Runway Just Changed Video Forever...Again.

Runway Just Changed Video Forever...Again.

Theoretically Media

3 месяца назад

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@feralNYC44 - 25.12.2024 14:58

Runway has changed. I used to be able to simply do image plus text to video. It's not an option anymore.??

@MarkHalski - 11.12.2024 20:52

any thoughts on how to deal with the increasingly impossible content moderation on Runway? It is getting to the point where the app is essentially and completely useless for anything. I'm a paying professional user and I understand we're in wild west pioneer days on this tech and to expect it to be unreliable but the content moderation issue is becoming a total and absolute deal breaker for any type of use besides just messing around. Curious if you have any thoughts or work arounds for content moderation flags? Nothing is over the line, all essentially G or maybe PG rated at most. Love the channel btw.

@etiennedorsay2308 - 10.12.2024 14:58

you’re by far the most informative feed I can find about generative ai.
Learned a lot because of you since this all started, so thanks.
Question though, do you still have the time to make music ?? :)

@Goretasticdotcom - 04.12.2024 04:19

So, I have the Unlimited Plan of Runway ML, yet no "Expand Video" app available, just "Expand Image" only, did they up and remove the app for some reason or something?

@Chinyerebradshaw - 03.12.2024 21:17

Can you please share where you got the stock video with the flowers from?

@JeremyHelm - 02.12.2024 16:07

The cutting edge is always trying to fake the coolest thing: old people. You wish you could get old!

@StupidHead-r2u - 30.11.2024 22:12

Runway is fucking trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@mango850 - 30.11.2024 01:30

yeah, makes sense in expanding aspect ratio . Stil, not interesting

@itsbwfilm - 30.11.2024 00:42

I pissed myself at the poster it put on your wall. I'm pleased you said you found it hilarious too.

@ClaudiaSantosdjmisscloud - 29.11.2024 19:20

"Time enough at las" is also my all time favorite TZ episode! 😊

@amanray - 29.11.2024 13:52

its a shame the original part loose resolution when you expand it 😅

@darioitsol2000 - 28.11.2024 23:35

Hey Tim first of all I want to thank you for the work that you do. Your videos are an inspiration to many noobs who are starting their journey in AI Video including myself. I am thinking about buying Hailuoai or Runaway Unlimited. I would really like to know your opinion which one is better? I plan on making short films sci-fi, horror, drama.

@orlandeuce6567 - 28.11.2024 18:45


@TheTrueObelus - 28.11.2024 18:13

The Runway text to image prompt tool isn't game changing at all if you considering all the products available. It's prompt adherence is bad. Flux, Leonardo's Phoenix, Dall-E are all better, and Google's ImageFX is waaaay better. Runway has given users some basic tools to help get around the poor prompt adherence but you have to build an image piece by piece, and I'd rather just do that in Photoshop which gives me infinitely more tools to work with.

@MadPonyInteractive - 28.11.2024 16:05

You should definitely turn your house into an amp XD

@yalungtang - 28.11.2024 09:41

Hey! I’m really taking advantage of newest features. My latest music video uses lots of them. Thanks for the updates. I think this might be helpful for content as well.

@cabg911 - 28.11.2024 08:39

I have a Podalast. It's great. 😂

@Ptpop - 28.11.2024 02:22

I got a Podalast for Christmas. Works great.😅

@MisterBenchley - 28.11.2024 01:31

I’m a runway paying member. Expand video is not working. Every time I try to upload a video : error message.

@FrankEBailey - 27.11.2024 21:44

"Hot off the heels" - nice malaphor, combining "hot on the heels" and "hot off the presses" ;)

@r_t_kenworthy - 27.11.2024 15:56

Zero games have been changed. Stay away from the Kool Aid, kids.

@lodhiayush6718 - 27.11.2024 13:52

i cant wait till the generative industry becomes too expensive to run and closes off

@whalewatchersa - 27.11.2024 13:09

I saw The Shining on the day of its first release, but still the computer monitor didn't immediately jump out at me.

@markmuller7962 - 27.11.2024 12:05

Very cool! Cinema is changed for ever even if AI improvement would stop where it is now

@KDawg5000 - 27.11.2024 11:41

I hope Runway makes their image model open source (but won't hold my breath).

@ryan18462 - 27.11.2024 08:27

It added a Nike logo lmao

@dockaiju - 27.11.2024 07:39

I literally finished reading The Shining last week and am now reading Doctor Sleep

@FrickFrack - 27.11.2024 06:25

If you expand a vertical video that pans, does it keep the edges consistent?

@YellowHD- - 27.11.2024 01:06

Try matrix tool pls I wanna understand it it’s crazy 2025 tool ever 😢

@noNumber2Sherlock - 27.11.2024 00:39

@Tim Another awesome one. Love your sense of humor.
To everyone else DO NOT tell me that you did not think of PRON,even for a millisecond. How if it were uncensored, you can remix anyone including oneself. Toys indeed. :)

@tbip2001 - 26.11.2024 22:56

Man so eventually we can re-edit our favorite films. Want to see 1987 arnie from predator fight a zenomorph from 1986 aliens and look exsctly like it was shot back then?

@jerchongkong5387 - 26.11.2024 21:58

There are many inconsistencies but this is how the technology is starting, in the future this will be much better.
This has a lot of potential in film restoration or VFX, the problem will be getting powerful GPUs to run this.

@DoggyDaddy69 - 26.11.2024 21:34

@Theoreticallymedia I'm a big fan of your work you actually helped me & inspired me to start making AI films ( I'm a cinematographer in the real world). So the Godfather of house music hired me to make a music video with AI. Do you have an email so I can share it with you?

@benp712 - 26.11.2024 21:07

I‘m sorry i just tried it. It is literally pointless when trying to use pictures to use within it creates completely useless versions unrelated to anything that relates to it. Outrageously expensive toy to play with glad the free credits show you how much it sucks.

@FANTASTICWONDERFUL - 26.11.2024 19:27


@Pupi-AI - 26.11.2024 19:11

Any idea when the launch is?

@AutoCannonSaysHi - 26.11.2024 19:05

Been doing a lot of watching how to make video Ai. Been doing a lot of Stable D image work, so i wanna move onto video.
I want to make music videos, but i need something a kin to Lora level of control for consistancy. If im making videos on... idk, HellDivers, I cant have the armor shifting.

@Maylin-Xiong - 26.11.2024 17:02

Very beautiful ❤❤❤❤

@jaysonp9426 - 26.11.2024 16:47

You made What's Upon a Time in the West look like Laurence of Arabia. I'm here for it

@FilmSpook - 26.11.2024 16:17

Thanks Tim! Very cool updates from Runway. I'm still waiting for them to improve their animation physics and ability to closely follow prompts, though. 😇

@agnesslovehealz - 26.11.2024 15:32

My fave the potty on the wall lol gotta live AI

@wholeness - 26.11.2024 15:24

I always run back to Runway when these features drop but then cancel because they have little use case in the end just hype. Lol

@padreputativo - 26.11.2024 13:49

Keep being too much expensive

@ОляДанина - 26.11.2024 13:14


@OSuKaRuTV1 - 26.11.2024 12:55

That reminds me of the ScreenX format.That, obviously, the expanded aspect ratio is generated. Maybe is done manually at some point, but, watching this make me think is using this AI
