Experiencing Side Effects After the 1st Tablet of Finasteride?

Experiencing Side Effects After the 1st Tablet of Finasteride?

The Hair Loss Show

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@joseh3204 - 13.07.2024 18:49

every person is different, so don't generalize

@deshipolapanmr1977 - 07.07.2024 22:26

hbs ag+ patiend can eat finasteride

@Ace-ex6cx - 27.06.2024 11:56

Ive been taking it for a few days , getting headaches, little heart pulputation

@strongest32 - 19.06.2024 03:08

i'm finishing my first tablet of finasteride and i'm noticing in these last days a symptom that no one talks about: oily sweat, specially in my face. Today for example I had a shower in the morning, we had a 15°C day and i didn't make any effort or training to sweat, nevertheless, now, in the evening i have oil in my forehead. In the past i needed at least 2 days without washing my face or hair to have oil in that zone. Now we are talking of something that happens in the space of 8 to 10 hours..

@by1591tanker - 17.06.2024 23:11

I think people should have their test levels checked prior. I had side affects almost instantly and months later also found out I had low test levels. Probably the mixture of the two was a bad mix

@TheManofsorrows - 10.05.2024 04:12

Doctors also prescribe finasteride for BPH along with Tamsulosin both messed me up

@caiper8909 - 04.05.2024 23:41

if i experience side effects after the 1st tablet and I stop taking it, how much time does it take to end up these symptoms?

@James-el6lj - 09.04.2024 06:39


@Excaliburhope - 07.04.2024 06:52

Have you seen anyone that had word finding issues after finasteride use and how long did it take to recover if you have seen this side effect? If finasteride crosses the blood brain barrier what parts of the brain are harmed by it? I have had anomic aphasia that was medically diagnosed as directly related to finasteride.

@akkarparkiamopas3401 - 03.04.2024 09:42

Does Finasteride have a side effect to people who have heart disease ?

@nothinggood000 - 30.03.2024 07:11

You were correct to say that you “do not discount” the idea that someone could get it after a single 1mg tablet of Fin.

Because it happened to me. It’s been 8 days since I took it and I’m only starting to recover erections now. With that said, I’d like to take this moment to say it’s no wonder PFS myths won’t die. Nobody talks about burning sensations or numbness as side effects of Finasteride and Dutasteride, but they’re very real. If this is just a simple hormonal change due to the meds and is completely normal process that will pass, then Why is it only found on PropeciaHelp forums and PostFinasterideSyndrome subreddits as a concern? Why don’t they have these possible side effects on the packet itself?

You guys have tons of videos about some of the simplest things where the video doesn’t even clock in at 5 minutes. So why don’t you bother to do a video on getting a side effects such as genital numbness or prostate inflammation due to the medication, and that you shouldn’t freak out since side effects are not permanent? The fact you haven’t bothered to cover this is very very strange to me.

@watchme7076 - 29.03.2024 00:10

I’m having side effects breathing I didn’t watch video. Can it get worse if I just continue using it

@Dieko_Obi - 19.03.2024 02:42

Dr. Can I take Finesteride and Biotin together?

@Maxwellhanes - 06.03.2024 09:54

I REALLY REALLY NEED HELP CURING FINASTERIDE SIDE AFFECTS!!! As a MAN we all Know How long our Stuff is!! I went from over 7+ Inches To less than 5.5!!! FINASTERIDE IS POISION NEVER TAKE IT!! And as men we all Know how Big we are let’s be Honest. And I Really FOUND out When I Measured…. My Thing used to be Longer than my iPhone by like 2 Centimeters so I had 7+ Inches because my phone screen is 7 Inches…. Come to find out like After a Month of Finasteride!! My thing is Now literally like Almost 2 INCHES Smaller THAN MY PHONE!!! WHEN PREVIOUSlY it was ATLEAST an Inch BIGGER than my 7 inch iPhone!!! Lost a Good 2 Inches and it was all because of an Ignorant Dermatologist that I’ve booked an appointment with him for Over an YEAR Just to see him! First appointment after 6 Months couldn’t make it family emergency! Then after another 6 Months of waiting I FINNALLY got an appointment!! Only for the DOCTOR to see me for less than literally 2 MINUTES!! I was not in that Office more than 5 Minutes INCLUDING the 3 minutes I waited for the Doctor to even come to the Office!!! He literally Put on Gloves, checked back of my scalp, front, Hairlines ETC gave it a quick peek for literally about a Minute! Then he told his Assistant “ Hey Write this young Man a Prescription for Minoxidil and FINASTERIDE” I told the doc Hey! I’ve used Rogaine/Minoxidil before! And honestly doc I don’t want it I got some at home! That stuff is Chemically toxic and it makes you dependent on it FOREVER!! He said your right! If you STOP using Minoxidil it’s basically a waste all that hair and time u took to grow it! All the Minoxidil Grown Hair will FALL OUT and Break off without Said Minoxidil so what’s even the Point of that? Don’t want to use that Toxic crap for the rest of my life and be dependent on it!! Rather go the Traditional Healthy Natural Oils Path with a Derma Stamp. But the Finasteride Side Affects Made me lose 2 inches!! How can I REVERSE this!!

