Poisons are IMPORTANT to get in D&D 5E!

Poisons are IMPORTANT to get in D&D 5E!

Pack Tactics

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@lufasumafalu5069 - 30.10.2023 03:15

can u apply poison on kobold's claw and teeth

@badideagenerator2315 - 07.10.2023 21:15

the poison extraction dc is way too high. it should be made a dc 10 medicine check instead.

also 100 gp for a poison that doesn't incapacitate or kill is extortionate.

@logans3365 - 03.10.2023 19:55

I’m playing my first D&D as a rouge, poisons we’re the first thing I started investigating, they seem OP, I’m also a Tabaxi, so poison coated claws sound badass.

@TheIlluvatar619 - 12.09.2023 00:09

nice guide as always!
A thing to note: as a DM if you spamming conjure familiar to harvest for poison from sudodragon, i will change your alignement to evil, and your find familiar will be either terrorize by you, sarcastique, evelish and sometime being a nuisance. he always obey your command, but can act independantely, he could leave a message on the ground to help foes, insult someone in a middle of a conversation. nothing in the spell say that the spirit is always the same or not, or if they know each other

@inrisd3704 - 11.09.2023 16:13

Our DM has a table where we can forage for poisons using nature or survival. table is split into 3 parts, 1-10, 11-20, 20+ based in you roll for foraging. Then you roll for which poison you can make. Nothing like purple worm poison, but there are some that get up to 10d6 from local plants and animals. Some for sleep, some for incapacitate, some for madness. Its pretty cool and makes our ranger a lot more dangerous.

@AlexMunz-bg3bc - 27.08.2023 16:37

Pseudodragon poison milking is canonically a thing but it is very unethical and uncomfortable for the pseudodragon.

@temporaryname8905 - 24.08.2023 03:51

You know what I love about DnD is something as functionally simple as poison ties into player morality and the opinions of the gods. For example say a player taked poisons and puts them into a cake. They put the cake into the cabin of a murderer expecting him to think his wife made it for him and eat it whike his wife is out. What you didn't count on is his 10 year old son coming home from tutor early and finding the cake first then eating it. This happened because you put the poison there. Some players would argue the player is "wrong" and "at fault". Some would say innocent and not even to worry about it as long as you're not caught. Some of the Gods might say the player is responsible and some gods wouldn't be bothered ay all. Some evil gods might be glad you did it but refuse to give you credit or a blessing. Other evil gods might give you a boon and a mark you don't even want. There's so many different things that could happen here from an accident from a mundane item.

@jamesgoodwin1741 - 23.08.2023 03:50

how much gold are you shoveling into your parties warchest that they can afford poisons?

@Jamlord2061 - 21.08.2023 16:08

talks about poisons including ingestion. proceeds to do a sponsor for cereal

@themalcontent100 - 12.08.2023 18:13

The problem is that on higher levels poison becomes useless, especially in homebrew campaigns with DMs uses exotic enemies.
Don’t get me wrong, I poisoned a chicken and fed it to a swarm of dinosaurs which kicked ass.i probably could have killed a gargantuan using some deadly stuff that we found and a troll pieces.
But it isn’t very pood when you fight demons and lichs.

@jglaab - 11.08.2023 13:17

I have never thought of harvesting poison from a summoned creature. Thanks Mr tactics!

@octapusxft - 08.08.2023 13:27

I wish there was an easy access to a basic venom for weapons.

@dazeen9591 - 07.08.2023 12:07

No. Poisons aren't a lot more important than everyone makes them to be.

Only the highest tier poison does meaningful damage and you bet the DM will make it very rare and expensive.

Poisons suck.

@Emohawk707 - 05.08.2023 10:22

A rogue in one of my campaigns managed to get her hands on a briefcase full of Purple Worm poison... plus 14th level sneak attack and an Oath Bow... there be a lotta-damage!

@sergiomedinacancel9492 - 01.08.2023 15:59

Made a poisoner goblin and it was a nightmare for my DM

@Bacon8t0r - 18.07.2023 22:18

It's great seeing someone as entheusiastic about D&D poison as I am. "But a crossbow does so much more damage" Yeah, but it's thematic having my forest prowler have a blowgun and numerous types of creature poison to take down various types of prey

@Dexef_ - 17.07.2023 12:00

Peak game design, the poisoned condition does not cause damage but poisons that you buy instead do 🤔

@vukkulvar9769 - 16.07.2023 15:34

European who can't order magic spoon cereals -> cries

@talscorner3696 - 09.07.2023 09:43

Thing is: 100gp for a ONE use thing that could fail, especially so at a relatively low DC, is just not worth the effort, to me.

