Bigfoot - Patterson/Gimlin Film | Stabilized | 10/20/1967

Bigfoot - Patterson/Gimlin Film | Stabilized | 10/20/1967


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@jamestran2056 - 30.01.2024 08:52

it has a slight ....... pimp in its walk............................

@dannys942 - 30.01.2024 01:40

Now lets watch it again...
Very... Very... Disturbing...
does bigfoot present a threat?
we are certain about one thing, we are all going to be ki11ed!

@Guy-qs5nz - 27.01.2024 00:57

Joe Rogan Rocky Mountain High from 2014ish on Paramount+ brought me here

@user-md3jl1nv2g - 26.01.2024 18:27

The guy who claim he was in this suit is full of shit he fail the lie detector test three times before passing it the fourth time which the idiotic media then reports it

@mentlinc - 24.01.2024 07:46

If this is a man in a suit then why aren't there any other pictures and video of this man in the suit besides this short footage? I mean all that detail and effort but no other footage or pictures when they have access to a good quality camera and a perfectly sized actor in a great suit available?

@Paul_G73 - 24.01.2024 04:24

The person in the suit was Bob Heironimus. Find he was there at the time in 1967, and dear friend of Roger Patterson who bought the costume from Philip Morris, he worked in the circus. and suit was 'Girl to Gorilla' costume.

@mikehalpern384 - 22.01.2024 10:02

bigfoot walking with a purpose ! :) I believe its all real.

@mr.warlight9086 - 20.01.2024 12:10

Not my proudest fap, but that Sasquatch female has nice titties.

@trevorwabasse1373 - 20.01.2024 10:18

That’s a man in a suit, walking all straight and shot, looks like a 40+ yro man innit!!

@wootrainridersdg - 18.01.2024 19:01

Only weird thing is Hollywood couldn't recreate this back then

@PomsNTomsMom92 - 18.01.2024 10:00

People refuse to believe theres anything beyond themselves. Of course there are aliens and bigfoots. You're arrogant to think otherwise. 😂

@malutex5815 - 17.01.2024 11:47

Ich denke mal das wurde mit einer Super 8 gefilmt. Interessant ist es noch mehr das Patterson wahrscheinlich den ganzen Tag da stand, an der Kamera gedreht hatte und die ganze Zeit filmte bis halt dan aus Zufall "Bigfoot" vorbei lief und schön in die Kamera grinste. Oder es wurde mit Bigfoot abgesprochen das er/sie beim Filmen entspannt einfach vorbei laufen soll. Interessant ist es auch das in anderen Videos Bigfoot sich garnicht zeigt, weil Scheu oder Angst. Nur dieser Bigfoot wusste das aus ihm ein Star wird, weshalb er dan an der Kamera vorbei spazierte und weiß das Jahre später irgendwelche idioten nach im suchen werden und durch Pilze in sogar höchstpersönlich begegnen. Manche Menschen glauben auch an das fliegende Spagetthimonster. Auf das Video bin ich sehr gespannt.

PS. Es wurde schon geklärt das dass Video ein Fake ist und es sich um ein gutes Kostüm handelt.

@sprightrose6016 - 17.01.2024 09:38

Notice how this bigfoot has... erm... breasts. He, is a she.

@bigchet - 17.01.2024 06:11

The first young steppa in CA. Kept that shit ten towns down and stood on business. Rest easy big homie

@gerardmccavana4905 - 16.01.2024 17:54

Check out 'Bigfoot Caught On Camera' in Ireland. International Bigfoot

@zim_christ_lion - 15.01.2024 12:45

There are thousands if not millions of sightings of these amazing, intelligent beings each year. How can people still be sceptical??? It is time to accept that they are real and do exist. They are interdimensional beings ( meaning they can walk between dimensions, eg, they can appear and disappear at will ). The reason we can't find them is because they simply don't want to be found by us. How we behave and have treated other living beings makes them wary of us understandably. They are the wise, noble, kind, compassionate guardians of the forests and nature. They deserve the highest respect when encountered. They know what is in peoples' hearts and can tell whether someone is a good, kind individual or not.

@zim_christ_lion - 15.01.2024 12:42

This is a real sighting of a wise sasquatch female. This is perhaps the only time they have allowed themselves to be filmed.

@user-hq4zm7nt8s - 12.01.2024 15:07

Man monkey suit. 😂

@dominikkwiat9225 - 11.01.2024 04:07

Its my father.

@oktoberK - 10.01.2024 03:50

Hey does anybody know where this was actually filmed? Cause I wondered that for years. Thank you in advance.

@mohsinshaikh7198 - 07.01.2024 13:16

I can't say it's dummy b coz walking style like a creature.

@ariiuchinara1746 - 04.01.2024 01:37

The fact is, if its a suit or real, its female.

