Evenepoel WORKS ROGLIČ at his 1ST 2024 Race

Evenepoel WORKS ROGLIČ at his 1ST 2024 Race

Chris Horner

1 год назад

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@anatithenai44 - 04.03.2024 05:19

Thanks, Chris!

@joelchoquette5674 - 04.03.2024 05:19

No one covers the races like the Butterfly Effect! The other coverage I saw didn't show Remco and Primoz in battle.

@recrevs963 - 04.03.2024 05:20

Seems like a better/stronger field than Tirreno.

@cyclepath55555 - 04.03.2024 05:24

Love your recaps Chris.

@stevevarga8621 - 04.03.2024 05:43

The new shirt is working for you.👍

@yellowquantum4240 - 04.03.2024 05:57

Super job Chris ...That butterfly 🦋stings like a Hornet😮!!!

@danreynolds1142 - 04.03.2024 05:59

The black shirt. 👍

@georgehugh3455 - 04.03.2024 05:59

Great job on the description, Chris. Wife & I enjoyed it from the Chesterfield. 🙂

@edwinwong9547 - 04.03.2024 06:08

What's a catchy word, opposite of "knucklehead" for a rider like Laurence Pithie who races with excellent tactics?

@jamie4293 - 04.03.2024 06:13

Great analysis Chris! Thanks

@rct8884 - 04.03.2024 06:28

Hoping Chris is back in the booth for TDF this year.,...

@scottperine8027 - 04.03.2024 06:48

It’s good to have your commentary back,nobody knows what’s going on better than you!

@sveng5319 - 04.03.2024 07:18

Great analysis 👏👏👏👏

@MattFoote - 04.03.2024 07:31

I love seeing more of these top riders in the Classics instead of always saving everything for the Tour. Makes for much better racing

@petsquirrelable - 04.03.2024 07:52

‘I’m in the front group’ is what I told myself when I hopped on the back of Amanda Cokers group ride. I could only stay attached for about 10 seconds going full gas on my mountain bike but I still tell myself I was part of a world record lol!

@bobbrereton4785 - 04.03.2024 08:35

Good stuff.

@simonjagassar - 04.03.2024 08:42

Great stuff as always Chris!

@joebriggs8422 - 04.03.2024 08:45

Watched it on Peacock (they show the final 70k, ~2hrs). Came here for the REAL analysis 🚴‍♂🚴‍♂

@JohnDough-yr2zt - 04.03.2024 08:51

I’m eagerly waiting to see how my friend Luke Lamperti does this season. So far so good!

@chadbarbaro - 04.03.2024 09:19

hey Chris! looking good champ! let's get some burgers!!! lol

@wazzup105 - 04.03.2024 09:30

I always have a feeling Primoz is a dreamer.. not paying attention. Position, falls, etc. Now compare that to Jonas I believe he's sharp (maybe even too sharp). Oh and Evenepoel is eager (too eager, but he gets away with it because he's pretty damn good)

@matthillard9363 - 04.03.2024 09:35

Bora did good considering they have never raced with primoz and vlasov is used to being number 1

@TonyTonyCurrie - 04.03.2024 09:43

Eurosport need you.

@alexandergraf6148 - 04.03.2024 10:19

Roglic is in preparation. Evnepol can contol him self. He will go in problems again wenn its go in the mountains

@panospeter_pan4257 - 04.03.2024 10:30

I though Bernal got 4 seconds...🎉

@3DeadDucks - 04.03.2024 10:52

Nice of you to correctly write Roglič’s name.
He (and bora) had some contact few k before a climb and lost position and group formation so he couldn’t get to the front. But legs are there.

@miguelteixeira4134 - 04.03.2024 10:52

Everyone, And mostly himself....

@BlueModro - 04.03.2024 11:31

Nothing has changed for these youngsters. They still jump over river where there is bridge available.

