Saving FPS Games - AI Anti-Cheat

Saving FPS Games - AI Anti-Cheat

Basically Homeless

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freddemaiden - 02.10.2023 02:03

we need this for cs2

Aliff Zaqwan
Aliff Zaqwan - 01.10.2023 22:07

I cant wait for the day that noob nerds will no longer find the validation and excitement they cant get in both in game and in real life!! Woohooooo!!! Stay nerd and noobs looserss 😂😂😂

David Bright
David Bright - 01.10.2023 09:58

i wasnt ready for the last itchy nipple though

KKun - 01.10.2023 05:46

The reason why I avoid multiplayer fps games is that cheating is very rampant but after seeing this vid, it made me happy and excited for the future of gaming in general.

Marble - 30.09.2023 01:16

I don't think AI for Anti cheat can be good for every game. Halo infinite is a great example of why not. I think Call of Duty is another example of why. Some games I play absolutely dogshit and barely get any kills or score points. And other games are so far above my expected efficiency that an AI would think I was cheating. There's quite a few external cheats nowadays like AHK that are undetectable and use in game colors to + the ini file settings. Can't exactly scan a game for cheats that doesn't have anything attached to it, unless it were a program like vanguard, that valorant uses.

Dievas - 29.09.2023 23:47

6 months later.. still nothing... :D

Raghav - 29.09.2023 11:52

About 7-8 months ago I used a actual cheat like esp and aimbot and after sometime I used cheats like bullet track speed hack God view magic bullet but like a month ago I got a feeling like I don't just want to use them , I want to know how does these things actually worked . So now I started using cheat engine, ida pro , gg(gmaegarduian) and many more

2Asspie - 29.09.2023 07:56

please update

Strider - 29.09.2023 05:37


Hakkix TheNoob
Hakkix TheNoob - 28.09.2023 22:28

ok but why is the focus only on fps games? what about stuff like elden ring or dead by daylight which are just as worse if not even more, it shouldnt be just shooters that get this much attention but every type of online pvp game. how are they going to detect data in those games?

Dead - 28.09.2023 07:24

we all gonna die

awp_shazbot - 27.09.2023 21:07

As a real gamer with a 20 year old steam account with zero bans, and growing up dealing with hackers all the way back to TWL, and Cal... I honestly LOVE the people working on this! Shroud your days are numbered, and you have 1000's of hours of hacking footage in PUBG you little rat, about damn time we drop the hammer on these shitloord streamers & hackers.

Mikoro - 27.09.2023 19:07

30% cheaters. That's enough to lose faith in humanity.

Mikoro - 27.09.2023 19:04

About time!

Placeholder channel Name
Placeholder channel Name - 26.09.2023 22:59

1/3 is a little much lol thats just not true

Hias ausm Woid
Hias ausm Woid - 26.09.2023 17:53

Hi, is there an update on that topic? would like to hear that first fps games like pubg starting to implement it. are they in contact with popular dev's?

Sana Ullah
Sana Ullah - 26.09.2023 16:49

dude the music is so loud GOD

Sage Rhyme
Sage Rhyme - 25.09.2023 05:02

Obvious as fuck that it was husky. It's the only one that didn't move human.

critamine - 25.09.2023 01:44

Soooo 6 months later.... Cheating not solved, hello?

Stuka - 24.09.2023 20:26

The unique biometric profile thing is quite scary, as it can inevitably be linked to player accounts containing personal information. I’m sure then there will be people wanting to look at the gameplay of individuals to surmise behavioral characteristics. Like looking back at the GTA play of a tool schooter to determine if there are “red flags” that could then be used to identify others playing the game who show similar patterns.

The privacy concerns aside, this sounds like a great solution.

Youtube Shorts i find intresting
Youtube Shorts i find intresting - 23.09.2023 18:44

too bad this will never happen

Mr Nobody
Mr Nobody - 23.09.2023 01:07

Wait until the "bio profile" generates false positives, and you'll have the biggest scandal of the last decade in the video gaming industry, bigger even than Unity's recent failure.

Tal Feldman
Tal Feldman - 22.09.2023 12:23

I don't understand though, how do I implement the AI-AC ? where could I get it from?

JonWickedTV - 22.09.2023 01:42

Ive been saying they need to do this for sooooooo longgggg

Owen - 22.09.2023 00:26

ik that was orisis cheat

Stefano Ronchi
Stefano Ronchi - 21.09.2023 23:54

so ? how is going this now ?

LettuceJuice - 21.09.2023 12:34

Seems like it would be very hard to differentiate between aim assist built into games and aim assist added in

Lion50 - 20.09.2023 15:14

This is definitely going to happen at some point and it is going to be awesome

A G - 19.09.2023 18:08

Catch all cheats? No, not at all. There is no way to end the cat-and-mouse game. Behavioral heuristic of many forms, including recent ones that use machine learning (Vacnet), have been used for at least a decade. Punkbuster for Battlefield tried to catch rage aimbots back in the day, and even in such a blatant way of cheating, cheat providers quickly created full on rage cheats that bypassed the heuristics.

What ends up happening is some talented programmer creates something that evades detection then sells it for a shit load of money. Or they are obsessive about cheating and make their own private hack that bypasses detection. And then they sometimes turn it into a business to make a shit load of money.

