How Introverts Can Pick Up Girls

How Introverts Can Pick Up Girls


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@JesusChristIsLord.PraiseGOD. - 08.01.2024 08:40

I dont mess with squirrels man. One time i walked passed a squirrel and he jumped on me started scratching my hands

@LaSnowOfficial - 26.12.2023 19:53

Am Subscribing ❤❤

@testingrighttesting8719 - 25.12.2023 05:32

i have watched so many videos in my life, never have i resonated so much with someone else

@hyrumprince5383 - 20.11.2023 03:29

I love it how you just made a huge blanket statement about what OCD exactly is or isn’t. Maybe read a book or do some research before you just starting spewing bull shit out of your mouth. SMH 🤦🏻‍♂️

@hazemghozlani6401 - 10.10.2023 14:15

That was obviously staged, that squirrel works for you, if I had such a smart squirrel working for me, picking up girls would be a piece of patty for me too.

@Dr.HarshTruth - 22.09.2023 14:37

Why do you use your superjacket to promote your master class :D?

@specialgems - 24.08.2023 12:41

No you can't period!

@Timefades1 - 02.07.2023 21:43

Great video man. Great job on deeper level explanation and life analysis . Ur touching many lives and inspired me to spread the light and truth myself

@nikobellic475 - 02.07.2023 16:19

having adhd is one thing ,but letting it stop me is totally diffrent topic

@memeorandom2299 - 23.06.2023 11:12

I'm way too stoic and logical in my conversations. I absolutely hate it because I know I'm not interesting..... But I don't know how to break out of it. I used to be funny and creative and fun with my conversations in my 20s but it just kind of disappeared after a lot of different traumas in my life. Mainly relationship traumas. I don't know how to get my creative, funny, excited self back. 🤬

@krzmal12718235 - 05.06.2023 12:11

I really like to watch you videos. I live in Poland. The issue I have is the age (38) that really is blocking me little bit, mentally I mean, plus I have son. Would like to meet someone that is not already shaped and it is difficult. Maybe I am not approaching enough girls, but the ones you talk to are already too young for me. Going trough statistics, apps, videos like yours.. really makes me loose hope due to the fact thing you teach should be implemented like when I was 20 not 38.,,, but still trying

@jessereid8482 - 16.05.2023 22:26

that is 90% of the interactions I have. it's like, "oh hey I thought I'd come up and talk to you because i thought- OH DUDE SQUIRREL" and then I completely forget what I'm saying and we just talk from then on

@BmoreMike94 - 08.05.2023 20:55

Jack this was such a good video. I took so many notes! Anyone who doesn't write things down from this video is missing out. In one ear and out the other most likely. We can only retain so much.

@danielestiferson2345 - 05.05.2023 00:54

I guess I have ocd and ahdhd😂😂 I'm constantly checking the stove, if the door is locked, and if the house is organized. I can't stand mess, even a little crumb of bread .

@oasdfo3 - 03.05.2023 16:55

Fake. Hes an tall extrovert w WHITE SKIN ADVANTAGE

@adamnonnenmacher7774 - 23.04.2023 07:19

The mustache looks like shit brah. Love you.

@tyterry9017 - 19.04.2023 21:07

Jack: I need to keep this conversation with this chick interesting.
Squirrel with a hamburger patty: I gotchu homie

@mrfixit8776 - 19.04.2023 01:13

I have all those things mentioned plus medical conditions such as Partial Seizures, Crohn's Disease, High blood Pressure. These health issues keep me from approaching as my 20 sec seizures get triggered 70% of the time during an approach. At times I can control them but not always and my body goes into an epileptical seizure mode. Also, having Crohn's, I can't be that much in public as sometimes I need to use a restroom ASAP and also the fatigue I get throughout the day from this and have to rest several times a day. Having HBP, I can't live alone, as a few times a year my BP jumps to 178 and my body goes into shock which my family members have to help me to lower it. As a 34 year old 5'5 bald hair ginger it's really tough to approach someone as only like 1-5% would even pay attention to me and that's when I don't get a seizure triggered. Most females just get creeped out, and the way I talk with some forms of Eastern European accent as I get a bit anxious and my accent starts to come out. Anyone have similar stories like mine that their body prevents them from approaching and making new friends.

@ptootie5657 - 17.04.2023 03:31

If you cant start a conversation literally just walk up to them, introduce yourself, and ask them out on a date. Keep it simple, better than missing your chance.

@flameinferno3754 - 12.04.2023 17:57

People dont want to talk to someone with asperger like me. Its a everyday thing with me

@pablopj - 11.04.2023 17:53

Longest ad I've ever seen

@Somebodythatyouneverknew - 05.04.2023 03:09

Doesn’t work for everyone, done it for 7 years so far so good luck kings!!! Just keep being yourselves.

@iraf.official - 04.04.2023 13:04


@nunopereira265 - 03.04.2023 23:56

Interesting way of seeing a disorder and kinda using it, indeed a creative thing

@willcharles4446 - 01.04.2023 20:52

I just dont think you need to use the f word so much.Most girls dont like it!!

