Bharatanatyam - Lesson 2 - Learn adavus or steps - Nattu Adavu 1 to 8

Bharatanatyam - Lesson 2 - Learn adavus or steps - Nattu Adavu 1 to 8

Nartana School of Dance

3 года назад

333,115 Просмотров

Second set of Adavus or steps in Bharatanatyam is called Nattadavu or stretching steps. A beginner learns & practises these adavus repeatedly to perfect them before moving onto learn advanced adavus.

This video is only for reference. Any learning of Bharatanatyam should be done under the proper guidance of a Guru. Adavu demonstrations in this video are based on the distinctive style practised by Kalakshetra & Vazhuvoor.
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