Star Citizen: Invictus Launch Week 2953 Comes Home | Teaser

Star Citizen: Invictus Launch Week 2953 Comes Home | Teaser

Star Citizen

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LordDemonos - 19.05.2023 19:04

I still prefer this trailer. It brings tears to my eyes every time, every year.

Rabbit - 19.05.2023 04:07

Why are the NPC moving, I miss the T-Pose. Also make sure they stand on chairs. Thank you.

PS. Will still buy your ship. LOL

J.D. - 18.05.2023 04:28

This will be a good time of the year for Star Citizen. 🥳🎉🥳🎉

Лошара Моисеев
Лошара Моисеев - 17.05.2023 08:32

Squadron still not a thing ye?

wheelz79 - 15.05.2023 19:43

If you don't release the Liberator, or at least a whole lot more info about it, during Invictus I am going to cause a Reddit riot... Teasing is only nice if it leads to a happy ending!

Jildert - 15.05.2023 10:59

Ahhh our annual tradition of playing star citizen for free a couple of days and putting it back on the shelf until its finished. Probably the best way to enjoy the game hahahaa

INMATE - 13.05.2023 23:28

Just hope that there will be a setting where players can choose how difficult they want their gameplay. I mean not all of us are here to check our ship out for 20 min, make sure everything is working for another 20 min instead of just repairing your ship with the menu and not having to check every part every time you get into your ship. Almost like a hardcore game settings and then like a casual game settings, or even a casual server where things are more simple and if they choose they can switch server but will have to start over as their data will not carry over.

All some people ant is to chill and fly around doing some cargo missions and sigt seeing.

CH3CKS UND3AD - 13.05.2023 05:38

why cant yall make the game run like this for crying out loud
I wish it looked even a 1/10 as good as this

Jurgimba - 12.05.2023 20:38

With a drop in fps to 10 frames (at 3080 + 11700K) and a million bugs, I don’t want to buy again, I’m glad that they returned the money. For so many years, such a large-scale campaign has yielded nothing. It's just a shame. Already it does not look as presentable as it looked with this level of graphics 4 years ago. I go to see what's new in the game and a complete disappointment. I wonder how many idiots are willing to pay more?!
During all this time, only impressive videos have been learned to make and ships to sell.

Ethan Janssens
Ethan Janssens - 12.05.2023 09:59

Anyone still believing they're going to ever officialy launch this game is already far gone in the delusional realm. Years upon years of releasing non-official versions with all of the junk that you accumulated in those years: gone. Just waiting for D-Day.

Rix xy
Rix xy - 12.05.2023 09:18

NOTE: Video has nothing to do with actual game/gameplay.
ADVISORY: Take everything you saw/felt from this trailer and expect the complete opposite in actual gameplay.
SURGEN GENERAL WARNING: Actual gameplay is 100x worse than you can imagine. Relentless rage-quits. hair loss, divorce, and tourette cursing of Chris Roberts are common side-effects.

Ains 2
Ains 2 - 12.05.2023 04:11

area 18 just went from 20 fps to 5 fps

Rhukka - 12.05.2023 01:06

Wooohow flashy CGI, thats what i paid for!

Oleg K
Oleg K - 11.05.2023 21:45

Oh boy, better buy more legatus packages, commandos!

A D - 11.05.2023 15:58

Welcome to the ScamLaunchWeek where you can pledge for an unpleasant Walking Simulator with a BROKEN GPS System, which makes pure headache and sometimes you just travel for 30 mins straight while doing nothing. Because Robert isnt a Gamer anymore. Hes a dighead

Vincent V
Vincent V - 11.05.2023 01:24

600i is there, does that mean the 600i is for sale now? lol

Der Typ
Der Typ - 10.05.2023 16:08

Good ol' scamvictus week 🤣

Noalear - 10.05.2023 12:01

I genuinely hope they try to drop 3.19 right on day 1 of ILW. It will be a clusterfunk of a magnitude never seen before. Looking forward to June 1st when the game will return to a nearly playable state with NPCs t-posing on trash cans and your ship exploding when you drop a water bottle inside of it like god intended. Last year's ILW feels like it was just yesterday when it looked like Pyro was FINALLY going to release soon and 4.0 was coming after 3.18, which was set to release in November. Hey, at least we're looking at getting a 4.0 release and server meshing in December 2023 though, right guys? Right? I'm sure it wont be delayed until Q1 of 2024. Then Q2. Without Pyro. Or server meshing. Surely.

