Why Ironheart SUCKS - A Scene Comparison

Why Ironheart SUCKS - A Scene Comparison

Jedi Brooks

1 год назад

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@striderls8970 - 18.11.2023 00:54

I have been watching some "MCU suck now, this is why" videos and this was a breath of fresh air.

All those videos jumped on and fueled the hate wagon (which sells tbh) for the extra attention. Gets boring quite fast, if I didn't agree with the idea already, I wouldn't watch any of those. What is your point?

This guy on the other hand makes spot on arguments, don't use any provocative language whatsoever, backs his points with valid comparisons and proves WHY the "thing" with Marvel nowadays is wrong. Most importantly, the video IS entertaining.

Thumbs up and thank you for the video.

@alanli22 - 05.02.2024 01:23


@kyliam80 - 04.02.2024 23:29

Um, agree with most of what you said. Except Blade wasn't what started it all. It was the first 2 Batman movies with Michael Keaton.

@anecro - 04.02.2024 23:21

Old Marvel writing: Follows basic rules that have been proven to work throughout time regardless of medium or setting. Everybody is flawed, everybody is distinct, everybody talks and acts like a real human taking on some impossible odds.
New Marvel writing: Our protagonists need to be extremely unlikeable, not take anything seriously throughout the entire movie and be able to do anything the plot requires them to immediately. They shall not develop and grow anymore and they will be accepted by everyone around them regardless of their actions.

@5stixxx - 04.02.2024 20:20

Why is it terribly written? Because ESG scores, feminism, affirmative action and fear of black women tears.

@shanethomas6368 - 04.02.2024 17:09

She was never supposed to be “a replacement for Ironman”
The root of your issue lies elsewhere.

@volbla - 04.02.2024 16:14

Had the entire project just been really lucky with finding the right creatives early on (i'm thinking mostly of Joss Whedon and the Russos), and were left with less passion/ambition after Endgame? Or did they try to do too much at once with all the series and couldn't give enough attention to either the individual projects' quality or the bigger picture?

Like, it's sad that it's gone downhill, but maybe it was a perfect storm that the Avengers saga, spanning 11 years from Iron Man to Endgame, turned out so great.

@GGBoi2468 - 04.02.2024 13:52

This guy explained all the reasons why Iron Man is my favorite marvel character

@frostedhams - 04.02.2024 12:42

yall actually watched the second black panther? Why even bother.

@peterphan227 - 04.02.2024 10:40

I stopped watching Marvel movies. At first I thought it was just superhero fatigue. But then I realized that the newer movies and characters just sucked.

@Ole_Rasmussen - 04.02.2024 10:05

What I don't understand is that they have all this potential for character development, which would be excellent material to extend the story 1-2 movies, and bring in so much more money, but they just go "yeah she's got a suit" and I'm starting to wonder if the writers are just not as good today as they were 15 years ago

@howardchen3456 - 04.02.2024 09:15

😂 iron heart? What a joke

@JEMurl - 04.02.2024 07:48

Dude, iron heart was just introduced.
Chill my dude!

@danielrock04 - 04.02.2024 06:17

I've watched almost every piece of media disney throw out up to the last spider man, and now I only can say that I didn't even knew that this movie exist...that tells how down they came with the MCU

@scatterbrainart - 04.02.2024 05:42

Her battle suit also looks lame.

@simongraham7343 - 03.02.2024 10:35

"I have no idea what their goal was with her(Riri) The answer is obvious: black girl does STEM. That's why the character exists.

@AVERYhornyMrDinosaur - 03.02.2024 04:09

as a dependent white male who identifies as a strong independent black female; this movie EMPOWERS me. it feels very empowering.

@AshCycle14 - 03.02.2024 03:52

I thought the title said "why iron man sucks" for a sec and almost died💀

@BlueMangoee - 03.02.2024 00:27

It's bizarre how Stan Lee dies and then they burn his creation to the ground. "I've been the luckiest man in the world because I've had friends, and to have the right friends is everything: people you can depend on, people who tell you the truth if you ask something." Stan Lee

@Golden.Silver.Conquistador - 02.02.2024 23:29

Unpopular opinion: we failed thus generation. We tell them do better, criticuze them, then when they say f you, we laugh and invalidate them. What else can we expect? Yes, I said we. Im part of the probkem, and dont know the solution either.

