Bangkok's Oldest Taxi & Free Food at Indian Temple

Bangkok's Oldest Taxi & Free Food at Indian Temple

Martin Bravo Siam

1 месяц назад

778 Просмотров

"Join me and my friend Felix Turem in this adventure through Bangkok where I stumble upon the oldest taxi in town! 🚕 Plus, I discover an amazing Indian temple where they serve up delicious free food! Let's dive deeper into the incredible Indian temple I stumbled upon in Bangkok! 🕌 Not only is it a stunning place of worship, but it's also a beacon of generosity. This temple follows the beautiful tradition of 'langar', where free food is offered to all visitors regardless of their background or beliefs. It's a heartwarming practice that embodies the spirit of community and compassion. Join me as we explore the rich culture and hospitality of this remarkable temple!"
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