Dallas Scandling
Dallas Scandling - 10.05.2023 03:03

Time for my wallet to take another hit

Tyrannosaurus Human
Tyrannosaurus Human - 09.05.2023 21:44

I can hear my RAM screaming in the house while I watch this out front on my phone.

Alex Coralin
Alex Coralin - 09.05.2023 10:45

It's not a game it's an alternate universe at this point you can visit

Gobb - 09.05.2023 09:52

cig buy me all ships please.

Doc SAR - 09.05.2023 09:35

CIG wake up and stop selling smoke. The community in general is fed up with you.

Twisted_Pickles - 09.05.2023 08:00

We consistently forget how absolutely mind blowing and amazing these space ships are for everyday citizens who will never own one lol

Spookd - 09.05.2023 01:07

I think it would be a lot funnier if all the crowds were just standing on tables and chairs, staring at walls

BaneSIlvermoon - 08.05.2023 18:07

It legit impresses me that this game always manages to pull in a bunch of new players with every free fly event. The events ALWAYS wreck the servers and give a worse impression of the game than it would normally. (which normal can sometimes still be pretty bad). Not sure if it just says something about how what they're doing appeals to people or what. But I've been pretty close to it for about six years now, and it never ceases to surprise that the poorly performing events continue to be quite successful in drawing people in.

DinoDinero - 08.05.2023 14:45

I wonder how many hours of work put into making those trailers and cinematics.

B2Pproduction - 08.05.2023 12:28

Can't wait for the free fly, recently streamers I follow have gotten me interested in the game but my pc is a laptop that I'm far from sure will be able to handle it. Hopefully it doesn't melt if it does ig I'll wait till I can afford to put money in gaming again.

flying dragon car
flying dragon car - 08.05.2023 09:32

So , are the NPCS gonn just stand on the tables ?

evl kenevl
evl kenevl - 08.05.2023 07:48

UEE: Invictus!
Drake: Investivus!

hqwefg - 08.05.2023 00:41

Oh boy I sure hope the servers can handle a massive event, especially after the servers were unplayable for a month after a simple patch and crashed again during a regular free fly, but I'm 100% that a massive once a year event will be no problem for this team :)

Vatsal Raj
Vatsal Raj - 08.05.2023 00:37

What is invictus?

superkirk11 - 07.05.2023 22:23

Random scans NEED to be removed, just got a failure to comply in like 2 seconds when I approached Hurston.
Didn't even have a chance to stop or slow down, also his com just popped up for a split second and didn't even finish what he was saying then boom, crime stat and 20000 fine.
I don't even care about fleet week if this is just gonna keep happening.

wu di
wu di - 07.05.2023 21:04

if 3.19 has half as many bugs, as 3.18
it will still be unplayable

Altonaer93 - 07.05.2023 19:12

free bug weeks

DreamCatchAah - 07.05.2023 17:18

Umm play yeah with the bugs and glitches be my guest

Jojum Lugoe
Jojum Lugoe - 07.05.2023 12:59

Arguably CIG's best star citizen cinematic commercial/trailer

Your Favorite Fin
Your Favorite Fin - 07.05.2023 05:21

Seeing the two idrises land would be fun to walk around them. Doubt they'll let us have looksie inside.

Stay Frosty
Stay Frosty - 07.05.2023 01:40

That's weird. The NPCs I see are all standing together bunched up all facing in one direction staring at a wall

Crazy Scooter Invisible Rider
Crazy Scooter Invisible Rider - 07.05.2023 00:55

when does the game release? hasnt it been over 11 years soon lol

ukironman1 - 07.05.2023 00:53

Invictus Lag Week

Chris S
Chris S - 07.05.2023 00:52

Ok. So WTH is Invictus Launch Week?

Matheus Kalil
Matheus Kalil - 07.05.2023 00:17

Is the game free during this event? Or only the ships are free to fly but you need to buy the game?

Deno Moto
Deno Moto - 06.05.2023 23:32

This event is kind of old at this point.

GeneralGG - 06.05.2023 23:27

I think my funding contributed to one second of this trailer.

Joshua Conner
Joshua Conner - 06.05.2023 20:37

Can't wait to view my Polaris in the holo suite....again.
