Catan in about 3 minutes

Catan in about 3 minutes

3 Minute Board Games

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3 Minute Board Games
3 Minute Board Games - 04.04.2023 13:33

And yes, i forgot the 2 space settlement placement rule when taking the photos. My error. I was trying to show building close together to get across the rules for how much stuff you get and broke the placement rules. I do it a couple of times in the video, all while trying to get more stuff in shot for close ups. Sorry for that

Ahab Wolf
Ahab Wolf - 12.04.2023 21:31

Another interesting way to play Catan is to replace the two D6's with a D12, removing any probability advantage from the dice roll. Tends to curb snowballing and put more emphasis on careful resource management and strategy.

Timo Seppa
Timo Seppa - 07.04.2023 16:45

As far as a gateway game for my kids - something for me to play with my kids - Ticket to Ride was much more successful and enjoyed. Catan never caught on with us. Personally (now or way back when), I would play it, but there were always many other games I would prefer to get to the table.

Really, I'd rather not.
Really, I'd rather not. - 07.04.2023 02:50

Correction! I love catan but it did NOT get me into the hobby: I hated catan, Pandemic get me into board gaming. I got into Catan about 15 years after that, because it's the most brutal game I have. For me, its replay-ability is second to none. You have to be happy to be miserable to enjoy the game, and for me that came a very long time down the road of getting-into-games.

Liam Murphy
Liam Murphy - 06.04.2023 01:59

RIP Klaus Teuber. Creator of this game I had never heard of before today. Died April 1st 2023.

mikec64 - 05.04.2023 19:15

The best thing about this game is declaring "Wheat Monopoly!" immediately after you traded wheat. That moment will not be forgotten, trust me. (RIP Klaus Teuber, thank you for bringing so many into the hobby and for giving me a game I could play while in the spare time I had as a parent.)

Ali SSS - 05.04.2023 10:19


Paul - 05.04.2023 02:44

Played the junior version with my family. Never felt the urge to play the full version.

Thomas Evans
Thomas Evans - 05.04.2023 02:27

You get the wood you win the game - Mark Banano

ziomalZparafii - 05.04.2023 01:25

I'm only a few years into board games and own only(?) ~100 games, played a few dozens more probably, yet I've never played Catan nor seen anyone play this live. I must be living in some sort of bubble probably. The same goes for Agricola, another classic one. Maybe some day... Who knows.

Andrew Me
Andrew Me - 05.04.2023 01:21

NT RR7 and now it's a fair game

gerrade71278 - 05.04.2023 01:09

The first game to show, mid twenties me, that gaming had evolved from Monopoly and Risk. Like most games, with Catan a good group is key to getting peak enjoyment. Thanks 3MBG

Thanks and RIP Klaus.

J Atkinson
J Atkinson - 05.04.2023 00:51

Still love this game. RIP Klaus Teuber!

lancourt - 05.04.2023 00:35

What a weird time for this to be posted. RIP Klaus Teuber

Kes Sharann
Kes Sharann - 04.04.2023 23:13

Catan was necessary but has since been completely replaced by Concordia.

Todd Linderman
Todd Linderman - 04.04.2023 23:09

The video mentions it's a game for 2-4 players, however, the game is for 3-4 players (expansion allows for 5-6 players). There are rules available, somewhere on the internet, for 2 players, and also the Catan Card Game, which is for 2 players ONLY.

TBahr - 04.04.2023 22:44

The worst part about Catan is when the same number gets rolled multiple times in a row and greatly benefits one player (which is never you of course).

In seriousness, I think base Catan is ok but Cities and Knights really elevates the experience to a new level.

Boaz Dror
Boaz Dror - 04.04.2023 21:58

RIP Klaus Teuber. What an oddly synchronous and inadvertently sad time to post this video! Only a few hours before his passing!

