Heroes 5 Expert Playthrough 7 ( Inferno ), Part 1

Heroes 5 Expert Playthrough 7 ( Inferno ), Part 1


4 года назад

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Ricardo Ricardo
Ricardo Ricardo - 25.06.2021 07:07

This dude is crazy good

Vlad Chess
Vlad Chess - 13.01.2021 01:50

So much money wasted on hiring useless heroes when you could have gotten a capitol up early and cleared the map with might...other than that, good play.

dontknow dontcare
dontknow dontcare - 22.05.2020 14:59

"I've always felt like there is less strategy in this version, you always take damage." just what i thought as well

Plamen Ilarionov
Plamen Ilarionov - 09.09.2019 23:08

Nymus, Alastor, Nebiros, Grok, Marbas... All are better than Grawl in so many possible ways. If you want magic, Alastor is perfect for you with the mana regen. Grok can use teleport and expert gating to kill enemies without moving or loosing any troops. Nebiros can use luck plus Hellfire for insane additional damage. And believe it or not, defense does wonders on Demon Lords since their troops die like flies in the early game, therefore Marbas can be an option here, too. Combinations can be devastating with Inferno and since it is a more might oriented faction, playing it with magic... Well, seems odd to me. Not to mention that the Demon Lord hero gains mostly attack + knowledge skills, and spellpower comes third. Demons as a whole are not that strong early on, this would probably be the only reason to play Inferno on magic instead of might development.

Yan Kowahl
Yan Kowahl - 08.09.2019 14:40

Deleb used "raise dead" spell not resurection

Suat Güler
Suat Güler - 21.08.2019 18:10

you know why i personally adore your any homm gameplay, You definitely know what you are doing and in addition to that, you enjoy yourself with it as well. After that point your videos become something full of joy.

ravens3468 - 17.08.2019 18:59

balista lady best for inferno, 69 damage lv 1

Erik Oberta
Erik Oberta - 17.08.2019 10:58

thx for heroes 5

Jojosh The Barbarian
Jojosh The Barbarian - 17.08.2019 02:53

I love watching you play Heroes 5 but whenever I install it myself, I get tired of it after a few minutes. In that past 10 years I started playing the barbarian expansion campaign 10 times just to get sick of it after the second map each time. Maybe it's the slow pace of the game. Even on max speed it feels sluggish.
I remember being 12 years old when this game was released. I wanted to play it so badly because I'm a huge Heroes 2, 3 and 4 fanboy. There was no way for me running the game because the computer I had was a very weak hand-me-down from my siblings. I installed it multiple time just to get an error because my graphics card was worse than minimum specs.
Years later when I finally had a nice PC paid from my own earned money I was endlessly disappointed. The game kind of feels dead inside compared to H4.
Thank you for reading my emotional outburst. Hopefully you had a better experience with H5.

Barak Pinhas
Barak Pinhas - 16.08.2019 17:04

Very entertaining and interesting game, thanks chris!

Caracol Furioso
Caracol Furioso - 16.08.2019 14:50

Stronghold is horrible? By the way, in the early game if u get a dungeon heroe...take the furies and RUN BITCH RUN!! You can get rid of all low initiative creatures (imps,golems,horned demons, peasants...etc) with just 1 fury and patience ;)

Daniel Mrazek
Daniel Mrazek - 16.08.2019 13:39

I am so glad that you did another heroes V

ישי רומם
ישי רומם - 16.08.2019 12:07

Yeeeee we like hmm5!!

eehhh - 16.08.2019 11:59

And to think just yesterday i started to rewatch your older H5 videos

Chr1s1986 - 16.08.2019 09:50

Im at minute 7.38 and could complain about so much wrong decisions you made with Inferno :D. First Inferno is a might fraction second the magic in HoMM 5 isent that importen as it is in 3. Thierd the main reason to play Inferno is the gating Abillity and its really if used correctly.
Nymus (when you dont want to play Deleb because op) and Marbas or Grok are good Heroes for Inferno. Nymus specially because of his gating Abillity is really good. At around level 20 ( on this map realy possible to get) the gating Abillity goes through the roof and you can summon tons of extra Monsters without of fearing loosing any monsters (even against Heroe fights). Sorry i dont want to complain too much because i like your video of HoMM 5 but you have to learn a lot about HoMM 5 because its sooooo much
different to HoMM 3. :)

Oleg Lunin
Oleg Lunin - 16.08.2019 09:20

Kinda sad though, I was hoping you'd find a way to capitalize on gating somehow. I mean, Inferno does seem a little underwhelming, but in theory the gating thing provides you with stacks that you can use to divert damage to your "real" troops + the creatures in inferno have quite high initiative and decent speed (imps / cerberi / hell stallions). The real problem (at least for me) is the lack of a decent range troop. The succubi aren't doing enough damage, though if you get Seductresses, you can pull off some interesting stuff with their puppet master ability, but it doesn't really last long. However, with gating (and a fast / high initiative stack) you can, in theory, get a couple of phantom stacks quick enough to block the enemy shooters or distract his heavier stacks, before you either cast damage spells, shoot, or use dark magic. But that's only in theory, in practice it's a pain in the ass (at least for me).

Anyhow, here's to hoping you'd actually try something with this gating thing on another Heroes 5 LP :)

Lin Goren
Lin Goren - 16.08.2019 09:11

Ohh yess heroes v is the stuff xd thanks :D

ThePaleKing - 16.08.2019 08:02

Yeah, poison boy is super strong with his decay special, that and the fact that he's a warlock for that exceptional spellpower is just icing on that mass decay cake. :)
I'm surprised you didn't take sorcery early though.
