Uniformation GKtwo - BEST 3D Printer 2023 - Uniformation GK TWO Review

Uniformation GKtwo - BEST 3D Printer 2023 - Uniformation GK TWO Review


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@3DSweatshop - 08.02.2024 22:08

Hell ya! I was thinking about getting one of these and this video made up my mind. Kinda a no brainer after watching this. Thanks🤘🏻

@panagiotiselsisi7752 - 08.02.2024 08:20

I have nothing but good things to say for their support.
If that's keeping you from buying rest assured they will
do their best to help you. I know from experience...

@Psycho1258 - 06.02.2024 13:01

so its basically like formlabs printer

@Elijah.Lionel.Newmacht - 05.02.2024 14:45

Nooooo I missed the Black Friday deal 😭

@jamesmcarroll1386 - 03.02.2024 16:24

my new gk2 ... is giving me trouble. it wont 0 level it goes all the way down and then make noise like it is trying to go further.... i cant go to the top because it says it has to go to 0 first.
moved arm all the way up, then hit 0 .... same thing,.... is there a way to reset ???

@robinonrust8756 - 01.02.2024 02:09

How good is this printer with vertical lines if you print long flat surfaces that other printers have because of the standaard UV array this printer is using? Like the Athena and the Saturn 3 Ultra 12K have fixed with one big UV source

@radoslavbortel3459 - 30.01.2024 00:09

Is this printer usable for more technical parts? Would it be possible to print e.g. 50x100mm casing from two parts that would match with about 0.2mm clearance? Would the printer print a funtional M3 thread? Is there some significant distortion that is not an issue with miniatures, but becomes unacceptable when prototyping parts that are supposed to fit into an assembly?

Thank you for your great videos!

@GlitchLock - 28.01.2024 07:31

I just got mine in yesterday thanks to your videos and recommendation! my build plate was extremely level from the factory! I was impressed with that. However, when testing my bed level, I'm uniformly .15mm too squished. Have you found a way to adjust z offset for home manually? Or am I just stuck having to relevel, and hope to achieve the same uniformity +.15mm? Thanks again for all of your reviews and tips!

@ZigunCut - 24.01.2024 20:20

Has you door started to develop cracks on the door like mine?

@monnom6574 - 15.01.2024 03:13

very nice featured. would have preferred a glass screen protection, far more durable

@Temporal_Assassin - 13.01.2024 02:42

I noticed on Amazon, that it uses a Mac based OS, I am rather surprised as I would have expected a linux os that would cut down cost.
What I have not seen, nor have you mentioned; Does it stop and restart as needed during an interruption? For one thing, most of SE Alaska has above ground power cables and blackout are common in winter. Additionally, an coincidentally, just before I watched this, my wife sowed me a Facebook meme of a botched print job, where towards the end (not resin), they suffered an earth quake and the top of this dragon egg shifted to the side. Clearly earth quakes are common in Alaska, so I am wondering what happens if it suffers a jolt?

@davethepak - 09.01.2024 19:26

Great review.
So, since discovering some of the benefits of ACF (since the saturn 3 ultra) - have you tried ACF on the GKtwo?

Note: my perception - the biggest benefit of ACF is not the speed - but the fact prints don't stick to it as much - as fewer failed prints is much higher priority to me than speed.

any thoughts?

@thisisabsolutelystup - 08.01.2024 01:12

I mean, looks great and all, but it's twice the price of elegoo or photon competitors, so does it deserve quite such a gushing review?

@Farro2005 - 05.01.2024 09:09

what slicer and settings do you personally use for the gk2?

@GrumpyOleMarine - 01.01.2024 04:51

I just saw your Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra and thought that would be my first printer, and said as much in the comments. But after thinking about where I would keep it, the garage, I started thinking about temps, then stumbled on this printer in All3dp and came to your video and bought it with my Christmas money! So it looks like I'll be joining the Resin communiity with this as my very first printer. Thank you for your very detailed review. I've subscribed to your channel. Keep up the great work.

@EntrE01 - 31.12.2023 00:17

Formlabs has done all of this like 10 years ago. Button, sliding vat, drip lip, heating, etc. These features are ages old. This really is the bare minimum resin printer manufacturers sould be doing and it's not impressive that someone finally does that and nothing more.

@cubiclezombie - 29.12.2023 03:00

Love my Bambu P1S and wanted to get in to Resin…
After much waffling, I just picked this up using your link and discount code for a nice savings - thank you for all you do!

@mantequillasanchez3709 - 25.12.2023 16:16

Your Video made me buy one, great explanation and super high quality video as always. Glad i found your channel - one question i still have: Whats the height of the printer with the lid opened up? Im planning to build and extra enclosure to ventilate any VOCs outside but as im located in Germany it can get pretty cold so i dont want to vent directly from the printer itself. Maybe you can help me out finding the height i need for my project! That would be super awesome.

@andycmacp - 24.12.2023 19:35

Just got this printer and Wargamer resin after ordering on Black Friday. Does anyone have good profile settings to use for these?

@brianjacobs479 - 24.12.2023 00:07

I'm finally getting around to purchasing a resin printer. Curious how this printer holds up today? Still good? Hows the customer service?

@claudiogorgoni1043 - 21.12.2023 01:04

I'm relatively new to the 3D printing world and I'm learning a lot by watching your videos. I'm a dental technician and 3D printing technology has become a must have now. There are professional 3D printers for dental application, but they're extremely expensive (min 3K up to God knows how much...). After this video I'm very interested in the Gktwo, but I was wondering if it can cure dental resin too.

