Sharp Nintendo Television (19SV111) - Gaming Historian

Sharp Nintendo Television (19SV111) - Gaming Historian

Gaming Historian

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Josh Adams
Josh Adams - 25.08.2023 21:01

Oh man, imagine if Sony did something like this with a Trinitron and a PS1.

Hi there Ho there
Hi there Ho there - 18.06.2023 02:44

What's funny? Nintendo's first arcade games, Radar Scope, Firebird, etc, had an ENTIRE off the shelf from a department store, 19 inch Sharp tv, cabinet and all, inside the cabinet. It connects to regular old 100 AC outlet inside the cabinet. Then, with the success of DK, they got rid of the tv cabinet, installed new brackets + slid the tv into they use both Sharp and Sanyo.

Cory Mortensen
Cory Mortensen - 02.06.2023 08:06

I bought one of these from Kmart when I was a kid. I still have it complete with all feet, the two original controllers, the tv remote and the operation manual. Serial number 529644.

An Who that Nation rant
An Who that Nation rant - 12.04.2023 23:20

The only add I ever saw for it and the only way I ever knew about it was contest to win one. An now defucked local radio station and the local Fox Network had 20 to giveaway, that I remember was the only way to get one.

Luk Ahmad
Luk Ahmad - 03.04.2023 07:17

If its hard and expensive to find in Japan, it probably almost impossible to be found at other unknown countries like my country Malaysia. I really love these classic products <3

ALJAY - 16.03.2023 13:15

I still have mine with remote and all. Works great!

rocko7711 - 13.03.2023 20:44

Great video

Gab Diamond
Gab Diamond - 02.03.2023 10:54

Your videos are aging extremely well

Vintage Retro
Vintage Retro - 11.12.2022 15:54

Try $1700 in 2022.

Jay Sea
Jay Sea - 17.09.2022 21:47

I have at least 1 of the game controllers for the tv system they are so cool (i didnt know they were related to the system until recently or that it existed lol)

Jason Spear
Jason Spear - 09.09.2022 04:19

There are actually a lot of inaccuracies in this video. This was never sold at Sears it was a K mart exclusive. Also they weren't allowed to advertise it until after the holiday season the Gameboy had just come out and nintendo didn't want to compete with themselves for sales. The name nintendo is nowhere on it except on the back where you can't see it Also there were never 2 models there is Just the 19SV111 the other one was never actually made. Nintendo didn't even want to be associated with this. This is a Sharp exclusive. Nintendo never advertised it and won't even admit that it exists.

Thomas Carpenter
Thomas Carpenter - 29.07.2022 17:31

I still have one of these

Kyle Neel
Kyle Neel - 15.07.2022 16:17

I still have one!!

Aldous Snow The Rockstar
Aldous Snow The Rockstar - 03.07.2022 10:54

$250-$500? Man the difference 7 years makes. Things go $2k with all 4 feet now

ElectroFonicKitty - 09.06.2022 09:21

I saw one of these when I was a kid, I saw this in a video game store as a set up. It was pretty cool, and I did play on it.

MetalSlug2021 - 23.05.2022 02:38

It’s a ridiculous idea.

RETRO GAME STUDIOS - 12.05.2022 19:37

U looked like u were scared of the spider on your camera lens for a moment there

TheCreepypro - 29.04.2022 00:00

interesting how you never actually said what the price point was but you probably couldn't find it anywhere and you did give examples of what it could actually cost so at least we can speculate

Marcel Lachine
Marcel Lachine - 08.04.2022 00:55

I remember a tv that the Nintendo part was built into the top of the tv. It was a 21 or 26 inch tv. Watching the whole episode, I should stress it was for the nes. Not snes.

Snitch Operations
Snitch Operations - 29.03.2022 05:12

urkrain poggers!!!!!

Eric Ross
Eric Ross - 27.01.2022 12:53

Was it JVC or Pioneer that had the LD player with a built in Genesis?

NES ADDICT - 03.01.2022 09:10

I am lucky enough to have one of these oddities

Cee Tee
Cee Tee - 25.12.2021 07:16

Just saw an episode of pawn stars where Corey got his facts mixed up and robbed a poor girl of hers ☹

Geoff Baldwin
Geoff Baldwin - 12.11.2021 20:46

Fast forward 2021.
$1800 on ebay

Panosmos Productions
Panosmos Productions - 22.10.2021 10:00

19SC111 is a typo. It’s no different from the 19SV111.

Epicly Slow Cars
Epicly Slow Cars - 23.09.2021 17:22

The SC model was a typo and the photo of it is fake as has been proven by Nintendrew this week...

ruben gonzalez
ruben gonzalez - 10.09.2021 07:09

What was the MSRP?

Throggy - 02.08.2021 05:50

I actually saw one of these in a video game shop in Florida. It was on the table in the back, and I guess it was broken. I should have offered the guys like $30 to take it off their hands just to have one.

Overlord Alfredo
Overlord Alfredo - 22.07.2021 00:47

Hey Norm I know you are looking for opportunities to make corrections to your older videos.
Recently there was a video put out by Nintendrew who took a good amount of time to do some research especially about the 19SC111 model.
His research seems to be contradicting some of your statements in this video.

So if you are looking for any video to "reboot" - maybe this would be a good idea?

Panosmos Productions
Panosmos Productions - 21.07.2021 22:15

Some people replace the feet by 3D printing them and re-attaching those. Oh yeah and the 19SC111 was a typo.

Louise Ogden
Louise Ogden - 18.06.2021 23:41

At least the TV can be used without the remote control. It is without a doubt the most annoying feature of modern tvs.

Dylan Wicklund
Dylan Wicklund - 17.06.2021 06:05

My grandma had an old sharp TV for years and it had that exact remote ill never forget it I used it everything I went over

Eldar Taghiyev
Eldar Taghiyev - 14.06.2021 14:31

What is the best version 19SV111 or 19SC111?

BLEACH 875 - 01.06.2021 01:09

guys look, its the switch pro

Journeys with Daniel Gordon
Journeys with Daniel Gordon - 31.05.2021 09:17

Looks like the price is over $1500-$1600 now for the tv on recent Ebay prices. These are very detailed videos. It's impressive that you have been able to make so many documentary style videos of vintage gaming.

Dondaboss Gaming
Dondaboss Gaming - 07.05.2021 15:26

Been loving your content as of late

autobotjazz1972 - 08.04.2021 19:05

never knew this beast existed, that said these tv combos always worry about what happens if TV goes out.

RETRO-ROCK - 06.04.2021 14:43

But sharp even made the sharp mz series and the sharp x1

MC_Sonic - 03.04.2021 15:31

I had the opportunity to play the later model of this tv made for hotels and retail stores only, didn't have the special controller so I had to use a regular nes controller, it looked and sounded fantastic and I played some good old contra 1 on it

Timothy Pierce
Timothy Pierce - 13.03.2021 17:15

This doesn't include the next generations, the first of which had a table built in under the television, and the second which had a house built around the game system, television, and table. The latter was still cheaper than the original release.

Panosmos Productions
Panosmos Productions - 08.03.2021 09:23

We actually have a Sharp Roku TV in my house.

The Watcher
The Watcher - 10.02.2021 06:24

I want a real NES cart blank book like the one used in the logo so much.

Ic Total Drama
Ic Total Drama - 06.02.2021 21:34

The greatest tv ever made

Haakon Anderson
Haakon Anderson - 19.01.2021 06:17

Anyone remember kids would wanna come to your house just because you were the kid who had cable tv at home lol