@thomasrivet9222 - 04.03.2024 11:32

Heyo Chris, if I recall correctly I've heard that Matteo Jorgenson's J at the begining of his name is prononce like the J in Jordan => "Djorgenson"

@fredperry523 - 04.03.2024 11:55

Evanepoel has shown that he can perform at the highest level for 1 week tours - it will be a different story when he has to fight with the big guns at the Giro & TDF. These races are usually decided in the 3rd week. 1 Vuelta win is not enough - waiting for him to prove me wrong.

@user-hm5nn9pk8n - 04.03.2024 12:56

Stuyven's determination to stay at the wheel of the 1 st van Dijke may have cost Pedersen the win now he came at the front too soon. Had he let both van Dijke's in front he could launch Pedersen later giving him a better chance of winning .

@leduch - 04.03.2024 13:13

trek work ,good , to finish second ,NO need to all that work . two ef ahead , and they don t make it ???????????? remco try to go on his own but fail being court back by the bunch ?????? good racing from bora . deca and cofidi chasing total energie french catching the french for nothing !!!!!!! bravo olaf for the win , visma and bora best on the day njoylife

@saramims1592 - 04.03.2024 13:33

I recall the Cian Uijtdebroeks story in the news last year of him joining Jumbo LAB and was likely going to be the GC rider at the Giro. I haven't heard a peep in the news since then. Has he raced yet this year? I briefly searched online before asking this question and did not find anything but may have missed it.

@zaleno - 04.03.2024 13:37

It's quite annoying that Visma|Lease-a-Bike team has ever yellow jersey as their jersey color concerned. They need to change now 😅

@ricardorusso1462 - 04.03.2024 13:37

bro really swapped sunglasses to go to the podium ceremony

@yvesgysel9834 - 04.03.2024 14:21

I did not expect Remco's attack. He said that was the plan. In the hope, he would get support and win the 1st stage? What was he thinking??? The sprinterteams would never have allowed it. I give him that. He's full of surprises, and that makes it exciting for us.

@RyanHongKong - 04.03.2024 14:28

Just remember everything you say on the internet

@cb6866 - 04.03.2024 15:24

Thanks Chris.......; Papillon !

@akwall47 - 04.03.2024 17:05

Love the black shirt. Look on point today. Analysis on point. Great vid as always! Thank you Chris!!

@peterderidder9922 - 04.03.2024 17:09

For once you overlooked somthing verry positif Chris ! Even there no worldtour team annymore Team lotto des was the whole race riding in the front, more in numbers than jumbo. In my opinion it was worth a mention from you 😉. Team lotto did a great team performance the whole race ....

@daniluis7777 - 04.03.2024 17:10

Horner why do you talk so much sh::t on your podcast??? No wonder NBC got rid of you.

@Guillaume_hw818dn1 - 04.03.2024 18:41

Chris, you have such a positive energy and deep understanding, thank you for making these videos for all of us to enjoy :)

@towhee7472 - 04.03.2024 19:30

By the way, it's not Jumbo anymore, it's Visma Lease A Bike

@beetrootpro - 04.03.2024 19:54

Primoz looked just fine. He just needs to find his racing legs. A slow-ish start to the season is a wise decision. Le Tour....let's go!

@secretagent86 - 04.03.2024 21:23

Chris i love your coverage. Perhaps in addition to full gas you could say très vite, “warp speed”, “max effort”, ftp max”, “like chris boardman doing 4 km pursuit”. Etc etc. maybe fans can come up with much better suggestions..i know these are weak

@franciscopontesvelasco4315 - 05.03.2024 00:15

They're all in a great shape and its just march, but nobody burns out anymore.

@denverspin - 05.03.2024 04:30

You’re fantastic at what you do, Chris.
Thanks for your work

@sergioB360 - 06.03.2024 20:25

Hey want to say thank you for your show. When I was a kid and wanted info on the tour what I had was stats on the back of the sports section stats page. You got the finish of order and time of each rider. Did you ever race Gippigan bike race in Switzerland?
