HOME - Press Conference May 5th 2009

HOME - Press Conference May 5th 2009


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@grogilator - 20.08.2009 02:38

shut up. even if climate change isnt an issue (which it is and we are destroying natural resources) the movie brings up many many different points about how human kind is negatively impacting its one habitat

@tonyfkingdom - 21.08.2009 00:53

isn't the message clear!? why can't we be united and start act responsibly rather than making non-rational and ungrounded startement

@HarvardBoxer - 04.09.2009 00:20

Powerty is the biggest thief in nature... You can have a comfortable life and still harm the nature almost nothing.

@joaoluis87 - 06.09.2009 18:36

it's in the movie

@joaoluis87 - 06.09.2009 18:42

I've read a lot of comments on the English version of this movie. A lot of the old school thinking that believe that global warming is a myth, are American and probably didn't see the whole movie... They think that because the movie is done in such an artistic way, that is some kind of conspiracy... lol Anyway, not saying it's the Americans who don't believe it, just that most who commented were Americans

@grogilator - 08.09.2009 13:42

what does that even mean? the bad information is in the movie? and I'm automatically supposed to know what you are referring to and why it makes sense? you are a spectacular opponent at this debate.

@joaoluis87 - 08.09.2009 18:54

weren't you asking about the bad information about global warming? I thought you were referring to that. If that was it, watch the movie and you'll have your information there. If not, I apologize. You really have a low temper

@grogilator - 09.09.2009 01:20

so which information is bad?

@joaoluis87 - 09.09.2009 01:26

I probably understood this whole thing wrong. The bad information I thought you were asking was about the impact of fast production and etc that the movie shows

@grogilator - 09.09.2009 02:25

...thats what i asked in the first place. what is wrong about that information. making blanket statements with no factual basis is awesome.

@joaoluis87 - 09.09.2009 02:46

I'm having a hard time trying to understand what's your point. The facts are shown in the movie. Facts that I share the same points of view, because where I live, we're feeling the dramatic change due to pollution of the big cities and such. I used to dive on the ocean and see loads of fishes which now I barely see . The dangerous hours now for the sun are bigger, going from 12 to 2, to 11.30 to 4.And between these hours I really feel the sun burning, something which didn't happen some years ago

@grogilator - 09.09.2009 04:34

haha. we have had a miscommunication. I thought you were anti-global warming. this is silly. I agree with you, climate change is the reality and not the lie.

@joaoluis87 - 09.09.2009 07:03

haha, I've also seen the comments of "anti-global warming" and I can't understand how can't they see what's in front of their noses.

@hmackey1 - 13.09.2009 05:25

My hats off to the FRENCH! Great inspiring work! wow

@flora0chen - 05.11.2009 07:16


@boppzz - 04.12.2009 07:25

NWO, climate gate and carbon taxes. still dont go out of your way to fuck the planet up, its common sense we need. however no1 want to be ruled by NWO. we need to find a happy medium really. people should beable to make up their own minds. peace and love.

@Nobodymikoo - 06.12.2009 04:57

The Venus Project

@johntheking2k6 - 06.12.2009 06:56

Watching this film just waisted energy now i feel guilty so should you.......

@2paczfan - 20.12.2009 05:44

0:41 french sounds beautiful

@StiofanGaillimh - 31.12.2009 18:03

the venus project is the answer - home was great awareness of wat is happening, but the venus project is the greatest answer..

@StorytellerGuitar - 20.01.2010 23:41

Thanks for this GREAT movie , FANTASTIC ! All in all is just GREAT .

@ismailyahye - 25.01.2010 17:27

not so bad

@rhodoclarke - 31.01.2010 08:57

C'est Magnifique!! Bravo

@bubbles02010 - 18.02.2010 05:34

thank you France!

@FlashySenap - 24.02.2010 04:34

TVP main idea is to build cities that is self-sustainable and use the most environment-friendly solutions to produce energy, food, houses and equipment for the inhabitants needs, not more not less. The focus is also to re-use resources by recycling old technology so it can be used for later technology. Instead of garbage dumps we have a massive recycling system that allows for abundance and balance with our resources rather than exploit as much raw-material as possible.

@FlashySenap - 24.02.2010 04:40

It's not the greatest answer but it is a very good answer, and it's probably the most attractive answer for people at this time.

@harbar3000 - 07.05.2010 07:02

This is just another movie from the socialist control freaks who want to take your money and redistribute it to those who don't want to work via carbon credits. Al Gore and David Suzuki are the two high priests of this climate change/global warming religion. Resist these people. Thank God for the CRU email hack that has helped reveal the truth. Don't let your politicians sign any treaties. Climate Change/Global warming is a lie!!!

