Jeff Jarvis: Bezos op-ed shift is 'ridiculous word game'

Jeff Jarvis: Bezos op-ed shift is 'ridiculous word game'


4 дня назад

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@weslar7 - 28.02.2025 00:46

Pretty much every person in this circus, other then Scott Jennings, needs a red nose 🤡

@t.r.campbell6585 - 28.02.2025 01:00

He has seen the handwriting on the wall. I don’t know why anybody would oppose personal freedoms and free markets.

@froggystyl - 28.02.2025 01:01

the panelists are so low on a intelligence level that they only need 1 opposing view to offset them .

@rudycarv2197 - 28.02.2025 01:09


@JessLee77 - 28.02.2025 01:15

These stooges on CNN fear mongering and propagandists of victimhood

@tantuz1128 - 28.02.2025 01:18

People, wake up. You don't need Amazon.

@SpaceCafeNewsMusicComedy - 28.02.2025 01:23

The sweater has great colours...

@_ad0nis_ - 28.02.2025 01:37

lol this segment is laughable, bezos wasn’t a problem last year when the Washington post was spewing left leaning news

@dondraper3871 - 28.02.2025 01:39

Just cancelled my Washington Post's subscription... Amazon next

@mde1899 - 28.02.2025 02:11

Scott Jennings is such a pompous ass. Please get rid of him. He does nothing that makes this program better.

@ricogutz104 - 28.02.2025 02:13

Less than a minute of smirking Scott Jennings and I'm done.

@marijkegroothuis3814 - 28.02.2025 02:18

Cancelled Washington Post subscription last year, cancelled Twitter MUCH EARLIER, haven't bought anything on Amazon for quite some time now (and still survive nicely thank you)etc etc. ANY OTHER trump bootlicking business will be treated the same way. With billionaires who rely on YOUR custom, it is far easier to take action that you know will matter: JUST STOP SUPPORTING THEIR BUSINESSES! That includes those businesses who advertise on platforms like X and LIES Social...

@gilescaver8841 - 28.02.2025 02:28

Where was Jarvis when Biden’s administration told social media companies what to post and what to ban during the pandemic? 🙄

@josephsonora3787 - 28.02.2025 03:00


@helenachase5627 - 28.02.2025 03:25

This was actually a pretty good discussion

Ответить - 28.02.2025 04:02

Are these people serious? So, a professor likes a certain paper when it supports things he agrees with, but doesn’t like it when it doesn’t? Then some incoherent guy says something that doesn’t make much sense about us now being in a dictatorship. Which, of course, is silly because no one is stopping him from mindlessly saying his nonsense. The whole discussion is kind of ridiculous—a waste of 7 minutes.

@ma4450 - 28.02.2025 04:08

CNN allows a grubby, opportunistic little swine like Scott Jennings to enjoy the opportunity to spout Republican talking points freely; but the downside is he has to listen to other points of view. Jennings, like all Republicans, would prefer that ONLY his viewpoint be heard. So of course he admires Bezos (whose billions come from us taxpayers, via Blue Origin and Amazon Web Services). Bezos is turning the Post into a place where a man like Scott Jennings will never experience any pushback.

@Justin_Beaver564 - 28.02.2025 04:15

Kudos to Bezos for finally putting his foot down. I may start reading WP.

@Mathey789 - 28.02.2025 04:29

This is like Coca Cola changing their formula. It's their right, but questionable move from a business perspective. Bezos calculates he'll offset that with gov't money, obtained by currying favor with Trump.

@BinanceUSD - 28.02.2025 04:50

Cnn don't believe in individual freedom

@BinanceUSD - 28.02.2025 04:57

Who owned CNN Ted Turner? Billionaire?

@TRs-e9q - 28.02.2025 05:24

Mr. Jarvis' use of hysteria is both predictable and exhausting. Were we really in "the middle of a totalitarian fascist coup" rabble-rousers like Mr. Jarvis wouldn't have the liberty to announce his dire message to the citizens of our country. Severe limitations on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press would naturally be imposed by the Trump administration and Mr. Jarvis and the other participants of this CNN roundtable discussion would find themselves in a jail or a work camp or in the middle of a Russian gulag. What a delicious irony! Mr. Jarvis' personal freedom is a veritable refutation of the hysterical claims he makes. Perhaps his time would be better spent with the other old dissenters in the capital mall raising their fists, reminiscing about the 60's, and singing lyrically contrived protest songs off key that mean absolutely nothing.

@danieln.6097 - 28.02.2025 05:56

Oh no, the Washington Post will no longer be a medium of undying Democrat propaganda & Trump Derangement Syndrome. What a travesty.