As another example of this type of bypassing, Vacnet, after an update, starts at about 100% detection for all rage hackers (like instantly snapping and flipping around, killing everyone in 3 seconds with 180 degree turns). In a talk given by one of the creators of Vacnet, they admit they eventually end up catching only about 85-95% of rage hackers due to the cat-and-mouse nature of cheating. Keep in mind that Vacnet uses the same kind of technology as chatGPT and Alpha Zero (the AI chess engine). It is not chump, and it's made by Valve, which is harder to get into for employment than Google. And even they cannot detect 100% of totally blatant rage cheaters let alone subtle aimbots. And they're analyzing every piece of server data available rather than just a video of gameplay.

There's no reason to market in such a dishonest fashion. If I'm being charitable, maybe you're a layman and just don't know this, and they told you otherwise. It's just not possible unfortunately. I'm all for AI-based anticheats since it will catch a lot of unsophisticated cheaters and reduce cheating overall, but do not claim it will end the cat-and-mouse game between anticheat and cheat developers.

And there is no way any mainstream game is going to use "biometric" detection. Are you thinking xbox will start shipping with a heart monitor and a bunch of sensors? Come on... there is enough controversy around having an invasive software anticheat. Companies are not going to put barriers in place that stop a large chunk of their market from buying their game. What we need is for governments to make laws that criminalize cheating in video games and then to hunt cheat creators on legal grounds, moving all of their kind off the clear net and onto the dark net. And we need companies to mirror Riot by making invasive anticheats. And we also need sophisticated, AI-based heuristics to detect the majority of the most blatant of cheaters. Seriously, write to your senators and whatnot. Cheating should be illegal, and it would be great if countries helped each other in catching the cheat manufacturers rather than the cheaters themselves.

anything - 19.09.2023 08:22

This is too good to be true. I'll believe when i see it. I hope to god its true though.

ChonkyChookie - 18.09.2023 22:31

Im about halfway through and my first thought is what if you have a neurodivergent individual whose in game actions are way outside the norm of human behavior. Banned lol

Tropi - Rust
Tropi - Rust - 18.09.2023 15:58

An AI will never be able to distinguish a good ESPer from a legit player.

Viktor the Bird
Viktor the Bird - 18.09.2023 05:46

Just taking a second to appreciate Nick's writing... the beginning and the end of this video tie up so smoothly and it's so funny 😂

since1876 - 17.09.2023 16:27

Oh good, more ways for big companies to stalk us with computers.

GlobalVisionz - 15.09.2023 19:57


Testy Cool
Testy Cool - 15.09.2023 02:49

Wait so lets say a friend of mine has a "bio-metric profile" that is banned. Then he comes over to my place and plays on my account. Does that mean my account will be banned? Can someone with a banned "bio-metric profile" just go around getting anyone banned if they have access to someone else account?

Synd1cate - 15.09.2023 00:23

So... any news? This whole thing kinda just disappeared within a few weeks and nothing new has come out. Was it a joke or a publicity stunt or something? Not to mention, the idea is still pretty absurd

Teh Only Noobs
Teh Only Noobs - 14.09.2023 20:41

I dont care if this thing gonna make people concerns about they safety cuz i getting tired being paranoid when play multiplayer game
Im pretty sure people have same this feeling when boot up or play pvp games
50% he good a camper or smurf
50% he are a cheater
Even if we could eliminated half of it its good to make you feel reasure and could enjoy the game even you are lose

Haron Meng
Haron Meng - 14.09.2023 03:48

I believe that Valve will glad to use it when this AI Anti-Cheat releases.

Ahmed KJ
Ahmed KJ - 13.09.2023 21:43

wow this is even worse than kernel driver anti-cheat

MilkyCannon - 13.09.2023 06:02

i dont think Devs intentionally let cheaters ruin the game for small amounts of the playerbase to keep buying accounts. In the case of tarkov i doubt most cheaters are buying accounts from BSG compared to stolen accounts online for a fraction of the price so a lot of the time BSG isnt making money anyway. Also the amount of positive attention something like this would garner in pretty much any FPS outweighs any potential gain from players that are harming your brand daily and by consequence killing your game.

csacas cascascas
csacas cascascas - 12.09.2023 01:05

this would be a great NSA tracking tool but if it was used for accounts (gmail, microsoft, reddit, twitter) to make sure a particular person doesnt have a use on that platform no matter what

Rambino - 11.09.2023 22:23

Im so hard right now, i need ETA ON THIS!!!!!!!!

Dano Max
Dano Max - 11.09.2023 12:05

People won't play if they can't cheat.

PianoMirror48 - 10.09.2023 20:24

cheating should become an impressionable offence, minimum 5 year sentence, problem would be gone overnight.

Shayne U
Shayne U - 10.09.2023 20:10

What about false bans? Caused by the ai being to sensitive to certain things you get a couple lucky shots with high fps and good reaction time and its a permaban or would it be more on how frequently you get those luck shots

sar loft
sar loft - 09.09.2023 16:16

Naw my nipples aren't getting itchy... Only r****ds will get caught by this
