The Worst Cringe Moments Shared on r/AskReddit (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

The Worst Cringe Moments Shared on r/AskReddit (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

On Tap Studios

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@7xion - 17.11.2023 02:37


@sensmoon9714 - 12.11.2023 00:06

Washington da capital

@adamwurster2876 - 25.10.2023 03:46

I'm mildly autistic, so a number of things I did up through part of high school were really cringeworthy.

@isabelleakerstedt1708 - 03.10.2023 00:51

One time when I was at my grandma's house, I was in a room with my younger cousins. I heard a breathing that was pretty similar to a dog (loud and rattling) and I asked if my cousin's dog was there somewhere and no, one of my cousins was sick. I felt like I unintentionally insulted her. I cringed at myself.

@Pillowzzz_ - 25.05.2023 09:10

Yes trees can be retarded.

@spencergwin9454 - 11.05.2023 09:40

Biggest oxymoron of all-time: "Good guy." No such thing exists. All guys are shit at their basic level.

@trxll_qw33n53 - 12.02.2023 18:52

I didn't know how to say Nigeria right either 😭😭

@atomicghost775 - 02.01.2023 07:23

I had a girl in Hs who asked this gem of a question: " When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, was that the start of the Vietnam War?"

@aeternitaeum - 02.01.2023 04:46

when i was 3, i "dated" a girl in my nursery who was the same age. when i turned 4, we moved away and i went to a different school until the age of 10. when i was 11, we ended up going to the same secondary school and i immediately became fully infatuated with her.

i always denied it when confronted because i never knew how to speak to people i had feelings for and i was always insanely embarrassed. it got to a point where even the kids who bullied me wanted to see me succeed so they pushed me towards asking her out. her friends doing the same.

one day, when she was walking home, i walked with her and tried being smooth af (ive gotten better at talking the talk as ive gotten older but you have to remember, i was 11. my being smooth was me attempting wit while shaking from anxiety). finally, before i stopped walking with her to enter my house, i asked if she'd like to go out with me and she agreed. i was so ecstatic. i could've run loops around my house.

we arranged to meet on the saturday afternoon. her 4 friends were going to come too. her two female friends and their boyfriends. they started playing music on their mp3 speakers (2003, everybody) and making out. myself and my girlfriend sat awkwardly next to each other. as a load of shitty indie songs played out loud while a cliché young love moment happened feet away from me, myself and the girl of my dreams were terrified to move. we did get as far as holding each other's hands but her friends sucking face was too much.

finally, she agreed to walk me home. we said barely a word to each other.

a week later, she asked her friend to break up with me because, and I quite, I was "pretty munted."

I was salty for about 2 weeks then we just became friends and listened to rap and metal bands together. I realised that I wasn't in love with her but I just has this weirdly strong connection with her and she became one of my closest friends through high school until I dropped out due to being jumped by a huge group of boys.

i haven't seen or heard from her in over 10 years. im 30 now and ive been with the same girl since i was 17. i often wonder what she's doing now. but yeah, the cringe is just me thinking upon that entire date and relationship. 11 yo me really thought I had shit figured out. I knew fuck all.

@robertcomtois2074 - 28.11.2022 07:52

A tree can techinically be retarded in the sense that it's growth has been limited by enviromental factors.

@dukenukem42069 - 23.11.2022 00:29

Holy crap I just remembered the funniest and cringiest thing ever from high-school. We had a thing where the Men's Choir group of our school would deliver singing telegrams to kids on valentines day in separate groups. I had the pleasure of singing the solo part of my group and then I would read the letter to someone while my other group members sang a doo wop bridge thing. Anyways so we are going from room to room singing and I'm reading the letters when the girl who was in charge of handling the letters in our group hands me the next one and tells me that I don't have to read it aloud to them if I don't want to. How could it possibly be so bad to the point where I wouldn't want to read it? I read it before we went in the classroom and it said something like "Dear (girls name), I know the universe has ripped us apart but I know that as the river of time flows fate will bring us back together because we are meant to be. Love, your king." (Translation: "You broke up with me because im a fucking maniac but we should get back together because we are soul mates." The actual letter made it more obvious she had dumped him but i cant remember what it said exact) So i was like oh... that's how. And said yeah fuck that I'll just give her the letter without reading it aloud. Luckily for me she wasn't there that day anyways so I gave it to the teacher and told them to give it to her tomorrow. Later I found out from my best friend who was a note reader for another group that the girl had actually wrote him a letter as well that basically said we should just be friends lol. At the time it was really cringe and awkward but now that I'm looking back at it I wish I had taken a picture of what we called the letter from king because it was the funniest shit ever

