1433 Harvard Ave, Pagosa Springs, CO
Jerilyn Burton -
[email protected] - 713-819-0411
🏔 5 Acres to Build your Dream Home🔥
🏠 Features:
-5 acres of pine and oak
-Scenic views
-Septic installed
-Quiet countryside setting yet minutes to town
NEW SEPTIC INSTALLED and has passed county inspection!
This is a beautiful 5.04 Acre property is located in the desirable Meadows neighborhood. Property has a roughed in driveway and a culvert installed. Property offers a nice flattened out area to build your dream home! Wildlife is plentiful! Property has Pines and Gambel Oaks on the land which gives a nice amount of privacy. Having the new septic in place will save you a ton and you are free to move on the the next phase without the headache of septic installation!