Ordon Ranch - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Ordon Ranch - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Video Games Music

3 года назад

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Krysen Stott
Krysen Stott - 29.08.2023 21:12

Those goats were annoying asf

Trunks of Hope
Trunks of Hope - 02.07.2023 16:25

Linda demais essa ost

ConfusedTurkeyVulture - 17.06.2023 07:24

Sorry to all for making it 667 likes instead of keeping it at 666, it's just too great a song to not

Bvgthor - 07.06.2023 02:38

The nostalgic is unreal. TP was my first Zelda game as a kid, and is still one of my favorite games ever made to this day! And Zelda remains my favorite series too!!🖤I love them all

Brian Pires
Brian Pires - 04.06.2023 23:48

nostalgia hit hard

MegaAstroFan18 - 03.06.2023 05:42

It's a shame this piece is for a tucked away portion of the world you barely ever visit, cause it's really nice.

Kevin Naderi
Kevin Naderi - 29.04.2023 10:29

Love it

ginpachi1 - 01.02.2023 20:17

TierZoo got me here from his Cow video 😂😅

Weston Grimmly
Weston Grimmly - 20.09.2022 02:04

I work in agriculture, I give this a listen every once in a while

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 01.09.2022 06:13

I’ll cover for y’all at the ranch while you’re gone! Since you’re goin’ all the way to Hyrule, y’all better enjoy as much of the trip as you can! OK, then, y’all get outta here. Head on over to the mayor’s place an’ make it quick!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 01.09.2022 06:11

So, Hyrule, huh? What kinda place is it, bud? I ain’t never so much as set foot outside Ordon… Hoo… Y’all are makin’ me jealous!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 13.08.2022 07:58

Link! I heard! Sounds like everyone’s over in Kakariko! An’ everyone in town who’d been all down in the mouth, they’re all finally startin’ to feel their oats again! An’ it’s all ‘cause of you, bud! Thanks a ton…

FinalMegaFangirl1230 - 07.08.2022 03:20

makes me want to fall asleep 😴

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 19.07.2022 00:08

Hoo, way to ride, Link! You wrapped that up in just (time)! Thanks to you, I wrapped things up a mile earlier today! Hey, as promised, here’s a little healthy gift for y’all. Good luck out there, bud! It’s a good thing I was able to wrap early today thank to you helpin’ me out, bud. Thanks a ton, Link.

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 19.07.2022 00:04

Well, hey there, Link! Brought Epona, huh? Well, how’s about it? Wanna round them goats up for the first time in a dog’s age? I bet these scamps are sure happy to see you! Great! Then I’ll leave it to you two today!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 18.07.2022 23:38

Does everyone know already? Did y’all tell the tots’ parents? If you ain’t done it yet, you better clear out an’ get to it!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 18.07.2022 23:37

Link! N-No foolin’?! The tots are safe?! An’ on top of that, they’re all in Kakariko Village?! Aw, shucks, you don’t need to worry ‘bout that now. You’re incredible, bud! I can already see everybody’s smilin’ faces!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 17.07.2022 22:14

Rusl had a go-round with the monsters that took the tots, but he took a beatin’ doin’ it… An’ the mayor’s gone lookin’ , but he’s all alone…and old… That’s why we need you, see? You leave the ranch to me, now! You go find them tots!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 17.07.2022 22:12

Link! Bud! Where’d you get them duds? So… Still in one piece, huh? Good to hear it! Hoo, bud, we went through a rough time while you were gone. Yeah! Beasts showed up an’ attacked the village! They didn’t do much damage to the buildings…but the tots… They took the young tots… llia’s gone missin’ , too… They probably…got her, too… Hey, Link! If you’re runnin’ around out there, you gotta go find them tots!

Fobby - 25.06.2022 00:44

I was screaming at my tv for an hour because the goats wouldn’t go in. They would be at the barn door and just turn around and leave. The game was just glitched and wouldn’t let me start the mini game. I found out after resetting my game out of anger and you can probably tell how angry I was after finding that out

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 20.06.2022 22:23

Postman: We can just let the goats eat a messy-looking letter like this.

garb - 25.05.2022 02:46

this song makes me so nostalgic :(

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 09.05.2022 04:12

What’s the deal, bud? If y’all got some free time, how’s about you go spend it with them young rascals? Go on, now! Get goin’, bud!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 09.05.2022 04:11

What’s goin’ on, Link? I thought I told y’all to take the day off, bud! Everythin’s fine ‘round here! I’m keepin’ a close eye on these scamps, an’ that’s the truth.

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 08.05.2022 22:27

These dang goats been actin’ pretty weird lately. They won’t listen to a word I say. C’mon, now, Link! Hurry up an’ bring Epona!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 08.05.2022 22:25

Sorry to get you over here in such a hurry, Link! …Huh? But hey, where’s Epona? Aw, c’mon, bud! I TOLD you to bring her! Boy, it’s just in one ear with you an’ out t’other, huh, bud? Listen, there ain’t no point without Epona. C’mon, now! Hurry up an’ bring her here!

Nicolas Munoz
Nicolas Munoz - 26.04.2022 18:42

I love the Ordon Ranch theme and always have thought the Legend of Zelda franchise music so good. Thanks!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 25.04.2022 05:37

Hey! Link! So, almost time for you to get goin’, huh, Link? So how’s about we finish up early today, bud? OK, then! Let’s get started!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 20.04.2022 04:34

Link, Epona… Much obliged to both of y’all! I can cover everythin’ tomorrow without havin’ to trouble you, so just sit back an’ relax, bud. Oh… But, uh, how ‘bout today? Wanna practice with the fences? Just wait a spell, bud. I’ll get them fences set up. Hoo, sorry that took so long! OK, then! Y’all ride all you want! Y’all get tired of Ridin’, just jump the gate an’ head back into the village, OK, bud?

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 20.04.2022 04:29

Y’all about ready to start herdin’ these goats? Much obliged there, bud! OK, then, go on an’ herd all these little scamps into the barn for me!

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 20.04.2022 04:28

Link, Epona… Look, I’m awful sorry to have to ask y’all to do this for me. I tell you, though, these scamps won’t listen to a word I say, so I got no one else to turn to.

Mr Bronson
Mr Bronson - 20.04.2022 04:26

Sorry to get you over here in such a hurry, Link! These guys have been awful skittish lately. They won’t listen to a word I say. Sorry to ask, bud, but how’s about you an’ Epona herd ‘em into the barn real quick? We ain’t got much time, so hurry on up an’ get ready. Just climb up onto Epona! Gimmee a holler when you’re ready!

Dark [TSF]
Dark [TSF] - 06.03.2022 17:15

"hey !"

Yamileth Hernandez
Yamileth Hernandez - 03.02.2021 00:31

De nuevo aquí, nunca me perdería nada xd😎

Valery Marroquin
Valery Marroquin - 03.02.2021 00:30

