Nobody in movies seems to love movies.
They hate the audience, they have contempt for the material, they somehow believe that everything is happening because of their scary talents.
Can Trump and Elon do a DOGE on Hollywood?
Its going to suck ! Snow white will save herself. No point in having a prince. I am woman! Hear me roar! BS. The damsel in distress becomes the heroine when it comes to Disney
ОтветитьLets see how well Brett Coopers version of Snow White when it`s released later this year.
ОтветитьI used to work at a movie theater . They had a massive cardboard cutout like 3 years ago. This movie was doa . Can't wait to seeit😂
ОтветитьWeird weird weird 🤪
ОтветитьHopefully it will do even worse than Indiana Jones and Fleabag.
ОтветитьActors should get paid a small wage and then a percentage of the profits, so if the movie does bad or they damage their own movie they suffer financially.
ОтветитьWoke donky brown
ОтветитьFrom $10K to $110K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I think it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family...
ОтветитьOh no, how did this happen?
ОтветитьThey might of won. I’m demoralized
ОтветитьZegler’s mouth torpedoed this movie.
ОтветитьCan't wait for Snow Blight to release.
ОтветитьFor those who want the full story, it was preemptive "Woke Outrage" long before there was any "Anti-Woke Outrage". They picked Zegler to play Snow White because they wanted to attack the loyal fans and dismantle the lore... They got what they deserved, which is yet another flop...
ОтветитьPeter Dinkley got off too lightly in my opinion.
ОтветитьDoes anybody even care about what Disney gives up on anymore? Lol, they are practically a laughing stock now. They have ruined everything they have touched
ОтветитьThey should make Gal Gadot's EVIL Queen a Palestinian Al-Queda terrorist, make Snow White a South African that speaks French with subtitles, and the prince can be a non-binary trans male rainbow id watch that! lol
ОтветитьThe corporate heads at Disney really need to attend a seminar for money management.
ОтветитьIs it normal for short, unattractive women to practically have their eyes on opposite sides of the head?
ОтветитьWalt is spinning in his snap frozen capsule. Giving the middle finger to his masterpiece is a step too far.
ОтветитьDisney will buy tickets to mess with the numbers!
ОтветитьI liked the part when Wonder woman threw Snow Woke under the bus.
Ответить"Terror attack by Hamas" - the incident which is now widely understood to be a false flag attack by Israel and the criminal Netanyahu. I wonder how many knee caps Gadot managed to shoot out of Palestinian children.....
ОтветитьAdvertisers and Television Networks could still throw Zegler a career lifeline by offering her parts, in cigarette ads.
ОтветитьIf they showed this film on a plane I'd still walk out.
ОтветитьSnow White? More like Diarrhoea Brown
ОтветитьI remember in my high school political studies class, we went over the topic of bias and how to detect biased media. We even made newspapers from fabricated biased perspectives, and got marked on how well we used different tactics to spin things to look better or worse than they actually were. If the Hollywood reporter were doing that project and submitted this article to my teacher, they'd get an easy 100%
Ответитьthe more idiocy rachel spits the farther her eyes will move wider apart
Ответитьi'd unironically buy a ticket to hate watch it
ОтветитьGal Gadot doesn't have controversies, why are they including her in the headline?
ОтветитьCan't wait to see what lies the promotional team is going to do for this movie "the #1 hit movie in America" or "audience and critics agree, the best live action disney movie ever!"
ОтветитьEverything woke turns to shit
- president trump
Imagine "speaking out in support of your country!"
The horror, the horror!
Will Rachel ever work again?
ОтветитьI wonder what the numbers will be as far as the Hispanic audience interest in this movie. After all, that’s the audience Disney seems to be pandering to. I don’t hear any Hispanic people saying “finally, a Hispanic Disney princess!” I have heard quite the opposite from Hispanics, that Snow White should be White. I know this is subjective in my part, but that’s why I want to see the numbers, see how Hispanics show up (or not show up) for this movie.
ОтветитьThey should just reshoot it without gel and Rachel. Most of it is cgi anyways.
ОтветитьThis could’ve been good has they stuck to the old story, used actual dwarves, and didn’t cast gal or Rachel. Oh and didn’t race swap the man who warns Snow White and brings back the heart of a pig. The music sounds ok.
ОтветитьBoycott Disney! Nothing but garbage.
ОтветитьWomen and girls not going to see this will be men’s fault
ОтветитьI'm rooting for the poison apple 🍏. 👈😃👍
ОтветитьHow to make yourself unemployable - I give you Rachel Zegler. 😅😂
ОтветитьThis was going to be cancelled from the beginning, the first indication was the name: Snow "White" that's against their DEI policies.
ОтветитьRachel Zegler is the new Brie Larson...
Ответить😂 deisny might learn a lesson
ОтветитьThat's Hollywood, baby!
ОтветитьKarma is beautiful 😊
ОтветитьGood luck poison apple. We're all rooting for you! ❤
ОтветитьSnow White is a Grimm tale afterall.