PANCHAKARMA for TOTAL BODY CLEANSING & Detox in Ayurveda- Dr.Sreelakshmi C Reddy | Doctors' Circle

PANCHAKARMA for TOTAL BODY CLEANSING & Detox in Ayurveda- Dr.Sreelakshmi C Reddy | Doctors' Circle

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@MichaelPittmanJr. - 22.05.2023 17:02

I'm trying to detox from THC after years of use. I have a drug screen in 5 days. It has been 30 days now. What do you suggest I do on the last two days. Should I continue to take st John's wort and activated charcoal during the last 2 days? Thanks

@jayadama1301 - 23.05.2023 04:21

Dr.Reddy the Panchakarma is very source in total body?

@ratheshs.a250 - 09.06.2023 12:18

I'm having gas problem
Age 34 male
What treatment should I take

@labhshankarthanki6253 - 06.03.2025 04:05

Gujarati 0r hindime bolo abhar