@Mohamedtarek-qz2zj - 31.03.2023 02:23

Love how you jump from one topic to another like an adhd😂

@galihcd - 30.03.2023 14:28

You're tall and handsome, I am ugly and short. You know the math

@joseangelamayaandrion8228 - 28.03.2023 07:48

I thought you were making the n@zi salute I just watched a video about Hitler and Eduard Bloch 😭😭😭😭

@bartek_cumuje3861 - 25.03.2023 21:08

i used to be an afraid of losing friends socially akward kid but i decide to improve all skills i known i had problem with cuz im so aware about my self and now when im not scared of being my self people is asking me things like how can u dont care that mutch about anythink and how im not scared to do things like dancing while im on the walk, like its funny that in a few years im changed from a guy that dont know how to talk to peaople to guy that is helping others to fight with theirs sociall problems

@MrHumble101 - 25.03.2023 01:42

Mann these type of videos are really inspiring. For the longest I’ve been fighting anxiety, social anxiety, depression, ocd, and ptsd. At first i felt like that there’s something wrong with me because I only have like one female friend and when a girl does talk to I freeze up and that’s when my anxiety kicks in because due to me barely having any female friends I’m not used to girls talking to me. Those experiences taught me not to try to fit in and just be yourself. I personally love solitude so i have no problem being alone

@FastasFox35 - 24.03.2023 17:39

Just keeping the back of your head " they cannot take my birthday away" 😂

@miguelzamora2011 - 23.03.2023 10:57

"whatever comes out of your mouth is art too". Looks like ma boy took a page outta Kanye's book. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Kanye talks about how even speaking can be an art in and of itself. Kinda cool jack figured that out too

@ChadsYTLife_ - 22.03.2023 07:55

Lol of the squirrel scene 😂

@unsealedhades7635 - 21.03.2023 23:43

I'm shy but if I didn't have such a hard time coming up with things to talk about because of my medical problems I'd be able to get more girls if I wanted to but I honestly feel happier single and with over 30 medical problems and being in the undiagnosed disease program it'll be easier for me being single plus with being in the undiagnosed disease program I get different tests done that most people don't know exists and painful tests and soon I'm probably gonna have my 13th different surgery which I need because both of my knee caps have shifted outwards and up so my knee caps are not where they're supposed to be in a long term relationship it'll be hard for my girlfriend so that narrows it down and because of my medical problems I don't want kids so that narrows the chances of getting a girlfriend even lower and because of my medical problems I never got a childhood I was diagnosed with chronic pain at four years old and the state declared me as disabled when I was 9 my medical are so serious and I have so many to where when I'm able to get disability money and since other things they said they probably won't have their own doctors check me over if the state don't check over your medical problems by their own doctors you have some serious medical problems and because of it all I look at life very differently and because of my medical problems I had to become okay at the thought of dying from medical problems I look at it like this each medical problem has a chance to affect something important and die because of it and I have over 30 and I just found out I have obstructive sleep apnea degenerative disc disease and one other thing so I'm pretty sure that makes 40 medical problems I have 40 medical problems so the chances of me dying early in life because of medical problems is 50% or more so I'm most likely dying young and because of this I don't care what people think of me I live with things most people don't know about I live with the unknown not one doctor in the world knows how to help me if I was anyone else they wouldn't be in the right state of mind like I am I can deal with a very high amount of pain so everything I do I do it differently then everyone else and I'm glad not many people experience all the things I live with because nobody should have to deal with this but I look at everything in life differently and it has helped me

@goatlogico - 20.03.2023 08:18

Legends say that the squirrel was a paid actor 😂

@guitargod63 - 20.03.2023 00:41

How to pick up girls:
Step 1: Pray there’s a squirrel eating a hamburger patty!

@PitOneGaming - 19.03.2023 07:57

I have severe OCD

Seeing OCD as a super power and to channel that into something great instead of anxiety sounds amazing

@cozm1q14 - 19.03.2023 07:41

I don’t have ADHD or OCD or whatever, I’m just introverted and paranoid and insecure. But what you say still helps, but I still never know how to keep a conversation going, I never know what to say.

@kittylikemebluejay9723 - 18.03.2023 05:14

The part with staying at home and not seeing the sun is true....

@OriginalC0dePr0xy - 18.03.2023 04:41

I can't focus unless I'm in a perfect environment.

@AymanRedx - 17.03.2023 01:27

Him : talking to the girl

Camera Man : Am a Squirrel

@Mizo782 - 16.03.2023 19:36


@kibets.revenge - 15.03.2023 19:01

I just get easily distracted by the smallest things

@RexWu - 15.03.2023 01:06

so i just have to make sure that wherever i go, i have to make sure that there's a squirrel eating a burger it

@m4rt1n66 - 14.03.2023 18:57

Step1: get a squirrel

@andrewzloops5663 - 14.03.2023 15:40

no snap?

@ishyameru6232 - 14.03.2023 08:01

I rapidly improved at social situations in college even though I only went for a semester. I’m really introverted and space out but where I seem to excel is making weird and funny remarks lol. Like the whole room will go silent and I’d accidentally blurt out what I was thinking, and to my surprise everyone would burst out in laughter