@entisaurora - 17.12.2023 21:10

The Tank-mechnism and the latch are all things the Formlabs has

@dalle5 - 16.12.2023 12:40

I need this 😛

@SW-lw6mt - 04.12.2023 11:55

While I appreciate that Uniformation printers are bringing features from higher end printers to the prosumer, I wouldn't call them innovations cause they've taken these ideas from Formlabs which had them for a long time now.

@dawndixon7394 - 03.12.2023 02:09

Brilliant guide, look forward to a beginners guide to 3D printing, I have questions that I hope get answered in the video…questions like, how much resin do I pour in, what should I do if resin hasn’t been used up on a print, that sort of stuff, as I’m too nervous to take the plunge into the realms of 3D printing…I look forward to a guide for the complete beginner..many thxs

@JohnVanderbeck - 26.11.2023 20:11

This wasn't mentioned in the video, but it looked like the vat even had a cover? Does it? This is something I think is so awesome about Prusa's SL1, the ability to have multiple vats with resin stored in them. Just slap the over on, and swap it out.

@DesolateControl - 26.11.2023 05:27

So the issue with the heater fro mfriends tha own one, any noticably cold room, the heater won't have as much success with (15c, 59f). It still helps, but it isn't a fix for poor print environement.

@davidcorns2622 - 25.11.2023 21:31

So did you like this quality over the 12k saturn 3 ultra? I really appreciate your reviews!

@zxys001 - 20.11.2023 05:50

correct, this is one of the best but, unfortunately, it is a bit over priced and it always runs out of stock when I've been ready to upgrade. (sol for me and I'm sure, others)

@AAw3s0m3 - 17.11.2023 13:53

There I was like a reluctant killer wielding a gun with a shaky hand, wondering if it was too late to back down.

Then the Black Friday sale started and took the price down to roughly that of the Saturn 3 12k Ultra, the other one I had been considering for a good couple of months now, and the trigger was pulled.

@clanpsi - 17.11.2023 10:37

It's too bad it isn't DLP.

@cwarnerg - 16.11.2023 22:01

New to resin printing(close to choosing brand/model) and need advice about good, low-cost resin to use while learning to be successful before higher priced resin used. I expect slicing and setting up models will cost me a few bottles of resin and seems reasonable to start with low-cost until more capable and then I'll buy whatever I need as necessary...thanks.

@scottrill2 - 15.11.2023 12:56

@FauxHammer You have a ton of videos lol, will definitely use your affiliate codes and will eventually watch all of your videos lol, but to cut to the chase. My workshop is climate controlled. So removing temperature from the equation, let me ask this.

How would you compare this model to say an Anycubic Photon M5 or a Saturn 3 Ultra or a Sonic Mighty 8K, or another brand even? My budget is around 1K for the printer. The number one thing I'm interested in is detail / accuracy, not speed or anything like that.

Also I also have my own ultrasonic cleaner and have plenty of Ultraviolet bulbs of various wavelengths and a UV lightbox. Is there any reason to buy a cleaner and curing station if I have those?

Thanks in advance

@Pascau - 10.11.2023 00:48

I can never get a straight answer when I ask how fast can this printer print a 100 x 100 x 100 mm cube with a wall thickness of 10mm. From my calculations it would be somewhere around 1.6 hours, but nobody can verify this.

@raginggamer2109 - 06.11.2023 05:26

Can I ask where you get those busts you print? Mando, Wolverine, etc.? I print off busts from Eastman Patreon, but I love just the head busts you have. Thanks!

@mayamanign - 03.11.2023 00:31

Just bought the entire kit for $150 off! Got here in 4 days! 😮

@Szczerzysmiech - 30.10.2023 23:32

Did you get paid for that video? Is that honest report or you just making dollar?

@jimrandall9927 - 30.10.2023 04:10

Ok just ordered mine

@mayamanign - 25.10.2023 20:33

Just ordered the entire kit. It’s $150 off on their site right now, it’s a no brainer. This is basically the Bambu Labs X1 of resin printers.
Thanks for this great review !

@mayamanign - 25.10.2023 19:54

What is the total build volume? Thanks.

@NAPeterson - 22.10.2023 17:21

Would anyone with a GKTwo be willing to sell/send me a sample print? I want to buy several GKTwo printers, but need to be sure the quality is what I’m looking for.

@jozealmeida - 22.10.2023 12:16

Hi, good review.
Makes me want one!

I was thinking in going for a Saturn 2 because it will be my firts 3dprinter, but after I saw videos of this printer, with that kind of innovative features, I'm tryinto to convice myself to spend de double.
Do you think by now its a good deal to spend that much for the GK two, instead of saturn 2?
I read that if the room temperatue its not appropriated the Saturn 2 will not print, if I understand it correctly.
My concern is the room temperature, because it will require improvements for me.

@yaeMhay1 - 21.10.2023 19:30

Hey thanks for the Info, I am looking to replace my Sonic mini 8k with this printer, But I wonder - How often does GKtwo un-level itself when you scrape prints from build platform?

@RisingApe - 21.10.2023 18:49

Epic! Thanks mate

@DirtyDan2700 - 18.10.2023 20:57

Almost had me sold...then the pricetag..

@PaintTillDeath - 17.10.2023 23:43

Now !! Should I get this or the Bambu lab ...

@funkygray - 16.10.2023 17:52

Just saw Uniformation have a 12k screen upgrade pack for the GKtwo, just wondering if you have tested at all? :)

@MikeHammer1 - 15.10.2023 18:42

Looking at the video, it appears that the unit has only one linear rail. Am I missing something? BTW, the human eye can't resolve images below 40 microns.