Drossus - 04.04.2023 21:56

Didn't bring me to board games, that'd be my manky old heroquest, but Catan certainly brought me back to them!
We had a flat, excess time, and about two years of great socialising over it (usually, but not always, accompanied by good games). Excellent gateway game that is occasionally ruined by someone being locked out of the board and thus having to sit around throwing dice while everyone else determines who wins.

wayner396 - 04.04.2023 20:04

I've always liked board games but Settlers of Catan, Killer Bunnies, and Munchkin were the first 3 games that really kicked off my dive into the hobby

Diego Orrego
Diego Orrego - 04.04.2023 19:11

Rest in peace Klaus

Pavol Kušnír
Pavol Kušnír - 04.04.2023 17:44

This video is much sadder when the designer of Catan left this world a few hours ago. I've never been a fan of his games, but he sure brought a lot of us and a lot of game makers to this hobby. RIP

Markus Momentum
Markus Momentum - 04.04.2023 17:40

Game of my childhood. Tried to convince my friends to play Settlers of Catan every game night, especially with expansions. Lost out to Risk sometimes. And overall, Bohnanza and Carcassonne hit the table way more often back then, and i still love those two. But my passion was in Settlers of Catan. Rest in Peace Klaus Teuber

Jonathan Pickles
Jonathan Pickles - 04.04.2023 16:44

It was never a favourite of mine either. I remember my disappointment at Spiel 95 this new game with huge buzz wasn't Die Macher ++.
Still I never hated it & I guess it introduced people to games that I might like?
Wow looked at BGG; boy did he milk it though (good for him:))

André Bruwer
André Bruwer - 04.04.2023 16:10

I'm just here to say that Power Grid is out-dated and should reflect the current global energy market where renewables are out pricing nuclear and coal. Unless there is a strategy to where one can win with renewables?

Gunnar Hagedorn
Gunnar Hagedorn - 04.04.2023 15:58

I feel that CATAN only turns into a fair, enjoyable boardgame after introducing the Expansion "Cities & Knights".

If you play with just the core game, though, the initial ressource province distribution pretty much determines the outcome and the winner, right from the start - with everyone else, especially the not so lucky owners of "poorer" provinces having to suffer through playing along until it's finally over.


Nevertheless, Rest in Peace, Klaus Teuber! Thank you for sharing your genius with us!

Robert Crist
Robert Crist - 04.04.2023 15:01

What was the game mentioned at the end which Catan owes a big thanks to?

Andrew Arenson
Andrew Arenson - 04.04.2023 14:21

This almost feels like an intentional throwback, like pretending that it's twenty years ago.

Steve George
Steve George - 04.04.2023 14:15

There are just so many other better games out there these days. This one has passed its use by date IMO. For the 'non-gamer' this title is popular. For the gamers, well, they have moved on.

Charlie Two Teas
Charlie Two Teas - 04.04.2023 13:46

I played this again recently and while it has really faded for me and doesn't hold up as well as Carcassonne its hard to think of another game that does as many things as Catan does in so accessible a way.

ISBayHudson - 04.04.2023 13:44

I really enjoy the participation aspect of Catan. Everyone is able to do something at most points of the game.

The game does totally fall apart I'd no one bothers trading!

ThatGuyCalledDai - 04.04.2023 13:38

Years after introducing my parents to Catan, they still always love bringing it out and yelling across the table at each other as roads are interrupted, deals are gazumped, and robbers are placed. It is true that some games you can just be relentlessly shut down, and of course there are games where certain numbers go crazy, but generally speaking there is enough there for a gamer to reliably finish top 2 through good decision-making.

Thankfully they've been weaned off it a little bit, but every now and then it's the perfect game to get out, get the nephews involved, and have a good bit of family time around the table.

3 Minute Board Games
3 Minute Board Games - 04.04.2023 13:15

Not long after this video was uploaded, news broke that Klaus Teuber had passed away. It's pretty hard to overstate the importance of Catan and Klaus to the hobby and its popularity these days. But i guess heres as good a place as any to sing the games praises. And while it was never one that really grabbed me, so many people who's company i have enjoyed in the hobby came to my table via Catan. So to Klaus and Catan I owe a bunch of happy memories.

Rest in Peace
