People that body shame should be a shame on themselves

Larisa veciunca
Larisa veciunca - 23.03.2023 01:04

I wonder how these people look behind the camera to be chatting llike that

Lau N
Lau N - 20.03.2023 15:44

The Jennie one is not understandable at all, she was "normal" and still very thin in the video from Hawaï.

Edit : the IU fan made me laugh SO HARD hahaha

StanSKZ - 19.03.2023 18:19

Things like this trigger me so much like wtf is wrong with people and not knowing the biological human body? In the morning before you eat youre always skinnier than after a day full of eating, so yeah everybody looks bloated at the end of the day. And most things you see in not only the kpop-industry but whole social media is "fake" like its about the angle, posture and posing if you dance or do normal things you have belly rolls or its just doesnt look flattering. And dont get me started with the dumb dangerous diets idols have to go through, if you wanna lose weight do it healthy. And the hate comments idols are getting because of being "too skinny" or "too fat" are just dumb. All that matters is that the idol is healthy and happy. PS: i know the kpop industry is all about beauty and being flawless but thats just not the reality.

Hanan Aslam
Hanan Aslam - 05.03.2023 21:17

People need to understand even when we are fit our body doesn’t look the same in certain scenarios like periods when get bloated…. Etc just look for idols talent and the amazing music that they create apart from these toxic beauty standards… how much of strict diet they have to go through ,not everyones body respond the same with the intake of food some has slow metabolism some with faster……i dont understand whats wrong being in a healthy weight……. Ridiculous

Lina - 01.03.2023 18:09

People who call idols fat and ugly- have you seen yourself?

Abby Kester
Abby Kester - 20.02.2023 06:51

If you want to look at it that way, blame the Korean body standards for being fatphobic. The standards condition them to look down on people who aren’t skinny

Adamplayzroblox🎮 - 10.02.2023 22:51

DON'T CALL THEM FANS IF THEY ARE GONNA TELL THEM TO LOSE WAIT SAY IT WITH ME (You Don't Have To If You Don't Want To) To fans that body shame the idols don't tell them what to do and what not to do because YOUR ACTIONS ALWAYS GET BACK TO YOU HOPE YOU GET KARMER (this is only for the people who body shamed idols) because when the fans gain weight they might get the same comments and they will feel bad and sorry because they got revenge but it's probably gonna be too late to be sorry

Anwesha Pradhan
Anwesha Pradhan - 10.02.2023 01:08

i wonder if people want skeletons to be dancing and singing because they seems really offended to see idol with a healthy looks

Sockju & Brothers
Sockju & Brothers - 08.02.2023 22:55

I hope they don't take it personal -l y , Humans never like anything

If your fat - The y hate

If your skinny - the y call you Skeleton etc and bully you

Humans can never decide
there will always be a hater but fans will always be there for you.
These Idols are all beautiful they don't deserve thi s some are over worked and faint on stage there already going through alot

T: is it True
H;Is it Helpful
I:is it Inspiring
N:is it Necessary
K:is it Kind

ella - 07.02.2023 17:39

i wouldnt survive ONE HOUR in korea💀

M A X [Felix Ver.]🎧
M A X [Felix Ver.]🎧 - 06.02.2023 12:04

Bruh because they’re idols it doesn’t mean that the have to be 2KG JESUS MAYBE THEY A LITTLE BIT MPCHUBIER THAN SOME OTHERS BUT JEEZ

jisoo - 05.02.2023 23:17

What annoys me extra about female idols in particular getting shamed is that sometimes you just bloat because of your cycle. That video about Rei, there’s every chance she just had a bigger stomach that day because of her cycle. That’s not ‘self-management’. This is just called having a functioning body.

rivver - 04.02.2023 04:41

thick thighs save lives

Lucas Gabriel
Lucas Gabriel - 01.02.2023 00:14

I find Liz's case to be so sad, she doesn't get even close to being fat. I wonder what korean girls hear about their body.

dani - 22.01.2023 14:16

i really don’t care what an idol looks like, everyone is pretty in their own way and their size and weight don’t matter at all i don’t even notice their “fat” i only care about the music and talent and maybe the styling and makeup as far as visuals go

suvira - 19.01.2023 13:07

"plump belly" girl that is her uterus 😭

Levis Slut
Levis Slut - 18.01.2023 03:24

i hate how these ADULTS have to be 90 pounds in order to not get body shamed. like majority of kpop women idols from what i have looked up are all around 90-100 pounds which isnt near healthy. an adult should ATLEAST be 120-130 pounds or more to have a healthy body. ofcourse there are some people who may have an eating disorder or something like that and cant controll how small or big they are but it shouldnt get to the point where people are getting body shamed for having a healthy body. its disgusting

sapphire - 17.01.2023 23:34

i do have to say that i dont understand whats wrong with calling body fat what it is: fat. theres no reason to try and protect an persons feeling by going around the fact that they, too, have body fat. i feel like many people see a bad connotation with the word and that honestly just feeds the argument that were having right now imo. people are acting like jennie (for example) couldnt have just had a uterus in the way to make her body perfectly slim, or joys body might just be built boxier than people expected it to. thats not a bad thing until you make it one !!

niennyy !!
niennyy !! - 17.01.2023 18:02

They act like they can be a kpop idol easily smh

“HEY STOB IT” -Jin - 17.01.2023 07:36

The fact that people actually give a shit about their weight is crazy….if their complaining so much let’s see your weight then.

Bunnie B.
Bunnie B. - 17.01.2023 02:44

So stressing them out is going to help them???? I don’t get it.

Luke Contador
Luke Contador - 16.01.2023 07:44

yeonjun literally has my dream body.. how can he be "fat"????? wtf

Mr. banana
Mr. banana - 15.01.2023 16:08

But jeongyoen now is cute, i love her than before her debut.