@manfaeglasgow - 09.05.2010 18:59

deep film

@manfaeglasgow - 09.05.2010 19:01

C'mon the real people of earth,real people= ideas/help solutions to help earth,,the goverment/system=kill earth n'make money....

@saranghesan - 11.05.2010 00:58

@harbar3000 wow...moron.....

@harbar3000 - 11.05.2010 04:46

Search the following: Al Gore is Not Evil Just Wrong.

@ZevanCassidy - 16.05.2010 03:32

first it was global warming but that turned into BULLSHIT oh now we call it climate change lol dont buy into the NWO

@afzalkilledar - 04.06.2010 22:19

Great Job, hats off guys..

@GoSiv1 - 08.06.2010 15:00

@joaoluis87 Well of course most of the critics were Americans. They started the whole trashcommunity (with some help from Europe). They are afraid of adapting to the new world we are going to face. All the skeptics doesn't seem to have any good arguments either. They just say that they want to kill Al Gore and everyone is stupid. I sent a friendly mail to one sceptic, and he just insulted me and wrote how stupid I was. He also said that he should delete all my mails to him. Ignore the truth, ey?

@cheburashka1326 - 11.06.2010 05:14

@Hodge209 You forgot to mention moving to caves, not using antibiotics, not using factories etc.

@rambhakta - 17.06.2010 23:19

@brianmoran1973 that's what your name suggests spell it correctly- moron not moran

@skalawitz - 05.07.2010 11:20

Nothing much to say because I think every opinion is correct. But if we start to act amongst ourselves. Little by little if we put them all together it would come out something big, really big enough to make a change... "We must work together, which is the last word of the film." - couldn't agree more.

@hedavie - 23.08.2010 19:15

maybe vegetarism would be a anwser ?

@mrjonno - 16.09.2010 05:44

@Hodge209 Unfortunately this won't work, nor should it. You can't expect humanity to move backwards. This is asking a kid who has seen technological possibilty and has the internet to be satisfied with a plough. Now though he might be very satisfied with a plough if he has an awareness of its global importance and how he can perfect it to make huge efficiency improvements it's only through technology itself that this can happen. We can't sustain nor control our future without technology.

@mrjonno - 16.09.2010 05:56

Our future and prosperity lies in a Resource Based Economy. We have to use science and technology to work for us and not for money and destruction. The current world system is about greed and wealth orchestrated by the powerful few with no regard to the future of the billions. There is an alternative that will benefit all, even the rich. An RBE (resource based economy). Join thezeitgeistmovement or thevenusproject to realise a better future for humanity.

@kicking289 - 23.09.2010 02:53

Depopulate the planet!

@dayceem - 28.10.2010 21:33

1. Reduce population 2. Redistribute wealth 3. Reduce consumption 4. Increase efficiency

@danz177 - 30.11.2010 20:47

@Hodge209 We need a Resource Based Economy. You said one thing right, get rid of money. But we don't have to go back to horse and cart, when you have solar, wind, tidal, geothermal and wave power to name but a few. The problem is that once the fossil fuel sector is squashed the monetary system dies with it. Solar energy is free and cannot be sold over time. New technology provides for greater efficiency these are enemies of the monetary system, which is in competition with our planet.

@danz177 - 30.11.2010 20:52

@dayceem Get rid of money, redistribute resources, raise the global intellect of the population. Understand what resources exist and utilize them efficiently. Replace fossil fuels with clean free reusable emery sources. Get rid of the profit system. The resources must be shared and distributed amongst all the world's people. make education the central focus of our societal structure, sustain population through greater understanding and eduction.

@420TheFlea - 24.12.2010 16:26

@BosnianMilitia Definetly a big thanks I had no idea how much farming had to do with this crises we are faced with. I had only figured it was mainly to do with gasses being emitted from our cars an factorys.

@1Nivvy - 28.01.2014 08:21

Oh I admire you so much for making this film and for all the efforts you are making to save our beautiful planet.

@savedfaves - 02.11.2016 20:46

Very clever to use a large company to fund the project, to enable free distribution and the creation of the film. It wouldn't be possible any other way. The fact that large companies are part of the problem is more of a reason to involve them. It's impossible to play ignorant of issues you speak publicly about and it makes it far easier to hold you accountable. A superb doc.

@imjustasimpleperson4377 - 12.03.2020 17:29

May 5th 2009 was my Birth!

@tabletsamsung3295 - 19.07.2022 02:29

V v