@kotk05 - 02.02.2024 21:32


@tylerdavis5186 - 02.02.2024 18:29

U know it's bad when u watch the movie a couple of months ago and already forgot it like me

@JonnyBeetle - 02.02.2024 17:58

I am still waiting for someone at disney saying "just let us reboot the MCU" and the whole shit starts anew but even worse

@Renirhs - 02.02.2024 17:32

Riri could have been a great character. The origin story in the comic was a teacher told her she could never be Tony stark. So she set out to be him. The origin could have been her realizing she'll never be iorn man but she could be herself the self that can be a hero. Having her be humbled and having her come to realize that Tony wasn't a man in a suit of armor he was a hero in a suit of armor.

@blitzcrusher299 - 02.02.2024 15:57

Great video. All your points are right on.

@haruyasumi616 - 02.02.2024 14:10

i actually never watched a single MCU film until about 2 and a half months ago. i saw 'spider man coming home' show up on netflix and decided to give it a try. at first i wasn't sure about the peter parker character (i read the comics in the 70s/early 80s with the character a bit older, and more of an outsider) but then when tony starks appeared, started to like the character play between them, and became intrigued with the tony starks character, so i watched iron man (2008). and at first was like 'wow is this character really such an arrogant dick?' and then saw how he has a redemption, and actually kind of love how hilariously arrogant he is, but do get reminded that tony starks has a heart from time to time.

i binge watched about 75% of the movies throughout december and the first week in january. and bit by bit am rewatching some. or catching ones i missed.

one problem i often found with superhero movies is that (especially with modern hollywood audiences who feel an entitlement that everything should have an explanation) even if it's a character we have known from childhood, it always seems to start with origins story.
literally nobody going to see spider-man needs to be told that he was bitten by a radio-active spider. we all know bruce wayne was traumatised by seeing his parents murdered. to tell spider man's story from scratch, introducing who he is before the bite, how the bite comes to happen, how he sees those changes take place. how/why he tries to hide it, and how he comes to decide to go vigilante and how he develops his skills are all an interesting story, worth being told. but unless it's rushed, it's going to take at least 45 minutes until we meet the Bad Guy. however we can start a film with all that assumed and it's just "one day your friendly neighbourhood spider man is swinging through manhattan when....." and we are already in the thick of it. plus setting up character can be replaced by developing character.

By phase 2, we are already in that position. we are in the position where characters can start being more rounded. for example we can be shown loki sometimes doing the decent thing, and then never being able to be sure whether he is trustworthy or not. we can see tony starks lose his cool, and get it back. we get to see what happens if two characters we knew before, come together.

but now they seem to be trying to bring in more and more new characters and retire off the ones that had been built up. it actually would have been great to see it go on further with starks mentoring parker. could spidey have outgrown iron man in the end? sure, i know robert downey jr was expensive - but they were making like 2 billion dollars out of movies he appeared in, why be stingy?

instead we get movies with new characters. that take another hour to be set up, without much pay-off. and they already used the marvel characters that were enduring/successful. these characters ran for so long in the comics because they worked. i think there are good reasons why almost everyone knows who spider man and hulk are (and the same for certain DC characters like batman, soup, and wonder-woman). mar-vell comics didn't sell well. why would people think a sidekick character from it would have as much impact as one of marvel's long running popular characters?

@besttank4274 - 02.02.2024 13:20

ironheart?more like irontard i need to let this one out

@beasmode18 - 02.02.2024 11:02

Remember guys, Riri created her first machine at 3 years old

@ashurad_fox5991 - 02.02.2024 08:16

To me some very simple set scenes show why Ironman works and why Ironheart sucks.

Why Ironman's suit and movies work, is we see Tony building something from scraps in a cave to improving continuously to the point that it reaches and even surpasses powerful alien tech and entities.

-The first miniature arc reactor was built so carefully in the first movie, and the new reactor was built by effort even with the new element.
-The building of the Mark 2 armor, seeing the moving parts shifts into place during development and while being worn. And we see the flaws of it when testing,
-The improvement of Tony's armor and ai from past experiences, which shows the fruit of his labor.
-What makes Iron man strong is not the suit, it's because Tony is the one who made and is in it.

Everything about those just hits perfectly, and as someone who was originally supposed to study Mechanical engineering... I still drool when I see those scenes. (Regardless if it's not realistically possible, since it is believable at least.) It takes years and tons of improvement to make such a wonderful suit.

The we see how Ruri did it. It was done so dirty...

