HIDDEN DETAILS & SECRETS - Fears to Fathom Episode 2

HIDDEN DETAILS & SECRETS - Fears to Fathom Episode 2

Iridos Gaming

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Hắc Diệt Đế Vương
Hắc Diệt Đế Vương - 14.01.2022 23:35

After watching it over and over again, i finally came to my final explaination of this whole story :
- The white van you saw at the gas station has been following you from the very begining, you can see it drove past you at the start and most likely they noticed us and followed us to the gas station. We can see it later on too ( i forgot when that was )
- The guy(s) ? In the white van messed with our main character car battery while we were in the store, causing it to flickering and eventually shut down.
- The guy in the RED car was also the bad guy. You first saw him when u leave the gas station, he was driving right infront of u. As soon as he saw our car started malfuctioning, he zoomed off knowing that we can't catch up with him. And then afterwards he stopped to set up those 2 logs that were blocking the road ( Most pp won't noticed it but it was the only car that was driving infront of us, after that car drove off suddenly there're 2 big fk logs on the road. If he wasn't the guy setting it up then how the hell did he get through it ? )
- You can see the RED car again at the motel, it parked right infront of room 4, the room that sits right next to the drugged coffe machine. Again confirming that he's involed in all of this
- When you led Joe to the coffe machine, you can noticed 2 things : the trunk of the red car's open, probably preparing to stuff us in. And the guy sneak out of our room ( already seen in the video )
- You can spot him creeping outside the window at certain time, one time he's just standing there, the other time is when he took pictures of us ( flashing light from a camera ) and when he knocked the door asking to let him in ( he'll noticed you looking at him shortly after )
-After being drugged he snuck into your closet and stayed there til you leave the room trying to look for the coffe machine
- You can't find the White Van at the Motel, only the red car, so I'm pretty sure that there're more than 1 person involed in this. They specifically lured you into that motel ( i don't know why don't they just snap at out mc when she got out of the car to moved the logs ) but my theory is that they're a bunch of creeps/human trafficing groups or drug dealers.
- There're no super natural things like that guy in the store said, all those people went missing because they were either kidnapped, or killed by those guys i was talking about earlier.
- Jason and Joe knew what was going on, they just dont say it out loud. Jason warned you about those "things" which obviously referring to those bad guys, he even knew that they were the reason why her car broke down.
- Joe warned you not to wake up other customers, my theory is : That motel were the bad guys lair used for drugs/ human trafficing/.. etc, he's warning us not to caused too much attention. He knew what was going on and was trying to protect us ( Telling us there's medicine we can take and later beat the hell out of that creepy guy )
- But at the same time Joe don't want any troubles so he insisted not calling the cops despite of what happened ( the gangs that was oprerating there will most likely hurt him if he might've done that ).
=> In conclusion, the area where our mc traveled through is a shitty place with high crimes rate. (Drugs, human trafficing, ... ) the locals there knew about it but they couln't do anything beside telling people who drive through here to be careful, maybe hitchhiking was also a method used by them to bait people.
P/s : i've always wonder where the hell did the coffe machine goes after we drank from it, but i'm gonna assumed the white van might have come and pick it up, or it was moved into that guy room.
- P/s 2 : There're 2 possibilities
=One : that creepy guy(s) ? Belongs to a very shady criminal organization that held responsible for various missing cases of people.
=Two : He's a serial killers that works alone or with his partner(s) ? Because he cant be driving the white van and the red car and be in 2 places at the same time. I think it's unlikely that this theory is true.
+ Either way, our mc just walked away from some very fuked up shit that we can't even imagine, all the things we saw here's just the surface.

DCDCHUCK!? - 27.09.2023 14:24

also, when your driving
to the left, you can see a person walking into the woods

F¡ññi - 12.05.2023 15:30

What is that red thing after we woke up?

HellSexPress - 27.04.2023 19:56

also there is pathways around the buildings at motel wich the bad guy probably takes

Rico SWAGGER - 02.04.2023 18:10

Holy crap I just fell off the map and am falling infinitly

Rico SWAGGER - 02.04.2023 17:43

Has anyone notice the ripped paper on the window of motel Lobby? Its a notice saying the motel has no permit to be open. if you look at the wall next to the mailbox a complete notice can be read,
It would seem Joe is in on it as well as everyone you come across. Why drop you off at the motel of slavery and despair. Then he seemed to be at the gas station window shopping and bought nothing not even gas. He was parked in the parking spot on side of the right before gas station. Why did the clerk warn you not to pick up any hitchhikers. I kept waiting to see one on the road for me to try to not hit them and have to pull over to help and get jumped as you go help.

Voltic123 - 28.03.2023 01:49

If you fall off the map/The car flip and getting out it says I fell of the map

anant gamerz
anant gamerz - 11.02.2023 18:34

Love from 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳

SandwichSultan - 08.02.2023 13:43

What if you turn off your lights? Will woman's ghost appear?