@ermano58 - 29.12.2023 01:33

Fake as all hell shoulder pads and helmet and boots

@TheDogGeneral - 25.12.2023 17:35

For me this is unconfirmed all the Bigfoot sightings it very well could have been a hoax absolutely I mean at the time it was shot 1967 1968 there are lots of things going on trying to suspend people's disbelief

But I can suspend my doubts for a moment and I can entertain the idea that if Bigfoot is real and let's say for the moment that Bigfoot is he has to be intelligent they have to be intelligent in order to avoid detection and observational effects for the most part they would have to and for all the proponents of Bigfoot that is something that people like myself that don't believe in Bigfoot have to have an explanation that's verifiable well where did Bigfoot come from where did they go how can we never seen him

Absences in the fossil records not too surprising not everything gets preserved all the time but in the case of this video I mean it's entirely plausible we don't have an explanation

If the two photographers didn't come up with the Fabrication in the first place then I think it's certainly plausible they were duped by a local looking to deceive them but on the other cuff without irrefutable proof until it's found this is nothing more than an urban legend captured for all time for our imaginations until we wear the world out

@ItachiUchiha-lr3yr - 22.12.2023 22:26

Totally fake, Sorry! I beleive bigfoot could still be out there but this is not an animal, it is a suit. The giveaway is The butt, it is one solid lump of padding and not the two halves of the upper legs of a powerful athletic animal, look at a gorilla's glutes, legs and movement while it walks, no comparrisson.

@Kwago1 - 16.12.2023 12:26

If you're a somebody, people take shots at how credible you are.
But if you're a nobody, & everyone knows you know nobody, is true to an evidence.
"Rest in peace father, I'm a ghost." 2Pac Shakur

@Fromchaostheory - 10.12.2023 15:32

why is he not huge?

@dystopian.. - 07.12.2023 19:45

I dated that at last call in a bar in Seattle.

@ChemsosUruguayos - 07.12.2023 06:19

we live we love we lie

@CatherineHawkins-ob9hd - 03.12.2023 09:48

i can see the editing

@abook2141 - 30.11.2023 16:29

how do we know this isnt some guy in a suit

@kevincurtis3042 - 27.11.2023 03:42

Now Day we got so many technology that so advance and even Bigfoot Hunters or research out there looking for him ? And No evidence of a BONE? AND these scientists find mice bone all the damn time in the Deep Woods cant find a human like bone that can look like as tall as tree like average 7ft? Guess Bigfoot look like camouflage looking like tree not moving all the time?

@squrilebrain - 20.11.2023 18:10

I remember seeing this at the Saturday matinee movie back in the early 70s along with other ones about monsters all over the world.

@elijahglasser5447 - 19.11.2023 05:32

Great monster roaming

@nelsonx5326 - 18.11.2023 03:00

I believe.

@wheelmanstan - 17.11.2023 00:24

look at how bent and squatted the legs are the entire time while still taking massive steps

@CEAsongs - 12.11.2023 22:39

Such a stunning performance. I was truly moved and got very emotional. Bigfoot is very talented and such a timeless icon. I hope someday he does a meet and greet and is able to address his fans for the first time.

@quantumstereotv6319 - 10.11.2023 07:12

Honestly, it's like watching the Beatles crossing the road.

@kennethword6533 - 09.11.2023 16:20

My question is how come they didn’t follow the damn thing you have to remember this is 1968 in the Bluff Creek California wilderness I would say this Bigfoot is real the way it walks the way it swung its arms, the long stride in its step

@marcmaschal2897 - 07.11.2023 17:51

The funniest part of the comments are the people that still want to believe this is real when its a proven fake lol

@thenerdbeast7375 - 20.10.2023 09:26

This is the video that has me convinced Bigfoot is real, no matter what it may be. There is muscle definition beneath the fur, which is in itself glossy and smooth, you can't get a normal costume with such high quality hair and would have to spend a good bit in Hollywood to get something similar today let alone back in the 60s. Also she has breasts, which is a very odd detail to add to a random costume. Regardless if Bigfoot is another species of human or another kind of primate, something was if not still is out there.

@chadhOneAtl - 13.10.2023 00:57

Here’s the facts.
It’s either authentic or not.
It’s not a gorilla or bear or any other animal.
Dozens of special effects artists at the time said this would be impossible to recreate or fake.
And nobody has come forward to admit it.
Patterson and gimlin went to their graves proclaiming authenticity. So they at least believed what they saw.
So not faked or hoaxed and it’s not a person in a suit.
So, as Holmes once said. “If you eliminate the impossible whatever is left however unlikely must be the truth.

@adamryan6915 - 10.10.2023 01:55

Ive been recently getting into this bigfoot dibocle. Ive watched a load of videos and I still cant make my mind up on whether its real or not. Ive watched this film so so so many times however theres a weird blur around the supposed "bigfoot" which just seems unusual. I dont know why theres a weird blur and colour change around the sasquatch. However, when you go to the very very very start of the video, half of the sasquatch is missing which is beggining to lead me down the road of it being fake. Im not sure though but its certainly interesting to say it was releaaed in 1967.

@AbdullahDaoudLovesArguing - 30.09.2023 19:30

It had breasts i dont see why someone would add that to a fake so its clearly a female different species of a gorilla. I wouldnt be suprised if an animal like that may have already been uncommon and then died out. Maybe that was the last one, also lets not act like we dont see muscles moving in the cleared up footage, and lets not act like its not about 8-11 feet. Its not a big issue if its real some people are too confident it is fake.

@Marc816 - 29.09.2023 03:42

Some people claim that it was actually a local man, 6'11" & 350 pounds, in some sort of a monkey suit.

@user-zv2dt2uw2w - 24.09.2023 01:49


@binghamguevara6814 - 21.09.2023 14:39

Didn’t the person who made this admit it was a man in a costume?

@mirkorussomanno4981 - 18.09.2023 21:48

Patterson_Gimlin?Patterson filmin' Gimlin

@RaymondBates-jr5du - 13.09.2023 20:38

Nice fur coating. I wonder what kind of hair product it uses 🤩🤩🤩