@toweronthehill - 01.03.2024 23:11

After a year I started getting dizziness after getting up from bed or standing and then full blow dizziness, once I stopped it mostly went away. It was my only symptom

@johncatalano7101 - 14.02.2024 02:46

I only took 2 pills and it has fucked me up…. I took a dose 12 days ago and 9 days ago. Been having horrible side effects for 7 days now

@samkitty5894 - 09.02.2024 19:41

So you want to take this drug to help keep your hair and look attractive to opposite sex?
Price you will pay:
Destroyed sex drive
Dried up testicles (No sperm)
Dry ejaculation
Weird looking penis
Larger breasts
Sensitive breasts
Back pain
Swelling in limbs
Runny Nose
Blurry vision
Weak muscles
Increased heart rate
Possibly get a prostate cancer
p.s. I think I'll just shave my head, and stay as I am.

@kharboze_asmr - 07.02.2024 17:02

It's not nocebo cuase i didn't expect the side effects that i got from the pill. I only used it for 5 days 1 mg each day. And it almost killed my libido absolutely. And now im wondering if ill ever get it back. Permanent ED is no joke even if it happens in 1-2 % this drug needs to be banned. It ruins ppls lives. Again if its permanent. I read somewhere that the halflife or life expectancy of enzyme is about 3 months or sth maybe after three months it'll be ok but again it's a shitty drug

@cristiangarzaflores6173 - 30.01.2024 03:45

If you're inhibiting a normal metabolite process of testosterone what do you think is going to happen?, 5ar is there for a reason, inhibiting this process can never be considered natural, let alone healthy as it can have tremendous and devastating side effects depending on the biology of the individual who took the drug.

@TheManofsorrows - 24.01.2024 20:46

What exactly are the side effects?

@hjalmar.poelzig - 23.01.2024 00:00

After I starting taking 5mg of finasteride daily my libido abruptly disappeared so I stopped taking it for a couple of weeks until my libido began to come back and then started cutting the pills in half and taking 2.5mg every other day. I'm 70 and otherwise in good health. I had a very high sex drive right up until recently, but I suppose I should be thankful to have any at all at this age.

@themaskedviolinist1075 - 15.12.2023 22:13

Thank you so much Doctor. I ve really appreciated your speaking. It has been really conforting ☺️

@squidiebah - 14.12.2023 18:19

I took Fin for about 7 days and pretty much within this time had the onset of ED, then quite hard Anxiety and Depression. It took me a month to get over those symptoms after stopping Fin completely. This was at 1mb per day.

@5icecreamman888 - 12.12.2023 01:21

I am taking finasteride 1 mg every day for 4 years now. I do remember getting a terrible pain in my testicles the first month or so. I don't think this can be placebo, since I didn't even know this was a possible side effect back than. Luckily I kept taking finasteride even with the pain and the side effect went away after a while.

@nehemiahbrew8059 - 29.11.2023 03:51

Am on 5mg finasteride makes me eat a lot and alittle drowzy

@peteralmond8169 - 27.11.2023 20:43

These are the PFS people. Overthinking it and being paranoid. Anxiety causes ED, brain fog, sleepless nights etc.

@arnie1046 - 24.11.2023 12:17

Not everyone responds the same as a doctor you need to be more open minded.

@HITTAGAME - 19.11.2023 11:03

I got sides from fin so switched to dutasteride its better i feel no side affects at all just slight dizziness

@maximusmeridius2060 - 12.11.2023 15:14

Should i take finasteride with a therapeutic dose of test (i.e. primotestone 250mg per week)?

@adityasurve1259 - 07.11.2023 07:23

I am getting red rash on chest back and hand

@user-ws5en2mr7d - 31.10.2023 12:27

Sir can i stop using finasteride after 1 month of usage does it increases my hairfall if i use it for short period or 1 month. Please answer my question...