And all the fun stuff (harvesting and designing new ones) depends too much on the GM willing to put work in, over which I have no control.

@jeffbenefiel2676 - 07.07.2023 06:25

Criminal Contacts access to poison makes the Criminal background actually worth something for a change.

@asdfniofanuiafabuiohui3977 - 04.07.2023 19:53

I can only find the condition immunities by cephalon but not damage immunities, was it taken down?

@GOLDBlueGR33NObeliskVsRed - 30.06.2023 16:58

Acid vial can be a homunculus servant

@tp1382 - 29.06.2023 03:47

Love to see you on these other ads

Something hits different hearing your matter of fact voice give an ad about Protein Cereal lmao

@dadanny187 - 26.06.2023 04:04

Too bad that it's easily one of the most common immunities in 5th edition. 436 of The creatures in 5e have immunity to the poison condition, while 96 of them immune to poison damage. Not to mention that Dwarves, Reborn, Warforged, Green Dragonborn, Yuan-Ti, and Stout Halflings all receive poison resistance from their race.
In most cases, you're trying to poison a human target, sure that can work.
But imagine someone trying to poison someone your character doesn't know wether or not it's immune.

@Evoker23-lx8mb - 22.06.2023 18:19

In my last session my rogue stole a cockatrice spine. The dm ruled it the same as a dagger plus when I hit someone with it, they have to role a DC 11 con save or be petrified by the cockatrice venom for 24 hours. Earned that weapon the hard way by being petrified by it first. Luckily the sorcerer befriending this weird celestial flying snake thing that cured me and I got to keep the spine. Instead of a dagger though I use it as crossbow ammo.

@tiernanmcgee9252 - 21.06.2023 09:42

And there is a spell that makes it that an enemy that is a immune tl element is no longer immune and this works with poison to

@DaraelDraconis - 21.06.2023 00:31

I think part of the reason players disregard poisons is that the first one they see (and indeed the only one unless they look at the DMG!) is Basic Poison, which is ridiculously priced for what it is and does. An injury poison that only lasts one minute, costs 100 GP, and is good for a maximum of three attacks (if you apply it to ammunition rather than to a melee weapon) — and on top of all that, you get 1d4 damage with a mere DC 10 CON save to utterly negate it. Even if you harvest or craft it, the action economy on that is just awful. Other poisons are far better, but are much more expensive and/or harder to harvest.

There are ways to work around this — harvesting beast venoms is an excellent example! — but by the time they're under consideration people have already anchored on the basic poison and dismissed the whole category.

@Kheiltar - 20.06.2023 21:22

Put the video on 1,25 speed and you almost talk in a normal pace :D good video tho, but the talk is reaaaaaaal slow :D

@OneKnightGaming - 17.06.2023 08:03

I definitely need to give my artificer some poisons.

Anyone have a link to that cephalon damage resistances page featured in the video? The description links the condition resistances, not damage ones, and I can't seem to find the correct one on their site.

@TYOjoe - 16.06.2023 22:57

obtain a poison scabbard

@williamdc3104 - 16.06.2023 19:52

These videos really make me realize how terrible my past DMs were.

@dungeonghost3091 - 16.06.2023 18:16

you will always find my characters packing at least a dose or two of malice

@Spamthulhu - 16.06.2023 01:31

When they work they are cool. 1/3rd of the monster manual is immune. Player races are resistant, Dwarves, Reborn, Warforged, Green Dragonborn, Yuan-Ti, and Stout Halflings, autognomes, and I think there is another but that's just a list. Poison has been made a lot less useful so when it works it really really works. But to invest in a damage type so heavily resisted is not worth it unless you know you aren't doing undead, demons, or yaunti based campaigns.

