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DrunKao - 14.11.2023 03:10

Why is it almost 7 hours though?

Justin Halsall
Justin Halsall - 10.11.2023 11:44

Such a great video I’m going to watch it twice!

The Official
The Official "Guardian Units of Nations" Channel - 26.09.2023 04:05

Its like making a documentary on like, atoms and sylvester stallone just walks past.

Royal Wins
Royal Wins - 27.08.2023 22:55

It's a sad indictment of society that a single person takes Caldicott seriously.

Royal Wins
Royal Wins - 27.08.2023 22:53

The mind boggles

watchthe1369 - 02.08.2023 16:53

I have watched people pursue causes, they are focused on an outcome they want. That focus on an outcome can be used to authorize any kind of unethical conduct. We got trouble with a capitol "T" which rhymes with "P" which stands for plutonium! OMG!
A thorium breeder can consume that waste and the ash is a form of depleted uranium that cannot be used for anything else. However the CAUSE is for a GREEN Earth and Nuclear of any kind is evil, yet it is part of a solution.

Walter Brown
Walter Brown - 17.07.2023 22:12

Have recently heard of the technology and am interested. As an 88 year old retired electrical engineer, there's not much I can do anymore to encourage more work on bringing this technology to practical application as a major energy source. LFTR power generation seems like an almost perfect solution to all the "electric vehicle and windfarm/solarfarm" cult money and effort problems. The "N" word in this arena is as hated as the other one. Unfortunately even the universities apparently have closed doors as far as educating their graduate students and doing post-grad research in the field.

I've been a member of IEEE for many years, even after 30 years retirement, receive their monthly SPECTRUM publication and have never seen even one article on LFTR power.

Dan Chesney
Dan Chesney - 05.07.2023 01:24

Helen Caldicott is a merchant of doubt. She is no different than the so-called experts that argued that there was no connection between cancer & cigarettes, or ones that argued that there was no connection between the use of freon & damage to the ozone layer, or the ones that argue there is no connection between the use of fossil fuels & global warming. She's a professional liar that's made a very good living at it.

Ignorant means you don't know, stupid means you can't. Willful ignorance is a conscious decision to not know, a self-imposed functional stupidity that's indistinguishable from the real thing, except that it's much more stubborn & difficult to rectify. Helen Caldicott is not just dangerous, she has done real damage to society as a whole by convincing other people to be stupid on purpose along with her. She perpetuates a soft form of violence that is so soft, people will actually help her lower their own standard of living & health.

Ranoj Biswas
Ranoj Biswas - 09.06.2023 23:00

Hello sir

zawzawz - 09.06.2023 01:21

Caldicott is a real piece of work. She’s just an unabashed primitivist with a doctorate.

Chris Larsen
Chris Larsen - 22.05.2023 07:53

guys im the biggest advocate of nuclear science there is but..... leave ethanol alone guys please!!!! have you ever done the quarter mile in eight seconds? methanol and ethanol give boosted engines a dose of cool hell fire! please don't disrupt the flow of that beautiful blue flame! lol!

xShadionYTPx - 11.05.2023 20:15

thats treason

Mark Davich
Mark Davich - 19.04.2023 19:53

I get it when people tell me that statistically speaking, pressurized reactors are safe - They're safe right up until they're not. All it takes is ONE and we've had two (that I know of) that shot down the 'Containment works' argument AND, even if it did work, humans still have to go in and clean it up. Pressurized reactors are unstable radioactive steam bombs by definition and all should be shut down immediately if only to root out and get rid of every last person who stands in the way of building MSRs.

DuelingBongos - 13.04.2023 18:39

Thank Googleness this video can have the playback speed changed to 1.75x so 6hrs, 27min worth of video can be viewed in 3hrs, 40min !!!

Arthur Riaf
Arthur Riaf - 20.02.2023 03:02

There you have it, There are lies, True lies and statistics. These arguments are from people that might be good intentioned but they are blatantly distorting the facts! Hysteria about these "untrue facts" are costing the world money and smart energy. Nuclear energy in spite of all accidents including Chernobyl haven't killed the number of people compared to coal, oil, or gas, that is in the tens of thousands. Even Fukushima didn't kill anyone during or after the disaster. On the other hand pollution from burning any fossil fuels has harmed millions world wide and lead to the death indirectly of many more, possibly millions. Cities in China had air pollution that was so bad they banned certain manufacturing when the Olympics was held to keep from letting the world see the mess in the air. Some day I hope intelligence wins over all the stupidity against it and smart decisions can lead to a better future. I have doubts when I watch the lies people believe without doing their own research. art

alexanderx33 - 17.02.2023 08:22

The cool thing about the nuclear airplane is a famous physicist that worked on the manhattan project was the pattent holder. He just spitballed a bunch of ideas at the pattent clerk and they gave it to him. Then they proceeded to give him a dollar for it. (It's a whole funny story he wrote about in his memoirs "Surely your Joking Mr. Feinman") When the project started they called him up because they wanted him to run it and he had to tell them how it was just a joke.

Warren Graham
Warren Graham - 17.02.2023 06:57

The and diethyl ether idea seems like it was a throwaway remark that kirk did not research very thoroughly.
I have been under the perhaps misaprehension that power-to-methane was THE superior (carbon neutral) technology for energy transfer to vehicles (for ALOT of very good reasons which I won't list here unless someone is interested) but until recently it did not occur to me that by far the most inefficient part of the process would be the extraction of CO2 from the air. Something kirk just says they will do for his liquid fuels. CO2 is only about 0.4% of air. It takes a much larger quantity of energy to isolate it from air than can be stored in the chemical energy you would have by converting it to methane. IE that one step is well under 50% efficiency. I would guess it's less than 5%.
Power to gas projects ALWAYS use a concentrated CO2 source for this reason.
However I recently had an idea which I need to research more, about the relative solubility of CO2 in water. Its actually quite good. And lakes are likely one of the best alternatives for a concentrated non-fossil CO2 source that would have been released anyway even if we were not using any fossil carbon.

