"Night Work" 1930 Classic Comedy Romance Pre-Code Film Movie

"Night Work" 1930 Classic Comedy Romance Pre-Code Film Movie


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@merlewilson2898 - 03.03.2015 14:53

Thank you so much for this wonderful flim. Full of fun and laughed its something we really don't see today. Wonderful flim.

@Samalabear - 09.08.2015 04:53

good laughs.  Thanks:)

@TopCatAlley - 13.09.2015 07:10

Thanks for sharing this movie. I have not seen an Eddie Quillan movie that I did not enjoy.

@boleyn123 - 25.09.2015 21:28

Thank you for this one.   It was a delight.

@deborahmoccia8152 - 07.12.2015 22:33

great movie,Thank you

@TheLadyrose01 - 10.12.2015 05:14

great movie, funny without being overly done. it was so light in everything, the kids at the orphanage seemed happy, healthy and had fun.
100% good movie

@hunnybeez7099 - 22.12.2015 15:23

I'm an AVID classic movie fan and I've watched & re-watched ( multiple times) a million of them. I'm always on the lookout for more cuz I just can't get enough! I'm old enough (keyword- 'old') to remember when there were only 3 TV networks- ABC, CBS, NBC- on a B&W television set and if there wasn't anything on those channels a person wanted to watch, then they would go find something else to do., but at least watching TV was free for everyone who had a TV. I can still remember that the first color TV I could watch anytime I wanted was when my mom married my stepdad in '71. Unfortunately, I can't afford TV right now, so I rely on my trusty old laptop for TV shows and movies. I am very grateful for people like you, One4allfour1, who put in the time & trouble to share these 'gems' with us. You have my utmost gratitude & appreciation. BTW- I just adore Eddie Quillan movies! Thanx!!

@nortondias6167 - 11.01.2016 06:35

beautiful movie, classic upload

@heidiparmelee-pratt9803 - 24.05.2016 02:16

Great movie thanks for sharing!

@miriamgarcia8060 - 27.06.2016 04:06

What a treasure!

@paulyhoffmann - 01.08.2016 09:26

I love these movies. Always a happy ending> And the stories are always so pre-New World Order. This one had a good plot, at times zany, and never a dull moment. I recommend it.

@AnotherAmateur - 15.10.2016 22:01

Russell Mack directed this and a few other films in the early 1930s. He appears to struggle with comedic timing here in spite of a well written script and talented leads. After directing for three studios, Mack was unable to find work in Hollywood after 1934. He moved to the east coast were he managed a theater until his death.

Eddie Quillan was a talented actor in silent films, talkies, and television. His ability as a comedian shines through here and he seems to carry several scenes for Mack.

@suziewonder9660 - 29.10.2016 11:56

Great film view of our history! These films need to be seen by everyone, especially the youth of today so everyone of them will witness what was going on or being said during our parents/grandparents & greater grandparents youth, it is worth watching to witness their own crazy style because what I'm seeing & hearing is such a gas! The popular lingo of that time period is in itself worth learning or already in circulation! Ive found out quickly that phrases/words/comic repertoire from the 20's & 30's are STILL being expressed verbally from that time to today! I have especially enjoyed the silly stuff my Dad used to say (RIP) alot, in which I didn't really understand (as a child!). I hope my own folks & those before them are giggling! Some of the phrases or words they say 'blow my mind'! It's been the trash talk of today that needs to be stoppped!

@dameaustel - 11.11.2016 01:30

Thanks for this lovely film

@user-fx9jj2xh1n - 12.12.2016 07:46

"One born every day." "The birthrate in Brooklyn is higher..." Laughed out loud a few times. Agree that such movies are a window to our past and present. Thanks much!

@abidzulfikar6364 - 25.06.2017 04:26

Good ol days

@dnb-ang - 15.08.2017 09:46

So cute! Love it! Thank you

@kathyflorcruz552 - 10.09.2017 12:09

Welp, now I'm all for 4 movies in a row now....😁

@kathyflorcruz552 - 10.09.2017 12:10

Yowza, the stocking scene! Lol!

@poppykok5 - 16.10.2017 08:58

Such a funny sweet and tender story...One of my favorite films from the 30's...Eddie Quillen was such a very talented young man...

@MrDongodon - 10.01.2018 03:57

I really appreciate your work thankz....

@unitedwestand5100 - 28.01.2018 22:56

Its sad to see these parentless children but sadder still to realize that today most would be murdered by abortion.
At least these orphans had a chance at life.

@arifinmarzuki2695 - 04.10.2018 00:24

15 years later before the war. Honesly

@gsmith5140 - 07.10.2018 03:14

So cute and sweet. Had me watery-eyed toward the end, but had the happy ending I like. 😊

@bettinalonergan2873 - 12.11.2018 04:50

This movie was so cute I really enjoyed it thank you for posting Oscar was the best

@jennifersiagian - 12.04.2019 16:59

Super Excellent Bravo!

@DateTwoRelate - 28.10.2019 06:17

I bet Hays Code films had specific prohibitions about references to bodily functions. Here, you get a rather labored baby poop reference within 5 minutes!

@user-oj5bw7sl8p - 06.01.2020 01:07

Thank you very much for this wonderful movie! Main hero is such a kind&genuine young man with a golden heart and right instincts! A really good guy! No wonder he gets the most lovely girl :)

@user-wc7mo9uo9o - 18.02.2020 04:17

Such a sweet, charming romantic comedy with great cast. Eddie Quillen is funny. Also was interesting to find out how relatively easy was to adopt a child those days! Nowadays so many Hispanics and black kids in government care and noone really wants them because of so many problems with their biological parents afterwards, so people spend hundreds of thousands dollars sometimes to adopt kids from somewhere else.

@julieventura5867 - 17.12.2020 00:18

One of my favorite oldtime movies.

@alexfernandohuenten1374 - 23.05.2021 20:52


@marlene-rr2ih - 16.09.2022 08:59


@marlene-rr2ih - 16.09.2022 15:09


@venkatreddy392 - 05.10.2022 15:41

Very good movie with good language and nice acting by all.

@Sonic-dogmagic - 29.10.2022 01:44

Love the golden age of Hollywood. Excellent actors and great movies.

@lauramargarita9 - 01.03.2023 05:50

Me encanta encontrar estas joyas cinematográficas tan antiguas😮gracias por compartir tus películas 🎥 y éxitos en todos vuestros proyectos y planes

@cocoaorange1 - 28.03.2023 10:08

Wait a minute, is the same guy in charge of china and luggage?

@karenhill3970 - 06.07.2024 09:30

Please find " Back to Bataan" great patriotic 40's movie geeat for righr now ...80 th anniversary for D- day"& 4;th July weekend 🎚️🇺🇸

@karenhill3970 - 06.07.2024 09:31

Great movie thanks

@patriceh-tissier6425 - 29.07.2024 04:18

love it ❤💥

@RoderickFernandez-bo8pc - 03.10.2024 20:55

Is eddie quillan just about the cutest thing you've ever seen

@ludditeneaderthal - 19.01.2018 07:53

quillen is beset by bosses, nurses, children, rich kids, and lack of sleep, lol. the cast is honestly grossly underutilized in this film, though very good, a better director would have made it truly great. as another comment pointed out, mack seems a bit out of his element doing film comedy, and it shows. that said, some genuine laughs, great 1 liners, superb "running gags", and awesome physical comedy show up, if imperfectly. the upload quality, as usual, is excellent! one4allfour1 has yet to even come close to disappointing me from any perspective, but load quality is ALWAYS exemplary! well worth watching, and thoroughly enjoyable, don't hesitate