@BIG-BlueNation8569 - 28.02.2025 06:01

Scott Jennings is the top journalist for this entire network and CNN lucky to have him. Watch this entire debate not cherry picked like here..

@jakejohnson7714 - 28.02.2025 06:04

boycot amazon

@courtneyy-k9w - 28.02.2025 06:11

Scott Jennings is such a goofball🤣😹🤣😹 🤡🤡🤡

@sandrastembridge4226 - 28.02.2025 06:18

Who hired the dumb black homeless guy. Black lady in orange isn't any smarter. They never read the constitution or know how government works. They are so dumb they can't remember what they said 5 seconds before.

@whamo3458 - 28.02.2025 07:41

The old guy just likes to hear himself speak.

@strechinpick - 28.02.2025 08:21


@duncanmatheson189 - 28.02.2025 08:53

Removed Meta and all Amazon related accounts permanently. No more advertising either.

@theheadphonea-hole4133 - 28.02.2025 11:02

So it's not gonna be a Democrat propaganda newspaper... great, they'll get way more business now and you'll say what?

@maryrogers3343 - 28.02.2025 13:55

Jennings is a ridiculous word game

@user-zu5do6ri6r - 28.02.2025 14:08

We've been an Oligarchy since 1912.

@ShortyKat - 28.02.2025 15:29

Gaslighting from the right. Disgusting.

@ShortyKat - 28.02.2025 15:30

Canceled Amazon today.

@Eliana23486 - 28.02.2025 16:43


@leesagrrl - 28.02.2025 22:59

Jennings is such a pompous little crapazz. He's just a MAGAt shill. He never says anything even remotely Intelligent or Pithy... everything h spits-up is just smug, whiny, victim crap. Poo widdew Scotti... always so picked-on...

@leesagrrl - 28.02.2025 23:33

Mealy mouth whiny boi says, "How many Radio Stations does George Soros Own?" Not as many as Sinclair... not to mention the owners and CEOs of CNN, MSNBC, CBS et-fuggin'-cetera

@metronyc2855 - 01.03.2025 00:35

This is true but its funny hearing CNN debate this given their track record.

@themanwithnoname8471 - 01.03.2025 06:49

A left learning paper that promotes and believes in pure blooded liberal satanism who really cares if it burns to the ground.

@lucianomezzetta4332 - 01.03.2025 10:05

CNN is part of the ruling class's propaganda drive to manufacture consent for American imperialism. Unfortunately, lefftoids fall for this. They have become tools for oppression, all the while spouting how noble they are.

@mo_aingeal_leanbh_fionnaidh - 01.03.2025 13:35

Boycott Amazon (as painful as it is with so many store closures). Amazon is his bread and butter. WAPO is more if a 'pet project'. He obviously could care less about any loss of revenue from this 'once respected' press outlet. All of these billionaires, who are bowing down to the orange fascist, should emigrate to Russia so they can bow down to the orange MAGA-t's boss, Putin. All supporters of this felon should consider themselves traiters to the United States at this point. There are NO 'clean hands' in this former Republican (now MAGAT-ts) cult of fascists. (Instead of swastikas, they wear red ties & and dresses to honor their 'orange Fuhrer'.) DISGUSTING & DISGRACEFUL. 🇺🇲

@XX-qi5eu - 01.03.2025 16:04

I now wouldnt read the Washington Post for free and I've blacklisted it.

@strawhatsanji4985 - 02.03.2025 00:12

I'm kind of confused, because they are talking about how Jeff Bezos is changing the opinion post. But it wasn't an opinion post anymore for the past 4 yrars its been a I hate Trump post.

Now I'm not a fan of Trump but it seems that the out cry has nothing to do with free speech but has to do with Jeff Bezos saying enough of this Trump is evil bs.

Most Americans don't want to hear it. It's supposed to be an opinion post.

@Exploreyourmind24 - 02.03.2025 02:14

Today I cancelled all my Amazon and associated Amazon subscriptions. I hope those that feel strongly about the comments and actions by Bezos and the Trump administration do the same. I am from Australia and am absolutely gob smacked by the behaviour of trump and his puppets.

@michaelwayne1977 - 02.03.2025 05:32

Jeff Jarvis is a crackpot.

@jessyleodyn8024 - 02.03.2025 19:24

One can imagine that Bezos hopes that he will attract more new readers / subscribers than he will loose. Does anybody keeps track of this ?

@theheadphonea-hole4133 - 03.03.2025 10:59

CNN? 😂. Enough said

@Sureyoudo - 03.03.2025 17:56

Hey Jeff, how about paying your employee of 14 years with high performer reviews more than one month severance! Especially when you forced her to retire at 64.

@Sureyoudo - 03.03.2025 18:02

Jeff the Republican that carried himself and his company as liberal. What a psychopath!
