14 NEW Cozy Games in January 2025 - PC & Nintendo Switch

14 NEW Cozy Games in January 2025 - PC & Nintendo Switch

The Cozy Gaming Club

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@misshabit-w9g - 07.01.2025 21:03


@parastoosomething - 06.01.2025 00:40

The nintendo switch in the title was misleading! Just more pc games for us to be jealous of 🥲

@lunamullen8602 - 05.01.2025 16:13

Wow, a great selection this time, I just added 10 of them to my steam wishlist. 😂

@MissBubbles - 04.01.2025 23:11

Whenever I hear of Willy Wonka I remember that hilarious event in Glasgow that was a disaster 🤣

@SageNoodleVT - 04.01.2025 14:29

There's a fishing RPG and I didn't know?!?!

@girlytomboyx - 04.01.2025 14:17

Thank u for this video Ellie! Of course I'm really hype for Hello Kitty Island Adventure! I'm like, we have Animal Crossing, and Hello Kitty, now we need Pusheen & Friends game! :D

Hello Kitty Island Adventure will be an instant buy for me, on Steam because performance will run better than on Switch, plus can either play on PC or on Steamdeck :D I also wishlisted a bunch - Moonlighter cus u mentioned it haha, Cuisineer, Border Town, and I've already got Museum no.9 and Dreaming Isle on wishlist anyway. Sea Fantasy will be a wait and see for me, I'm intrigued by it but want to see how it goes first and get first impression of it from gameplay :D

@bonnieblue-blade7376 - 04.01.2025 11:45

I have Moss....really cute!

@katrinan.5004 - 04.01.2025 06:07

wait, you've made The End of the Sun sound so interesting!! i didn't know there was time travel included, i should not have skimmed over it the other day. wishlisted!!

as someone with no apple products, i am SO happy Hello Kitty Island Adventure is finally coming to PC 😭
also really looking forward to Jumping Jazz Cats

@lunaria33games - 04.01.2025 02:35

I’m so excited for the hello kitty island adventure game but so bummed they are releasing at the end of January instead of the beginning 😭. I’m tempted to just play on my iPad till it releases but then I won’t get that first Impressions reactions in my video 😅. 27 more days 🥲

@HarrietRosie13 - 04.01.2025 00:01

Great list! I'm so excited for hello kitty

@forchyforchy5456 - 03.01.2025 22:20

NIce , Moss are great games. fishing rpg looks fun.

@forchyforchy5456 - 03.01.2025 21:51

hi Ellie

@KNic0lson - 03.01.2025 21:13

Recommended click for next videos at the end aren't appearing on mobile

@justsophia22 - 03.01.2025 21:10

Looking forward to Chocolate Factory Sim & Aloft! Hadn’t seen The End of the Sun before, thanks for highlighting some fun January drops! 💜

@KNic0lson - 03.01.2025 21:10

Might want to consider having the title banner on the bottom edge of videos, just realised on mobile the CC covers it up 😮

@KNic0lson - 03.01.2025 21:07

Ooo clever changing the time stamps to descriptions not game names ❤