-The miniature reactor was just a spinning thing, no safety in mind nor how the arc reactor works that way.
-Built a perfect armor on their garage, and it's pure cgi... With Tony's tech on the internet. (That doesn't make sense)
-No improvement needed, straight up built the skeletal framework and completed the armor. (Is this an insult to everyone who works hard? Pretty sure no one can create a perfect mechanization on their first try... Heck I even triple check my source code in programming)
-He was supposed to be Tony's successor... We ended up with a failure. (Success is a poor teacher)

Everything about it is just so wrong, rushed and can't be seen how much effort was needed to make such an armor. The scene where she made the suit should be impactful but not. (In these types of movies, it's important to "show and not tell"... clearly no one got the memo)

@Biggarou - 02.02.2024 06:25

they are checking boxes, plain and simple. is he black, yes. is he a she? yes, is this guy gay, no she's non binary. is the story there, no is their anything that makes me latch onto the character? not a one. is the suit cool? no it looks like a polished turd. can she act? she talking out of the side of her mouth so she can look gansta, so no. any men in this? yeas white men she can beat up 40x her size...... did you forget in all of that box checking who actually paind to do to see the movies of the past? what your target audience was? we remembered and, it's not what you are pedding unless you want to try to sell it on twitter.

@claytheredclay4094 - 02.02.2024 05:55

I could not agree more with everything you said.

@scale...3d - 02.02.2024 04:43

Also, do you guys notice how MCU is shifting towards showing how powerful female superheroes are? Like I don't understand what's happened to them. It all started when our GOAT Stan passed away. It's really sad to see his legacy fall apart into pieces. The characters don't even make sense these days. Earlier, they had a story to them, a good personality to them, a clear moral compass and a reason to fight. These days, it seems like none of that exists, the only reason why the movie is there is to show the audience some action scenes which are also dumb. Like dude, a kid literally doing acrobatics in the sky without any G-force training, yeah, right!

@burger-ci9kf - 02.02.2024 03:53

Tbh ever since infinity war, Marvel has been going in a down hill spiral. I wish i could enjoy these new movies they are cranking out but they just don’t have the same thought and passion put into them.

@collinwaugh939 - 02.02.2024 00:54

iron heart is a dog shit piss poor diversity inclusion hire there all bland shallow and perfect from the off which makes them boring and pretty much worthless !! a complete waste just like the garbage the marvels was !!!💩💩💩

@larrythompson8630 - 01.02.2024 23:41

Too dang much truth on this one. I was expecting to not agree. This next generation is like society. No consequences, no responsibility.

@ahmedbighead - 01.02.2024 19:56

Ngl bro yelling “oh sh** she got a iron man suit” made me giggle

@kittredge5167 - 01.02.2024 19:42

Blade? I think you mean Batman. It made like 400 million in the 80s and after inflation that puts it well into the billion dollar club.

By comparison, Blade did poorly.

@smac919 - 01.02.2024 16:43

Tbh I forgot that scene even happened lol

@jetfuel7149 - 01.02.2024 15:38

Watched this video, I had never heard of Iron Heart and now I still don't want to watch it. Im going to re-watch Iron Man tonight 😂

@yalhexander5641 - 01.02.2024 15:30

Ironhearts storying in Black Panther 2 is the story cliche that they where making fun of in the comics XD

@ethancobabe2420 - 01.02.2024 09:17

Nothing like watching every thing I loved growing up die a torturous drawn out death...

@DylanDepolitoXIII - 01.02.2024 05:58

media is a reflection of our values what does the ironheart movie say

@Najibar - 01.02.2024 03:12

I just keep asking myself, who the fuck makes the decision to green light stories like this? Cause for sure Kevin Feige knows how to build and manage the MCU until endgame with minimal disaster. I mean is someone holding back kevin? Who the fuck at Disney hires incompetent writers? I mean is there someone at Disney who doesn't care about profit and good stories? Like WTF? WHAT IS GOING ON?

@erickbriones2577 - 01.02.2024 02:48

Lazy wokiness is plague ruining movies

@glglg8791 - 01.02.2024 02:19

Bro is it just me or do I just want the new iron man to be that kid from iron man 3

@tprimeplayz6450 - 01.02.2024 01:05

Wait wait wait. Iron heart is a real movie. Who saw any advertisement for this movie. Because I did not see a singular thing of advertisement.

@michaelgibbons1978 - 31.01.2024 22:59

Except for the Spiderman movies everything after endgame sucked

@briandortelus8030 - 31.01.2024 21:22

We don't need feminist rhetoric in a movie . People want to relax in a calm way and enjoy what they pay for on their leisure time. The writers were rude and very intrusive.

@jamespope7669 - 31.01.2024 14:29

Remember Tony hammering scraps to build a suit of armour so he could escape terrorist and then there's Riri hammering armour in wakanda 😂

@darkreflection9087 - 31.01.2024 08:52

Disney has ruined the MCU only the Shows are good now