Lucky animation ideas
Lucky animation ideas - 02.02.2023 20:15

Another thing is that while you're driving down the road. You can catch a glimpse of somebody walking into the woods, I saw this on AstralSpiff's playthrough of the first 3 chapters

beast boy bharat
beast boy bharat - 31.01.2023 14:46

wow what a video by the way my name is Bharat and can you please give me your instgram i'd

Helen Areskina
Helen Areskina - 24.01.2023 09:11

Isn't it interesting, has anyone else noticed a funny moment? When we showed Joe the coffee machine, and we saw the guy in white leaving our room, if we were to follow him at that moment, we would see that he walks in circles in one spot, and there's his white minivan parked there. Funny detail)

miller Jun
miller Jun - 20.01.2023 04:52

아 영어 공부 하려고 보는데 어렵군….
이 회사 게임 너무 좋아요 현실에서 있을법한 그런 내용들,,,, 영상 잘 봤습니다

Shai Sincere Official
Shai Sincere Official - 20.10.2022 23:28

You missed the person creeping in the woods hiding before you get to the store 😩I had to replay just so I could see it again because I thought I was trippin’😂

S T - 01.09.2022 10:33


KalliKa89 - 18.08.2022 23:27

Here's another interesting detail: After showing Joe the coffee machine, if you go to the soda machine outside the reception, you'll see the headlights of a car in the dark space between the reception and the first room.

Soki Moh
Soki Moh - 17.08.2022 19:10

Or maybe the white van guy and the red car guy were just two villain that targeting the same victim,when our character get sedated two of them probably gone kill each other, resulting the noise that Joe heard from our room.

The Antinatalism Zone 3
The Antinatalism Zone 3 - 26.05.2022 04:24

Could the creepy lady in the 3 pictures be the hitchhiking urban legend?

James Oclaire
James Oclaire - 29.04.2022 09:17

The broken phone and missing mattress in room 9, paired with tommy cleaning and giggling when the mc mentions she was given the room, kinda implies that the motel owners are complicit and use that room to stage their assaults/kidnappings.

BooDotBoo - 29.04.2022 07:29

These games are so awesome. I love seeing this video because I overlooked a decent amount of this stuff. Can't wait for the next episode.

Val - 19.04.2022 21:02

The sound of the closet closing before we talk to Joe was very scary. And then after we return to our room after he tells us to go back, you can tell the stalker was gone because the closet was left wide open.

Vviz2k - 14.03.2022 16:36

As you approach the gas station there is a truck parked on the edge of the road, you see a guy walking into the woods.

Urielle Bual
Urielle Bual - 08.03.2022 01:22

At first I thought it's a game with ghosts but it's more terrifying when it's actually about "human trafficking"

Sean - 26.02.2022 07:54

It's unfortunate how realistic this game is. I have driven through many small towns in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming that resemble this layout. It's not a cult or a criminal organization, but probably just 2 brothers who found a system that worked once and kept doing it.

BrokenStrumbar - 25.02.2022 00:14

looks like some people in the comments like to throw out theories without rationally thinking even a second

HypersXx - 24.02.2022 11:55

Hey hey hey! i recently found out what happens when you make it past the logs in the road!
So, i simply went around the fence, it was suprisingly easy to bypass this, but i went on for like an hour, and the trees go on for like the whole hour, and then they literally just stop and its just road, then after abit the shrubbery goes, and it literally just stops. and its just map for the rest of it

ram - 23.02.2022 15:08

also trigger warning for r*pe talk
ive got a theory
except i accidentally deleted it and have to re-type
and now i reposted this into a comment cause it was originally in a reply section
anyways you can read the rest now

the kidnappers aren't actually kidnappers
and its probably even one person
heres my reasons

if the logs were set up on purpose, why didnt the kidnapper just come to get holly at the time?
if the kidnapper was a kidnapper why would they hide in the closet the 2-3 hours holly was asleep?

time to explain my theory.

Not a kidnapper, but a r*pist

This explains why they did nothing during the logs. Out in the open
This explains the drugging
You get drugged, go to bed, get r*ped so to add on to the first reason, Out in the open and not drugged.
When you're asleep and drugged you wake up at 3. WHY WOULD THE KIDNAPPER JUST GO TO THE CLOSET? and why would you see the closet door closing
Clearly you were r*ped and there was plenty of time to do so!

