The Best Way To Cook Steak? | Techniquely with Lan Lam

The Best Way To Cook Steak? | Techniquely with Lan Lam

America's Test Kitchen

1 год назад

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Lan Lam
Lan Lam - 30.09.2022 22:25

thanks for watching everyone! i had so much fun making this video. the cold sear is such a solid technique (thanks aj!) and i loved diving into the pro's and con's of the other methods.

Brian Brian
Brian Brian - 01.10.2023 17:25

So is the steak supposed to be cold when we put it in the pan or is the pan supposed to be cold before we put it on the heat? Or Both? Or by "cold" we really mean "room temp"? Halp me!

All Might
All Might - 30.09.2023 22:50

Resting is by far the hardest part 😅

Chad Sichello
Chad Sichello - 30.09.2023 18:07

What is your steaks starting temperature?

rock o
rock o - 29.09.2023 23:54

is high heat good for the nonstick pan?
is it not a good idea to cook the sides of the steak?

Ellen Lee
Ellen Lee - 29.09.2023 19:12

Awesome!! Wish i learned this sooner 😊

fidelity71 - 29.09.2023 17:53

so no oil is added to the pan?

Victor Martins
Victor Martins - 29.09.2023 13:14

It's easu, quick and free!
Dipping your socks in river water.

PAMLTL - 29.09.2023 11:04

LL, cold sear is great. takes practice but im getting there notice u didnt sear the sides. pity. would have been complete.

LoneStar96 - 29.09.2023 05:20

i always been using either gril or frying pan method. never knew all these fancy methods, equipment, and all these name.

Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 27.09.2023 23:35

Is there a way to do this with a stainless steel pan? Typically, you need to heat up a stainless pan before cooking to keep your food from sticking.

Michael Lane
Michael Lane - 27.09.2023 02:40

I saw your video about cold searing a steak about a couple weeks ago. I had to try it. I bought a nice rib eye and cooked it the way you said. It was delicious! Beautiful crust and pink all the way through. I cooked it to 130 and it was great. I have to admit that I have a rule in my house . I don't cook a steak without sharing with my dogs. They loved it too. LOL. Mike

Dan K
Dan K - 26.09.2023 23:52

this is how I do steaks and fish.. just by accident lol

Edward Hsu
Edward Hsu - 26.09.2023 17:08

I am convinced. I shall go with cold sear from now on. Thanks for your sharing.

Maximilian Master
Maximilian Master - 26.09.2023 15:50

I've been cooking streaks for fifty years, bbq don't have enough heat to seat properly, it will dry the meat out before it's seared. I'm a firm believer in cast iron pans to cook the perfect steak. I also don't believe in frozen or room temp although I'll have the meat thawed and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes. Then cook, pan is smoking hot. I'll use peanut oil or olive oil in pan and on steak to hold the spicing. Meat thermometer is essential...124f internal then rest.... You'll have a medium steak, if you want med, rare cook to 120f and rest....use keg seasoning or Montreal spice, plus seasoning salt.....perfect cook and tasty

010jwzelluf - 26.09.2023 09:52

What about butter,Thime and garlic???

Werdna - 26.09.2023 02:48

This method is kind of tough for more than one steak 😅

Julien Prévost
Julien Prévost - 26.09.2023 01:48

beautiful ; and what a great video and very clear and precise directions ... for me, charcoal flavor is part of the experience of eating a steak... my dad always cooked us steak on the charcoal so my go-to method is sous-vide + finishing on smoking hot coals

Ifu Sayso
Ifu Sayso - 26.09.2023 00:47

Thus cold sear technique works every time 🙌

kevin lee
kevin lee - 26.09.2023 00:42

If no one has said, you are super sexy.

Suzanne - 25.09.2023 18:08

Is there a reason I don't see people searing the edges?

ProductofChina - 25.09.2023 10:12

Why is she so beautiful

Kal El
Kal El - 24.09.2023 23:47

What happened to adding in water method like you did in your bacon video. I guess that was forgotten about

Trinibad Uk
Trinibad Uk - 24.09.2023 17:39

She’s a steak snob, all those steaks looked 👌🏾

Nancy Roser
Nancy Roser - 24.09.2023 14:36

Can this be done in a well seasoned cast iron pan?

