Cyberpunk 2077 - Review

Cyberpunk 2077 - Review

Jeremy Jahns

3 года назад

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@nerdentertainmentnetwork - 23.09.2023 09:55

I know this review was a long time ago i just wanred to say i hope jeremy reviews cyberpunk 2077 with the 2.0 patch ive been pkaying it a lot since the update happened and it feels like a different game an updated police system just like GTA, easy journal access to main and side jobs and overall a better product I just wish we got this version up front

@2004u - 20.09.2023 16:23

They finally did it.
They fixed the game.
They made it the best game it was meant to be

@colt4573 - 17.08.2023 18:02

Well next month (2 years later) the game should finally be complete. 😂 my time to buy the game.

@CommanderYoda69 - 14.06.2023 23:13

Never played it. So got Cyberpunk 2077 and the new DLC along with it for only $80. Excited to check it out.

@Billy193 - 24.04.2023 04:08

I just 100% the game in 2023. I only ever encountered about 4 bugs in my entire play through. I do not even remember any of them cuz they were so minor. The only one I do remember was I saw a car blow up and stay floating in the sky

@nonamesoloist - 11.03.2023 05:27

Dude… the word is AHM BE AUNCE.

@comiccid1 - 27.02.2023 10:19

Hey Jeremy gotta ask, after 3 years have you replayed Cyberpunk after the patch?

@naturalborniller7426 - 25.02.2023 18:25

I've never disagreed with you more

@dorukevcim7578 - 29.12.2022 18:45

Bought at launch and wainted until now to play it and I am so glad. Was a fantastic experience only saw like 5 bugs total in my 60 hours

@dorukevcim7578 - 29.12.2022 18:40

Judy is the best romance option bar none

@janfoustka3780 - 28.11.2022 21:11

Jeremy pls do a review 2 years after release. Lots of patches and stuff has been fixed. This review is awesometacular, tho!!!

@u.u.u9969 - 17.11.2022 00:16

Not a fan of first person games.

@HELICOPTERmike7785 - 09.11.2022 14:22

Why the hell would you waste money on a ps5. it’s a lie and it’s basically ps4 pro. Well I’m ps4 pro for life my limited edition deth stranding ps4 pro has the same 4k Just fyi and i put a Samsung 870 evo SSD in it wich is better then what ps5 has stock. Ps4 pro for life also ps1 2 and 3 but fuck 5 I don’t understand why so many people are wasting all that money on that lie of a console

@barryredfield - 08.11.2022 06:52

Jeremy, you say that you "didn't run into anything game breaking" yet you not only say that the game crashed, but you even have the video to back that up. I'm confused.

@noone3939 - 08.10.2022 07:27


@jamesdixon1224 - 04.10.2022 19:19

Anybody hoping for an Edgerunners review?

@inmatejason - 27.09.2022 10:22

The t pose comment had me in fucking tears😂, the way you said it and posed was fucking perfect.

@MichaelOdendaal - 24.09.2022 13:13

Jeremy you should watch Cyberpunk Edgerunners! Absolutely brilliant!

@brubio39 - 23.09.2022 09:07

I’d love to see Jeremy Re-review the game with the Edgerunners Update


Can we PLEASE get Jeremy to watch and Review Cyberpunk Edgerunners, I want to know what he thinks of it

@goku8621 - 03.09.2022 05:23

You should re-review this game I never played it at launch but finally got it a few months ago on PS5 and it’s incredibly fun maybe not the groundbreaking experience people were expecting but world looks beautiful, fun combat, and straight up amazing story.

@benr3799 - 06.07.2022 09:48

96-97% of the time I call it Blade Runner accidentally until I remember a second later it’s actually called Cyberpunk. I’m not shit*ing you, every damn time

@chrisvillan88 - 28.04.2022 12:56

Just started this game last night om PS5. Played about 4 hours so far and honestly, I really like it. There's still some bugs, but I haven't encountered anything game breaking.

@ModernTraveler - 07.04.2022 15:48

Update, 1.52 is a pretty solid version. My new apartment is cool. Still crashes on occasion, but I’m on an Xbox One so I might’ve set myself up for that.

@Joe.Rogan. - 07.04.2022 05:44

Won't lie.. I used a Money Exploit... not that I needed too but farming all the money you would need to get the cars and the guns you want would of turned this game into an 50-60 hour fun time to 150 hour I want to die kind of time. Even on the hardest difficulty mode.. if you got an 8 barrel shotgun that literally fires homing bullets its still too easy.

@jameswhee - 29.03.2022 00:34

For real though. How many feels where in that diving mission?