Joe even mentions it, "goofy noises"

It's really just understandable and not understandable

Also heres some minor backup details
the part where the guy busts in he calls her pretty lady or something
(i also cant tell due to it being dark but does the guy only have pants on)

ok so here comes the question
Why did he leave the room and want to break in?
I don't exactly know but im assuming it was for holly to not scream or something but

For a r*pist at that point what are you gonna do?

im assuming backup plan was kidnapping so technically a kidnapper but im still unsure (if someone else understands better please explain)

so thats what ive got. r*pist r*pes holly

and this is probably an even bigger fear for girls considering i see comments like "as a girl we fear this" and i assume they don't understand

but its not cool to know in the real world if the roles were reversed, nobody would care about this

Khan - 20.02.2022 09:27

I had a feeling that the stalker is our Online friend

Lizzy Aine
Lizzy Aine - 19.02.2022 06:25

You can also see someone walk into the woods as you’re driving when you’re close to the gas station!! I love all the little bits this game has to spook you

NASiR - 19.02.2022 05:11

If you go back to sleep while the intruder is knocking at your door, you’ll wake up to a jumpscare of him being on you. Scary stuff, and I think the clerk was in on it, he could’ve been able to see someone tamper our MC’s car easily and say something but didn’t. Probably just stalled us so they can tamper the car, and yeah I didn’t see some of the details shown until watching this video.
holy cow, tysm for this

Morally Bankrupt
Morally Bankrupt - 19.02.2022 04:26


coolbluelights - 19.02.2022 01:57

This episode really got me thinking! Just the discussion and speculation this game is provoking versus the first one in the series makes me really excited for the next episode!

J@$ - 19.02.2022 01:11

I’m not sure if someone’s already mentioned this, but at one point while you’re lying on the bed in the dark, you can see someone enter your closet. This is on John Wolfe’s playthrough.

The Shape
The Shape - 16.02.2022 12:40

You can actually go in that room that the guy runs in. All you gotta do is beat him to the door after buying 4 sodas from th3 machine

TwistedCardsofFate - 16.02.2022 11:39

In other words, stay strapped. Lol. I loved the fear inducing this game causes because its a real life situation unfortunately, but my thing is like no weapon whatsoever sweetheart? Then you decided to go it alone. Such innocence.

Harald Höerwick
Harald Höerwick - 16.02.2022 04:52

Jesus christ the aesthetic its very 90s loving the vibes.. its spoopy too!

Shock Umaru-Chan
Shock Umaru-Chan - 15.02.2022 22:26

One of the games that if you keep replaying it gets more creepier

pink cinnamon sticks
pink cinnamon sticks - 15.02.2022 19:39

i was rewatching these videos because i played the game and i noticed some things and i wondered if anyone else did too and infact people did. and i think that these people (the stalker or stalkers?) maybe operate by lurking near the gas station seeing if anyone passes through, they follow their victim (in our case is us as the player and the person telling the story) and sabotage the car, they return to the motel waiting for the victim to arrive but wait for an opening, i think the guy that was in the closet was about to kidnap us and take us to the red car that had the trunk open but he saw that joe knocked on the door and immediately got out of there as joe started yelling because joe must have realized what was going on as soon as we tried to show him the coffee machine that was never there in the first place and the fact our eyes were red. Before that when he asked us to stop making so much noise i think thats were the stalker came in, i think they were trying to move us (failing at it) and saw joe walking towards the area. Then after his failed attempt he tried another way by asking to us to let him in and that he needed help but saw that we werent going to open the door so he came in aggressively. and thats when joe heard the noise and came in to punch the guy in the face, which im still confused about because when he broke into the room why didnt he check the place he knew was a hiding spot because he hid there before? maybe he just wasnt that smart or it was maybe the guy he was working with? Joe must've knew about this from the beginning, the way we point out we got a creepy feeling from him when we first arrived to the motel, i cant really figure out why joe wouldnt want to involve the police after that?

FadeSkywards - 12.02.2022 16:16

I'm quite surprised by the fact that so much detail went into this game and people are crazy about finding cryptic clues and stuff. I haven't seen this happen with other horror games.

Siptom - 11.02.2022 02:44

The guy at the gas station telling the ghost story is definetly part of the entire wird sceme that's going on here. He's probably keeping you busy while the other guy sabotages your car

Gabbs _Giss
Gabbs _Giss - 10.02.2022 11:09

Ever since I watched a gameplay of this episode I've been very worried for what could have happened to our protagonist when she went to sleep after being drugged, there was definitely enough time for them to mess with her body in some way or another and the fact that she's oblivious to all of it makes it so much more disturbing. (There's no real indication of them doing anything physical to her, but it's a personal headcanon possibility that adds another level of scary to the episode)

tehee - 07.02.2022 13:04

You can find the van parked at the motel, if you are facing room 4 and go straight left once you are facing the metal fence then look to your right you’ll see it.

Gunslinger - 06.02.2022 19:21

Yandere stalker

Uzkzowz - 06.02.2022 00:21

All I see in this comment section is paragraphs lol

Sir Prize
Sir Prize - 04.02.2022 22:15

Your intro felt like outro

Kelsey Howell
Kelsey Howell - 04.02.2022 17:47

Fears to Fathom's developer really has done a fantastic job so far putting unsettling imagery in the background for the observant viewer. Both games so far have things one may never see but it's mind blowing and scary when you catch it!

LaundryBasket - 03.02.2022 18:52

Does anyone know what this is based off of? I hear it was based on a true story, but is it readable somewhere?

MrHeyfuckoff - 02.02.2022 15:30

Nobody has noticed the car you drive behind that speeds away, it has a hand sticking out of the trunk above the left tail-light
