John Danaher: The Path to Mastery in Jiu Jitsu, Grappling, Judo, and MMA | Lex Fridman Podcast #182

John Danaher: The Path to Mastery in Jiu Jitsu, Grappling, Judo, and MMA | Lex Fridman Podcast #182

Lex Fridman

3 года назад

2,947,269 Просмотров

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Nathan Mingle
Nathan Mingle - 02.11.2023 03:20

Lex so melodramatic which is fine but damn g

ShyFly - 28.10.2023 23:08

Someone’s been reading Epicurious: "I was not; I was; I am not; I do not care"

Gsss - 25.10.2023 10:45

Khabib's dad would eat this guy... so corny seeing cornballs talk about shit they will never do...

pick - 20.10.2023 03:16

2 wise men

Random user
Random user - 19.10.2023 20:28

This man is so intelligent. The way he breaks down the training and drilling aspects is making me reevaluate what I’m doing. I definitely feel like I need to be further along than where I am. And he’s absolutely right, learn to escape terrible spots to gain the confidence to take risks.

dinoman - Jesus is Lord
dinoman - Jesus is Lord - 17.10.2023 09:34

Ah, but, what if you still exist after you die? What then? Pascal’s wager. If I live my life being a follower of Jesus, and I have faith in heaven. If I’m right, eternal bliss, if I’m wrong and there’s nothing, no harm no foul. If you live your life with a faith that there’s nothing after death, and you’re right, no harm no foul, but if you are wrong, they’ll be hell to pay.

Squat With Squall
Squat With Squall - 13.10.2023 05:21

That has been my training for the past 20 years persistence

Ndiss JR
Ndiss JR - 06.10.2023 01:48

Sepakat. Kita mesti bedakan beladiri silat dan silat olah raga. Saya praktisi silat tradisional. Senentara, anak saya yg SMP juara silat olahraga. Silat tradisional, bamyak teknik yg berbahaya, dan itu dilarang dalam olahraga silat. Dan banyak pula aliran silat yg dilarang IPSI , dan dianggap bukan silat. Misalnya, gulat Sunda yg dinamakan benjang. Ada juga ground fighting macam aliran buaya putih , teknik mematahkan kaki macam kuda kuningan. Atau kuncian pemat4h4n leher macam aliran harimau Langkat. Ini efektif mmboenoeuh para penjajah jepang ketika jepang mngejar pejuang Indonesia ke hutan

LeeLos Adventure
LeeLos Adventure - 04.10.2023 04:54

the intro monolouge makes reminds me why its valuable being a christian. a lot of energy is wasted running your mind through what if circles. A lot easier to just have faith you'll live forever. Then the meaning of life becomes pursuing your dreams. It's a lot easier than when i was agnostic ngl

Prolly Sus
Prolly Sus - 04.10.2023 04:06

Learn wrestling or you will be a loser all your life like this guy

Kapauhawaii - 03.10.2023 20:51

Lex, you’re a really bright person but the manipulators in the globalists of our time do not share the same moral barometer as us. It’s completely naïve what you’re saying and it’s reckless you and I won’t get to decide how these things are used and we should never interconnect ourselves with something that could potentially be used against us. It’s just not tactful.

Kapauhawaii - 03.10.2023 20:44

People are looking at it backwards.
I think our hats should be tipped to the human form, our mind and ability for compassion, look at how far and how many years we’ve stacked computers and microchips to try to keep up with the human organism just think about that for a second. Our eyes are amazing, lenses are reverse engineered from us, every aspect of the human organism is so heightened and maximized it has taken us hundreds and hundreds of years to try to duplicate it with computing and only now are they starting to catch up in the areas of chess and memory AI is nothing but a very strong computing force where its ram is now exceeding what a humans ram is. But literally they’ve used our cell phones and everything possible to pump data into this AI and now it can mimic us, give me a break what is all inspiring is the human organism. We already leverage computers and computing to make calculated decisions, and to expand on our mind I believe we should refrain from making changes to our bodies that we can never recover from the same goes for nature we should not be doing projects or tests or weather modification or doing things that Change things forever who gets to decide that it’s sinister and evil and won’t lead to anything good if you can make problems, you can control the world because then whoever can supposedly solve the problems will lead us into the future. It’s a fucking con. No one can help us if we design AI to be able to beat us, and give it the keys to everything, talk about the most amazing organism, making the stupidest mistake possible.

Masked Creator
Masked Creator - 03.10.2023 09:07

If I could spend an hour with anyone John is probably my pick..He seems like the kind of guy that makes you better just by being around him, as long as you are willing to pay attention

Seafood Dunleavy
Seafood Dunleavy - 24.09.2023 05:16

Such a terrible conversation.

Laj - 18.09.2023 05:44

Regarding the question about wearing a tie: why do you think law enforcement officers wear detachable ties? Also: there may be more efficient ways to strangle someone; however, people who mean to cause you harm, and who aren't analytic thinkers like John, will still be tempted to try the "tie choke." But eggheads know everything, and I'm a dunce.

enculeur - 18.09.2023 05:40

John Danaher is Awsome coach and great thinker .

Aidan Hwang
Aidan Hwang - 14.09.2023 08:22