@allenkeith7160 - 15.06.2023 20:29

Dead or Incapacitated is mostly just suggesting you are getting it from a wild source. One could assume, with DM-permission of course, that an ally or tamed creature could be convinced to share its poisons or venoms as well... Without being dead or disabled. (Taking a live snake, friendly or not could still be "milked" as it bites down on something to deposit a dose of poison with successful animal handling or dexterity checks... Fun scenario if the player attempting this possibly getting bitten once or twice before getting the sample properly.)

@johngillan4475 - 15.06.2023 18:56

Thank you for your information video

@Shimatzu95 - 15.06.2023 15:06

Why do people not use poison? Maybe thats just our group but undead and fiends are pretty much our enemies of choice.

@Pfincess - 15.06.2023 15:00

I once committed a warcrime with poison spray by gassing an entire mansion with poison spray in a game of hide and seek..... so many dead semi-innocent goblins......

@adromea5628 - 15.06.2023 13:28

One of my characters is an alchemist artificer who specialises in poisons, and while I unfortunately haven't had much of a chance to play her properly I absolutely love poisons in 5e
One thing I've been finding particularly fun is trying to figure out ways to make poisons that might bypass the resistances of certain creatures, for example using holy water in one to make an anti fiend/undead poison, it's a neat little thought experiment

@connorjohnson8590 - 15.06.2023 07:45

So, my DM went to great lengths to make poison incredibly relavant in our Storm King's Thunder campaign. Spoilers.

So, in STK, you have the option of fighting each kind of giant in their home base. Normally it's a bit of a Schrodinger's Quest, where the giant's are only relevant if you choose to engage them. To that end, the giant's actual schemes arn't that relevant in the long run, and most of them are entirely destined to fail.

Our DM did something cool to really kick up the tension. Instead of passively failing to end the world or accomplish their goals, each of the giants have become serious threats. To name a few, the Frost giants actually succeed in acquiring a homebrew version of the Ring of Winter, and the stone giants kidnapped family from 2 of the PC's.

For the hill giants, he made them carriers for a deadly and mysterious disease which spreads via contact. Creatures who succumb to this 'Hill Plague' become mindless slaves to the hill giants. Healing magic FAILS to rid patients of the disease, and the Harpers are getting desperate. The disease makes normal monsters (such as ogres, orcs, and giant spiders) much deadlier, jumping their CR by about 2 or 3, dealing extra necrotic and acid damage, and there are a crap ton of them since it spreads so quickly. By the time we were able to actually ready to deal with the hill giants (we're level 9 now), they had infected almost all of the Dessarin Valley, and were about to expand even further.

We had just finished a deadly fight with a hoard (30-40 plus homebrewed plauge spreader orcs) of these zombie slaves in Ulivin, when our cleric somehow caught that the juiced orcs we fought dealt half their normal acid damage after suffering poison damage from our rogue. By this point, we are in the single digits and HEAVILY infected, and we were preparing to bust out some treasure for raise dead to see if dying and coming back to life would cure the disease.

But it turns out, the disease was actually hill giant bacteria, and dealing poison damage to it, or an infected creature reduces a creature's infection rate to 0 if enough poison damage is dealt! We take some poison, throw up, and now we're back on our feet! Nobody questions our rogue anymore, he's been pivotal.

I applaud our DM for figuring out a believable and fun way for poison to actually be critical in both the story and the fights!

@thomascook3336 - 14.06.2023 23:59

Happy family appreciation month from italy 🇮🇹

@richardsanchez1095 - 14.06.2023 23:55

Love to see some some Artificer content.

@TheEldarGuy - 14.06.2023 14:38

I run with the save or die mechanic with some poisons.

Most poisons in my games do further damage if the save is failed, but some are just plain nasty enough to exact the ultimate price for failing the save.

Save vs poison or die.

@darkmatter9643 - 14.06.2023 13:59

Can’t wait to bring mustard gas to my next combat encounter

@MrWasber - 14.06.2023 07:36

My players are going to hate you in the next session of my Witcher campain

@flexiblenerd - 14.06.2023 04:46

See, I keep wanting to make a poison user, but everyone always says "don't do that, everything is immune, do something better instead". I love the idea of a discreet poison user, a ghost who kills without leaving a trace.

Happy Pride! <3

@anthonylivesay6358 - 14.06.2023 02:24

Isn't the use of poison considered an evil act?
Therefore Good aligned characters should not use them.

@jedbex7070 - 13.06.2023 22:45

I am going to create a poisoner character now.