Warren Graham
Warren Graham - 17.02.2023 06:36

You want more nuclear engineers? Half the battle is the fact you have to get people that are fine being random drug tested by default. Because its all regulated by the DOE. Same problem as they have staffing refineries. Very few young people want to work somewhere that they will immediately get fired and blacklisted from the entire industry they got their expensive education in merely for having metabolites in their system which would result even if they were keeping work and play 100% seperate. It could literally be that they go to holland one time and try a joint and get home have a random drug test and their life is ruined by the laws that surround these industries.

Garrett. Luke Luke Moore
Garrett. Luke Luke Moore - 16.02.2023 07:31

Big ole oil got a secret line in time formed understud but never used how the fuvk did gravity do it it's cintriifical force liner rotation with suck

Garrett. Luke Luke Moore
Garrett. Luke Luke Moore - 16.02.2023 07:27

I'ma betting big tech never gonna learn old slick Rick using oily talk

Arthur Riaf
Arthur Riaf - 03.02.2023 03:34

It seems the research into this system, paid for by the people of America will be taken to China and used. What special interest group has cost the American people a future with low cost energy? It's a crime against us to give away hard learned technology. If this nation wants electric cars it better build a low cost source of that electricity. Burning oil or coal isn't ecologically smart. Using nuclear power is making long lived waste and hydro is limited. Wind is a joke, we have turbines that take more energy to create , move , install and maintain than all the energy they will produce in their lifetime and solar is marginal with less than 20% efficiency and only works in sunny times.
A national wide plan that make sense for the future better be developed because doing nothing is dooming this country in the not to distant future.
Ignore special interest groups and think like Elon, THINK BIGGER. Make oil, coal, natural gas developers invest in this and shift their industries to eliminating the old ways and be part of a cleaner future. MANDATE IT. Art.

Brian Schneide
Brian Schneide - 17.01.2023 03:42

spreading the word

White Post Studio
White Post Studio - 28.12.2022 01:00

The covert behind the scenes forces that were and are working to keep Thorium MSRs out of world wide usage are proof that conspiracies do exist and that they are alive and well. This technology would cause the deep state to loose control of the masses, which would result in world wide progress and prosperity.

Steven Louis Mendez II
Steven Louis Mendez II - 24.12.2022 19:33

Are you confident in your designs ability to stand up to earth quakes

Steven Louis Mendez II
Steven Louis Mendez II - 23.12.2022 03:01

it worked, more money more power no problem😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤

Steven Louis Mendez II
Steven Louis Mendez II - 23.12.2022 03:01

Oaisis Research facility in Salton Sea California is where your dream will be put to the test. know we believe in you

hockeyhalod - 20.12.2022 17:46

5 years later, I wonder if those Ivy league schools can now afford to dip into their massive trusts to pay for more Thorium work.

felderup - 24.11.2022 04:12

there's really nothing stopping someone from doing this in a basement, aside from lack of basement, so... just build some reactors outside of the regulators auspices.

Blip Cargo
Blip Cargo - 16.11.2022 08:11

Is gordon mcdowell still alive ? I haven't seen anything new from him in years .

Hudson Santos
Hudson Santos - 10.11.2022 06:30

Man, this is pure GOLD! Tks for do this and everyone envolved!

MaxB6852 - 03.11.2022 07:19

The dust on Mars contains thorium, dust devils' could automatically refuel thorium fueled Liquid salt nuclear reactors.

Bex Hill
Bex Hill - 20.09.2022 01:28

usual fake science run by clowns,sad thing is most folk like the circus....

Roger Froud
Roger Froud - 09.09.2022 21:04

The part about ICE cars hasn't aged well. EVs make total sense now, while ICE cars or Hydrogen cars are dead ends. LFTR generating power for EVs is the future.

mini moto mania
mini moto mania - 28.08.2022 01:35

I guess we will see if china gets there

MaxB6852 - 27.08.2022 08:21

Instead of replying on diesel powered pumps, had Fukashima had water tower on a nearby hill gravity would have maintained a water supply to the Nuclear Reactor and the accident would not have happened. The Chinese used the US freedom of information laws to gain the information they needed from Oak Ridge National Labority now they are building Thorium fueled Liquid Salt Nuclear Reactors.

MaxB6852 - 27.08.2022 07:52

One has to ask why were the solar panels mounter horizontally?
Had they been vertically no dust could cover them.
If space craft were powered by Man Made Diamond batteries they would last 1500 years, not a few decades.
Potatoes can be Bandicooted which is what the Bandicoot does, it burrows under the ground and eats potatoes from the roots, the plant does not die, it produces more roots and more potatoes.
Thorium is found in clay, there is plenty of clay on Mars. Thorium fueled nuclear reactors could automatically be refueled by dust devils.

icebluscorpion - 16.08.2022 22:28

Sending hydrogen overboard... So retarded why not reusing the oxygen in the co2 in the first place?

BeldansFire - 16.08.2022 08:31

Martin Luther King was a Star Treck Fan.

NEDMKitten - 11.08.2022 10:15

At 40% became full crack pot

JayDoRaD0 - 02.08.2022 11:07

I'm only at 1/3 of the video, but its already amazing! It also addresses so many of the problems with our current activist approach to decarbonization
