The Dagger Of The Pure Evil, Tested!

The Dagger Of The Pure Evil, Tested!


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@steadyeddie639 - 29.01.2024 10:08

Makes me sick to hear you speak of the people who fought and died for your would be under communist Russia rule as opposed to Zionist..

@steadyeddie639 - 29.01.2024 10:06

The true saviours of all humanity,nothing at all to be ashamed of...

@room2180 - 28.01.2024 22:19

Thank you for the video! This is more information, than I should have gained over 30 years. The Holbein is a beautiful dagger.

@adriandoyle8809 - 15.01.2024 06:33

every country has a dark past and no person can answer for his past family choices or deeds in life. love the history

@callumherbert2708 - 13.01.2024 04:19

My Favourite video ive seen by you... oddly as i definitely appreciate slingshot stuff but i also love listening to history. You would be a great history narrator Jeorg! :) Awesome video, i know it was just a personal story but your honest depiction from a german viewpoint on ww2 history is actaully extremely fascinating. Make more lol

@lukasznowak8873 - 12.01.2024 10:25

really enjoyed this episode :) my grandad ( iam Polish) was in charge of railway station under german occupation, they said to him comply or die together with your crew ...he complied and just did his normal job, germans looked after him and whole village thanks to his move, when Germans failed Barbarossa, Russians came to liberate village and people received different treatment...village complied, germans paid for meat, paid my grandmother to cook them meals, when russians came they raided, abused and taken advantage of people... germans sure did a lot of dirt but even worst of them had some humanity in them, if my grandad did not comply i would not be writing this as thanks to his connections my grandmother was pulled out from concentration camp twice...

@AaronfromEngland1989 - 07.01.2024 01:09

Thanks joerg been looking for this video been following you just over two weeks out of interest in crossbows,my grandad was from the fortress küstrin he said he was a paratrooper or this is what I was told over the year's I was very close to him closer to him then anyone! No one knows who he is I'm waiting for the federal archives they said they finished their search two months ago and have his information I'm just waiting patiently,he never spoke about the war, he lost his whole family he wasn't a nazi he went to hell and back he was a pow and 20 in 1945,thanks for shareing i appreciate it,it helped me and i learned some stuff.

@ConquerOrDie - 04.01.2024 07:15

109 times and it's Germany's fault?

@InformationIsTheEdge - 03.01.2024 04:48

Highest respect to Joerg and his expert handling of this prickly topic. I cannot imagine how horrible it must have been for Joerg's grandfather to have been pressed into service in such a brutal and wicked manner.

@Nick-rs5if - 02.01.2024 03:33

Having Nazi memorabilia does not make you a Nazi. We have to remember the crimes of the past, lest we repeat them.

I know it is not an easy topic for Germans to talk about, I appreciate your honesty. Thank you for sharing this story with us. Bless you Jörg! 😊

@dopedreamz - 02.01.2024 01:54

My grandfather was there fighting yours, and we have committed atrocities too.

@stephenjerome7793 - 29.12.2023 12:58

Good man, I’m glad that, despite the shame this history brings, you are willing to still acknowledge the truth of it. Many American political leftists are now denying that the holocaust ever happened, teachers are also intentionally leaving it out of their lessons. There has been a lot of prejudice towards the Jewish in America recently and I worry that we may be headed towards what Germany was during WW2.

@davepeters4955 - 27.12.2023 07:43

We don't get to pick our ancestors.

@LordDevi - 25.12.2023 20:44

The Germans were the saviors of Europe - Western allies were the invaders.

@AOWGroundBeef - 17.12.2023 19:27

2 years of inflation has been rough...Tod charges 115 GBP now and the Boeker wants $510 for the Swiss dagger in the US or 329Euro in Germany

@ANukeWithLegs - 16.12.2023 22:11

Thank you for making it impossible to get a dagger like that now.
Hope you are proud of yourself.

Now the only option is a fully custom made by a commission from a Bladesmith.

@DimePwnz - 06.12.2023 12:19

"thats a nazi knife"
"no THIS is a nazi knife"
pulls out a legit rare as fuck nazi knife and an awesome backstory to go with it, legend.

@gigilaco - 05.12.2023 20:10

Joerg, that has been terrible things done by all peoples. There are terrible things being done today. Be proud of your people and your history, be aware of the bad but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

@Revelation1316 - 28.11.2023 17:59

I dont think your Grandpa was, mate. He wouldn't of had anything as spinless as you 💃

@dacedruss - 03.11.2023 00:54


@Mr_Jemit - 25.10.2023 10:28

I think they look good

@avatarion - 18.10.2023 19:41

An awfully apologetic video to a historical period. I wonder if such notification is required when covering the Mongol Empire, or does it only apply to other things because someone made sure history must be viewed one-way?

@user-cb3lr7jt5p - 18.10.2023 11:21

Most of the people that are on the front lines with a gun are not proponents of those that put them there. Most of them that are there are so because they are more afraid of their own Governments than any "Enemy". Most people that "Wage Wars" are nowhere close to the shooting. I can't blame Fritz for not dying today at the hands of his leaders over taking his chances with the opposing team that is also there against their will.

