An Introduction to GDAL - Robert Simmon

An Introduction to GDAL - Robert Simmon


7 лет назад

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@unitedstrafes4522 - 25.10.2023 23:04

Thanks for putting this out, we can now link to it and prove everything you scammers do is fake, please make more videos showing how you spend 80 million a day to fake everyone out. 👁‍🗨

@ClarkTelecom - 05.03.2023 01:00

Great video! Just getting into gdal for use with GeoTIFF and radio propagation. Many thanks.

@SeeLevelBus - 11.08.2022 15:06

Wait until you find out that space is fake and NASA lies about the true shape of the earth.

@beamishjames - 23.05.2022 16:30

Brilliant Video - Thank you

@GODsEarthIsFLATandNASAisFAKE - 05.01.2021 16:40

Earth is flat. Cgi isn't real.

@XinhLe - 12.12.2019 05:15

How to use *.py tools in gdal.
For the *.exe I can run from command line python gdaladdo ... but how to run *.py tools?
Any suggestion is appreciated.

@mryummyyums - 15.01.2019 10:00

THANK YOUUUU! <3 I love people who teach great things.

@uppercut2246 - 18.01.2018 20:38

Logical fallacies all wrapped up in a neat bow of BS. Do some Re-Search Simmons Smdh.

@Lucas3D - 06.01.2018 16:44

Really great video thanks, I've been using a little bit of gdal and am at a point where I'd like to know more so this was an awesome presentation.

@daytona1212 - 05.01.2018 13:59

Instead of posting a 3.40 minute video on how to install GDAL, maybe build a proper GIUD and a proper software package to do the complete installation for the user. It is 2018 you know?