@PaperBoat. - 30.10.2023 15:06

I took a single tablet of finasteride and my whole body was filled with allergy and my skin got darkened... that was my first and last intake of oral finasteride. But I'm still loosing my hairs. 😔

@Boogaloo55th - 25.10.2023 13:34

I got my first box of finasteride today off my doctor I've seen for over 12 years. He said that he used to be against the idea of it, because of the possible side effects and it being used by alot of younger men for cosmetic reasons rather than health. He has changed his mind on the drug, because over 95% of the guys he's prescribed it to for hair loss, have no side effects and if they do it's usually something cialas will fix. That put me at alot of ease. He did say some guys can feel a bit depressed until their body becomes used to it, but depression from hairloss is definitely real if you're a guy that wants to hold onto it. My dr is also completely bald on top and says he wishes it was prescribed for hairloss when he was younger. What's the worse that can really happen lads?

@wewe12173 - 15.10.2023 16:45

Doctor, I took three pills for three days and then my sper was very watery... I don't sper density is affected by my mental state, it's like an "objective" side. Could it be possible to have that after such a short time ?

@iamnot664 - 02.10.2023 16:39

This is false, I took 1 pill of Finasteride at around 8PM and I woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat and the worst anxiety of my life. I couldn't shake off that anxiety, it felt like mental illness.

@satyamthapa7 - 28.09.2023 11:00

testicles pain is common?

@مقارناتالجيوش - 23.09.2023 03:11

after using it for 1 year and 2 monthes iam feeling back pain and lower back pain and muscles pain i was take 1.25 every 2 days then since 2 monthes ago started with dose 1.25 per day and my hair got very little gowing iam planed to stop this becouse i dont trust the side effects and iam male have 37 years old. i will stop finasteride i dont care if i get bald

@user-ik1oh6tb4v - 20.08.2023 21:52

I started feeling low libido the day BEFORE i started finasteride, so this is obviously a psychological effect. BUT, the experience is still continuing for some reason, how can I go about convincing my body that it's all psychological? I am on the 4th day, and I'm still experiencing the "side effect".

Also, I started feeling a tingling sensation in my stomach (right below my belly button) AFTER i started taking finasteride, is this is normal to anyone else? I also think I've become extremely emotional/depressed. Although I do think the feeling of depression subsided more on the 4th day.

@qualityposts2011 - 20.08.2023 20:35

I started on 1.25mg finasteride per day, and after 3 days i had a bad case of Vertigo. Lasted for 24 hours; use betaserc to calm the dizziness. I continued for another 2 days, and the dizziness has subsided. I will continue with Finasteride as i wish to see some benefits. Hope the dizziness will not re-appear.

@df27d - 12.08.2023 06:38

Bro it is all in the mind. Took my first dose todayand started flirted with a girl. Boner was on 10😂.

@danieloswald2210 - 06.08.2023 11:24

Does anyone know how long it usually takes to develop side effects? Is it a couple months? What about a couple weeks?

@Hariharabalans - 14.07.2023 15:35

Don't use finasteride I take 1 mg tablets for three days and I suddenly affected by sore on the skin like chicken pox rashes😢

@eslamalsayed8448 - 13.07.2023 00:01

Hello doctor kindly please reply my question i usef finastride now for 40 days all i used in those 40 days around 9 pills of 5 mg proscare i started like three days ago feeling pain around my nipples and chest i dont know if its because finastride or no ,could you advise i was using everyday 1.25 mg by dividing the 5 mg into four pcs , should i reduce it to 3 mg per week or what should i do ?

@Sunnyjim725 - 27.06.2023 22:41

Do u need to stop finesterdie if u taking a blood test?

@BrandonSosnoswsky-oe5pb - 13.06.2023 15:45

Can people get breast

@aminbenali955 - 03.06.2023 05:20

I need Help !!!
Hi doctor and everyone on this comment section I hope y'all doing well , so i was taking finasteride for 9 months now , but recently (2 weeks) i suffered from a Pain in the upper stomach, i thought that was because of finasteride then i stopped for like a day and my pain decreased and i took it the next day the pain returned , i don't know what to do , from the one side i don't want to stop finasteride , from the other side the pain is killing me
I need Help !!

@ayedevendra - 25.05.2023 09:51

Whenever I take finasteride I start to feel pain in my right testicle and it remains for 2-3 days after stopping. and when the pain is completely gone I start retaking the finasteride but the pain again comes. It is happening every time. Now I have stopped taking it but My hairfall is extreme. What should I do?

@oxforddictonary - 18.05.2023 06:29

It worries me when Dr's doubt a patient's symptoms. I know some patients are hypochondriacal, but there's a reason this medicine is given in SUCH SMALL DOSE!!! It's POTENT ! And CAN cause adverse (potentially long term) effects--thus why it's given in SMALL DOSES! Buyer Beware.

@JJoJi2 - 23.04.2023 23:10

Anyone else here 15 and balding, which is disgusting in the eyes of society so you can't do anything but risk.your health and mental health to simply have more hair?