@thisisntthescreennameiwant7485 - 04.11.2022 08:33

Holy shit kids are hilarious asf 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭💀💀💀

@samsimington5563 - 23.10.2022 14:26

I'm starting to wonder why reply all was even created in the first place if it's just there to screw up everything and back up email servers

@tarynrosenthal89 - 04.10.2022 02:12

That town with the beans is Tom Bean Texas I SWEAR

@threetoadsloth - 22.09.2022 19:09

I'm pretty sure all my cringe stories would be twice as long as this video

@northernbelle7020 - 09.09.2022 15:09

When I was a kid, when I asked my dad what was for supper, the reply was always sh** on a shingle. Little did I know that’s actually a dish. Creamed chipped beef on toast.

@iheartbadmemes - 04.08.2022 20:16

"/r/unexpectedjihad" KILLED me.

@Beliar275 - 01.08.2022 18:56

Funny change on the question to go to the toilet - In my country many children are never corrected by their parents (mostly without deeper thought) if they ask if "Can I go to the toilet" while doing something with parents / siblings. First grade in school usually doesnt correct it either. But when these students advance to our version of junior high some teachers start to educate them on the right choice of word ... By answering "I dont know if you're able to - but you are free to go!" Which usually results in red faces

@Thrashman-ye4cf - 25.05.2022 21:07

I wrote a love song/poem for a girl in 8th grade and sent it to her on FB messenger. I still think about that cringe every time I see her on my social media feeds now lol

@ashleynicolecooke4386 - 25.05.2022 18:20

I bet the person congratulated on the couple's baby died probably regretted emailing that

@ana_is - 15.05.2022 01:16

So glad the point and shoot girl failed 😭

@kaibaiarrio1299 - 06.05.2022 08:13

Ive always had this issue of just blurting random shit out (adhd gang) so in middle school i was in choir class and some kid started making some no homo type jokes. This then resulted in me blurting out "im transgender!" as a joke because apparently my brain found that funny. The only 2 ppl who heard then looked down at my crotch with a weird look and never said anything.

2-3 years later in highschool i realize i actually am trans so i guess i came out before i even knew it myself lmao

@ameramar1010 - 11.04.2022 20:29

لااله الاالله محمد رسول الله

@dedhampster4730 - 01.04.2022 16:28

The one about the kid getting sent home for saying "f*** the police "bothers me. Kids say and do things all the time that communicate violence or inappropriate messages, but most of the time they dont know the gravity of it. It is an opportunity to explaine to them that what they see/hear in the media is entertainment and not always reality. That emotions are manipulated to elicite strong reactions while story telling the same way you would ride a rollercoaster for the thrill. We dont rollercoaster in everyday life and therfore we shouldn't use the media in totality as models for our real world conduct and outlook on life.

@hbeachley - 22.03.2022 01:39

So, now I’m wondering if trees CAN be “retarded.”

@QuertyQw33n - 15.03.2022 17:38

both of the stories that I'm about to tell you happened during my environmental science class in my senior year of high school. There was this kid whose handwriting was kind of whack. He was trying to write the word can't but he wrote another word that starts with C and is highly inappropriate to be riding in school. then there was the time that we were using manipulatives to construct a model of an atom. The manipulatives were rods and spheres. well, one of my spheres rolled off my desk and my stupid behind went "oh no. One of my balls rolled off the desk. Can you help me find it?"

