7 Big Costly Child Support Mistakes

7 Big Costly Child Support Mistakes

356 Просмотров

The Child Support Guidelines was supposed to make child support easy, predictable and fair. They are supposed to result in separated parents spending as much o their kids as they would if the family was together. Yet, child support remains very controversial. Often that is because people get chid support wrong, So, in this episode of the Ontario Family Law Podcast, Certified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman, goes over seven common child support mistakes that cost people big - and how to avoid them.

This episode covers how to calculate base child support and contributions to section 7 expenses. It also goes over what is, and is not, a proper section 7 expense. Finally, it covers some important tax considerations for child support.

If you found this episode helpful, check out these episodes on similar topics:

90. https://youtu.be/0o7DUzeZiBk
89. https://youtu.be/MJhWVYg5oTk
81. https://youtu.be/TZuvlhwVSFM
76. https://youtu.be/dfIVlRCh3gw
66. https://youtu.be/Jzx5HOYBLKA
54. https://youtu.be/GcvkIZljsNA
53. https://youtu.be/mmm-GO1bhkc

The Ontario Family Law Podcast is a companion to the book, Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law. The latest edition, which is up-to-date on all important divorce issues is now available. Get it as a $9.99 Kindle eBookhere: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CN8WWYHD, or as an Apple Book for your iPad or iPhone here: https://books.apple.com/ca/book/guide-to-the-basics-of-ontario-family-law-5th-edition/id6472009087?ls=1 . You can also get it as a paperback or hard cover from Amazon ( https://www.amazon.ca/Guide-Basics-Ontario-Family-Understand/dp/199828901X/ ) at better bookstores.

website: www.schumanlaw.ca
email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-446-5080

00:00 Introduction
01:29 Mistake 1: Getting the child support amount wrong
03:06 Mistake 2: Not making the Schedule 3 adjustments
03:40 Mistake 3: Assuming child support is based on total income on the tax return
04:23 Mistake 4: Not exchanging income disclosure and adjusting child support every year
05:59 Mistake 5: Getting Section 7 Expenses Wrong
07:47 Not taking tax deductions and subsidies off Section 7 Expenses
08:40 Setting off child support payments
09:54 Closing
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