Al Pa
Al Pa - 24.09.2023 06:58

Thank you Ms Lam . I love your methods ♥ ♥

Isaac - 24.09.2023 00:30

Definitely going to try that cold sear! Thanks for the demo! 🙏❤️✌🏽

Lubomir Homola
Lubomir Homola - 23.09.2023 23:12


SeekingTruth - 23.09.2023 21:54

Thank you!!! I love learning from you!! and YES I'm going to try cold searing next time❤

Michael Lacy
Michael Lacy - 22.09.2023 19:57

I smoke my steaks on the treager to temp then let them rest they have good color and they taste great though I do salt them usually the day before and I season the steak with salt the day before then right before cooking I use a brush and paint a small amount of worestishire sauce (spelling is completely wrong) and fresh ground pepper. The steak comes out tender and with a nice crust.

big phinis
big phinis - 22.09.2023 15:50

Thank you!!!!!!

Minos Huang
Minos Huang - 21.09.2023 16:55

You are not supposed to use high heat for nonstick pans. They will emit toxic chemicals above 350F

Luka - 21.09.2023 14:16

What about butter, garlic, thyme?

Luka - 21.09.2023 14:16

What about butter, garlic, thyme?

Luka - 21.09.2023 14:15

What about butter, garlic, thyme?

Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly - 21.09.2023 03:30

How about the sides of the steak?

random anon
random anon - 21.09.2023 01:33

Love the dedication and the production quality, however as a steak lover I have to say this is overcomplicating it.

1. Salt steak at least 30 min prior
2. Steel or cast iron pan on medium-high heat
3. Pat steak dry and coat with oil just before cooking
4. Flip every 2 or 3 minutes, and occasionally press to ensure surface contact
5. Rest steak for 5 minutes

In my experience, for a 1.5-2in steak, 8 to 10 min total is about medium rare (or a little after the juices start coming out from the sides)

The temp of the steak and the pan as well as the size and thickness of the steak will of course play a role but just experiment and you'll get the hang of it after the 2nd or 3rd try.

Faris Al-Salihi
Faris Al-Salihi - 20.09.2023 21:23

Very good method to cook a steak. Thank you for an easy way and beautifully illustrated.

Allan Risk
Allan Risk - 20.09.2023 14:58

Love Lan Lam's videos ... practical, scientific and clear!!

Alan Nguyen
Alan Nguyen - 20.09.2023 13:51

Wow, you’re smart, beautiful, and you cook a mean steak. 🥩 Love it! ❤👍

Faggiano Geuiseppi
Faggiano Geuiseppi - 20.09.2023 08:12

No salt..

Faggiano Geuiseppi
Faggiano Geuiseppi - 20.09.2023 08:10

Souis vide are relatively cheap now

HimejiEndless - 20.09.2023 02:32

Very informative and i like how specific you are and how you explain things as well while staying objective and focused! I will definitely try this method now!

Navi - 19.09.2023 22:09

Ms Lam love your videos, this is a great technique, any advice on how/if it can be modified for frozen steaks? For those of us that purchase bulk.

1715905950 - 19.09.2023 07:17

You are so good !

Archivo Douro
Archivo Douro - 19.09.2023 01:29

Well, Lan, I'm so happy I just recently found your video because this is exactly how I cook my steaks for ages! I'm just a dad who cooking for my family and after some research on traditional cooking years ago, I also realised THIS is the method. My god, even the salt at the end, it's like you spied on me! Thanks for corroborating what I've been doing 🙂
Be sure to try some herbs along with pepper for some surprise flavours!
Great video! Cheers from Porto, Portugal!

Ammoisking - 18.09.2023 06:05

Game CHANGER!!!!!

daelster - 18.09.2023 03:33

It's not just that this method works. It's that you explained it so well.

Todd - 18.09.2023 00:27

Thank you for not pushing the sous vide method. It's a sham. Unless of course you enjoy the texture of boiled meat. Stop pretending that's not what it is. GROSS!

Dirk Hebgeennaamachter
Dirk Hebgeennaamachter - 18.09.2023 00:13

wondering who wash your dishes and thank you for this revealing video