@QuertyQw33n - 15.03.2022 17:28

The story about the cement reminded me of a discussion that took place at the dinner table when I was 19. My mother was telling us about a news article where a man who wasn't even a doctor was giving people cement for butt lifts. Because the TV was on and multiple people were trying to have conversations at the same time I thought that she had said seamen because of the way she pronounced it.

@doggy7210 - 13.03.2022 23:43

Here's my cringe moment. Was talking to this guy and I could tell something was wrong with him. He stopped me mid sentence and said "I'm sorry, I'm very drunk right now. I just found out that a friend of mine was raped and murdered." I replied with "Oh my god. I hope she's ok."

@mr.h1262 - 13.03.2022 09:29

I had a student call me "ma'am" once; I guess she was used to all female teachers. I tilted my head and stroked my beard, and her friends roasted the snot out of her.

@andybunnycomics9741 - 07.03.2022 09:28

One phase I actually regret having, and makes me cringe to this day, was my overly religious phase.
I was that weird Mormon kid in High School in Senior year who tried to convince atheists to not only believe in Jesus, but specifically join the Mormon Church, because it was the only good Church ever.

It made me into a bit of a bully to kids who didn't believe in God, and I think about how mean I was to this one kid in class, when we were asked to present a theory about the Universe in class, I am so sorry

I'm actually Agnostic now, after realizing I was literally in a cult, after some teachings from Church made me uncomfortable.

@herusaleron6793 - 03.03.2022 00:46

in college, someone hit reply all and sent us all “whoever got the 98 on the pre calculus exam, fuck you”. that was it. i laughed so fucking hard.

@jagfoskett7027 - 13.02.2022 17:46

We dont have many Jews in germany
I'm floored right now if I wouldve been in that class I wouldve died of laughter

@LaurAgony - 24.01.2022 15:35

The Nigeria one was flat.

@mooglerae32 - 21.12.2021 18:58

For the people reliving their cringe worthy phases in middle and high school, just remember that the fact that you now cringe means you matured and that you aren't that person anymore.

@StephPavao - 17.12.2021 18:29

I remember talking to an adult (when I was 7-8) about how funny it was a guy in the movie was having "wet dreams".... I thought it was a sneaky way of saying wetting the bed... and I used air quotations 😐

@jozefienvoets2744 - 17.12.2021 12:34

english isn't my first language and i had to google what "dominatrix" meant......

@green3670 - 17.12.2021 03:18

"he shat himself", "Genitalia and Fussy!", and "hi-titties" KIIIILLLEDDD ME!
Looks like I still laugh at things I laughed at at age 10..

@victormarcelo4990 - 14.12.2021 06:09

The video has 499.999 views when i'm watching this, lucky i guess.

@IceyKunai - 11.12.2021 21:42

That Gaara post hit me. Had me thinking “damn did I write that” lol

@SweetPotatoS - 06.12.2021 00:10

oooh fresh

Lol the last one is in denial

@Ankochan200 - 05.12.2021 07:15

Is grad school I was in special Ed class (3-6 graders)in class. We where in a group and one of the boys said to another boy “you rapes me” the boy looked shocked 😳. The boy and I knew what that meant but the boy that said it didn’t. The teacher heard it and had to explain to the boy what it meant. ( since during Recess he was talking to the teacher) I think he meant to say you beat me. If I remember correctly. The group that I was in was for kids that where high functioning.

@megank9355 - 02.12.2021 21:00

One time in an 11th grade health class, a girl asked if women had colons. I guess the different diagrams confused her, as the colon didn't appear on the front facing female diagram but we all just sat there like ma'am do you sh!t???? Yes we all have colons

@mindyenglish5305 - 02.12.2021 20:57

When my sister was pregnant with my niece, she decided she was going to name her Hannah Bean. Some famous piece of trash named her kid that, and she was in love with the name. About a month before the birth, someone reminded my sister that her baby would be half Mexican, and that would be a very unfortunate name for a Mexican child. Niece is 16 now, and her name is not Hannah Bean.

@otw_ob - 28.11.2021 22:07

When I was 10 I used to do a trick where I would get a pencil and hold it in my stomach flaps in school