@adammitchell3462 - 17.10.2023 22:05

I appreciate your story and am fascinated by dagger's of all types

@sophienleechang2446 - 11.10.2023 19:38

Dear Jorge, no worries, don't be so down on your heritage. Every country had a dark and a bright side, and history is indeed written by victors...

You may not know this, but even before WWI, Germany surprisingly had been an important ally and supporter of the Republic of China that overthrew the imperial dynasty trying to establish democracy in China.

Even before and during WW2, Germany supported the new Republic in their fight against Japan. There were German officers and SS officials in China who refused Hitler's orders and continued to help the new democratic government against Japan invasion.

The republic's nationalist army under Chiang Kai Shek was trained and armed by Germany. The three elite German trained and equipped divisions, such as the 88th Tiger Division, with PanzerKampfWagen Eins, gallantly fought the Japs from Northern Manchuria all the way down the coast thru Peking and to Shanghai, exacting a heavy price from the shocked Japs.

Even in Nanking, in the midst of atrocities, SS officials put on their armbands and tried to stop the Japs from slaughter of civilians.

That's why if you go to Taiwan, where the Republic is at right now duo to commie revolution , you will find a more positive memory of Germany than elsewhere. In China, some parts still have statues in memory of the sacrifices made by those German officers and SS officials during WW2 defying Hitler and Japan.

@Mike-01234 - 06.10.2023 03:13

I'm sure they knew what happened to anyone who didn't follow orders they nearly all of them had ground off the words.

@SkeletonXin - 29.09.2023 16:16

"I'm not a huge guy" says the germanic colossus who eats Roman legionnaries for breakfast

@duanetrivett750 - 24.09.2023 05:29

I have always admired these Daggers. They were beautiful like most of the German weapons. Like you I am not a Nazi but the German people makes fine products. The Luger is my favorite pistol.

@01narrator - 22.09.2023 18:53

I dont get why people criticize others for what their parents or grandparents did, those were their decisions and if you do not uphold or carry them on in your life as their descendents than it shouldnt matter at all

@mikeplatts2603 - 21.09.2023 10:47

Completely fascinating.

@Lightmaker5 - 17.09.2023 15:02

I'd give everybody the🖕even to my fans if they'd ask about my past. None of anyones business. Look into your own past. None of you are innocent.

@getbackinthekitchen878 - 17.09.2023 09:20

Thank goodness for free speech in America. Not being able to repeat an etching on a blade just shows how far Germany has fallen from its once great glory

@hankwang2951 - 30.08.2023 21:42

R.E.S.P.E.C.T to you!

@rodywody - 30.08.2023 11:33

I want this . I wish there was a reliable and cheap site so I could buy it :/

@averysilver-fuhr-hz5fx - 13.08.2023 08:22

Woah so cool

@auxmike718 - 12.08.2023 23:30

A Rohm dagger 🗡️ with full inscription it very valuable.
You are lucky to have that piece.
There is a service that can help you identify the owner and see his military records, too.

@auxmike718 - 12.08.2023 23:22

I thought Rohm was killed when he was found to be homosexual?

@pops55650 - 04.08.2023 06:28

Collecting items like this doesn’t mean you sympathize with a party. They are tangible , in your hand proof of what once existed, and you will be more prone to not let it happen again.

@slevink5224 - 29.07.2023 16:49

why do the bad guys always have the coolest weapons

@johnmeuwese9850 - 23.07.2023 08:54

Thank you Joerg Gday from Western Australia

@tomjerry4749 - 22.07.2023 11:56

Very insightful. Fair play for talking about your history ❤

@mauricem.c4986 - 12.07.2023 05:43

I like you and will do business with you, thank you for this post its clear you are your own person past is horrible but the future is promising keep up the good work. 👍

@Mete0r27 - 08.07.2023 18:50

The Slingshot Channel Party!

@rossshort1721 - 07.07.2023 16:42

You Know Sir I will tell you this I Honor You for your Courage, and you’ve gained my Respect, I Appreciate You for your Story, Everyone I think had Ancestors who done things that we don’t Approve of, I live in the USA and found out that I had multiple Ancestors who fought for Both for the United States, but also the Confederate States, and After our Civil War I found out that a Ancestor went West to Fight the Native Americans so I completely understand

@floorskin1 - 07.07.2023 10:23

Nothing dark about it.
The history has been twisted by certain types.
What happened to the Germans after the war was far worse than any of the supposed things that happened during the war.
Europa the last battle.

@rhythmriderful - 02.07.2023 21:46

Thank you for sharing my friend. Bearing one's soul is difficult,, but it leads to higher ground.

@allopez8563 - 02.07.2023 06:40

Bah! Germans should stop blaming themselves from what their forefathers did.
Until what generation are they going to keep this up?

@urzmontst.george6314 - 27.06.2023 11:40

I will join the Slingshot Party!

@maxvogan8183 - 25.06.2023 04:21

WHo cares but the emotionally Psycho broke down left American- the bye bye American left pie!!!!

@n1ghtst6lker02 - 23.06.2023 07:35

It was a good video and I think you d8dnt do or say anything you should be ashamed of.

I was wondering though. What kind of penalties are there in Germany should you say the SS motto in public and does the severity vary based off intention?