@jonathanlee726 - 04.03.2022 22:51

Played this game back when it first came out; I liked it, but playing on last gen really hurt it. Now, a year later, played through on Series X with the next-gen patch: easily in my top ten. Superb writing and acting, astoundingly deep lore for those who want to go digging, and now the performance and bugs don’t get in the way, at least not nearly as much. Worth going back!

@collieee2957 - 23.02.2022 20:09

I think in gta5 when you point a gun at someone and they drive off is bad too the normal response would probably be more still, your not suppose to move when someone points a gun at you lol

@SB992REBORN - 06.02.2022 05:27


@vladimirjak8971 - 26.01.2022 20:22

I played this on Google Stadia and loved it! Now that I have a PS5, that was the first game I bought. I LOVE THIS GAME! I hope they continue it in some manner... Other tales of Night City.

@BULLETSCARER - 19.01.2022 18:38

I'm playing the game now, I'm enjoying it. Yea, it's still buggy today lol. I love this review more than others for this cuz you will talk about both, good and bad things about the game. You admit there is bugs but you also will talk about how immersive the world is at times. I laugh at the bugs, but sometimes it's hard to tell when a bug is happening and when it's not cuz of the game itself.

@shivaraja346 - 25.12.2021 17:33

I agree with Jeremy, the rough landing trophy was so damn annoying.

@darthzo4493 - 23.12.2021 07:51

It remains me of ghost in a shell

@p_2_d_2 - 13.12.2021 04:07

Jeremy, I think I had about the same experience as you, just few less bugs. My only other complaint was about bloated content. I know, I know I probably should not bitch about more content. But I've played way too many Ubisoft games! So this did not resonate well with my Cyberpunk experience.

@devanvieira9174 - 01.12.2021 09:44

If this game had a third person mode i'd be too invested in how badass my character looks in action to be frustrated from the bugs, in first person you're kinda face to face with them also unless its VR of course its definitely not as immersive as it could have been as a TPS imo, probably the biggest thing that bothers me about the game

@dirtydinner6463 - 18.11.2021 03:49

Even without the bugs the campaign is very vanilla and boring.

@colinconsidine5209 - 11.11.2021 12:51

I finally beat the main story and most of the side missions ect. I thought it was great despit bugs ect on my ps4.

@TheMedianGam3r - 19.10.2021 23:00

Cyberpunk is amazing despite the controversy!

@jeydoubleyew - 14.09.2021 18:16

Still waiting on that Red Dead Redemption 2 review...

@andyfranks1575 - 14.09.2021 04:08

Have this downloaded on XBox One. I won't touch it until I get confirmation that the bugs are fixed... Anyone played this recently?

@domingopgarcia8391 - 31.08.2021 07:00

Im gonna get this when the ps6 is out and I cant afford it so I dig through Walmart 5$ bin for things to play on my old ps5

@sprosonator - 14.08.2021 18:02

9 months after getting this game, my 2 issues with it (besides the dodgy launch) is the moment you’ve done everything on the map, the gameplay grinds to a complete halt. Granted, it took me like 50 hours to get there but it is just so so good, there will never be enough. I need it to eventually be like GTA Online where there is just constantly stuff to do. And also, the lack of romance options too, I’d like to be able to fuck more people using my gender and sexuality, as a lesbian, my V only got access to Judy. Sure, there was the scary corporate lady at the beginning and Rogue but you can’t get into relationships with them. I’d find the amount of options way more interesting if it let you randomly try to fuck a lot more people and gave consequences down the line. I’d wanna see if you could break up that senator guy’s marriage, give Misty some comfort time after Jackie dies or cheat on someone and have your SO find out and end the relationship. Amazing game though 9.5/10. 😁

@ubifan2522 - 01.08.2021 07:15

Jeremy Reeves or Keanu Jahns honestly both sound amazing can’t decide

@Urlastnerve - 22.07.2021 00:20

I literally stopped playing not long after you “meet” Silverhand, because I was enjoying the game but I knew the bugs would eventually take that enjoyment away. With the random crashes and weird bugs that pop up every few minutes, I just wanted to wait until the fabled “PS5 upgrade” comes out. The. I will put that disc back in and see how this story plays out. Until then, it will sit in my collection and taunt me.

@androidoficeandfire9667 - 07.07.2021 05:03

Can someone who's played the PC version say if it's actually a good game if it was touched up, so I know if it's worth it when the PS5 version comes out

@ariesviolent - 01.07.2021 01:35

I've been writing a cyberpunk story. Last night I decided to look into the game and see if there's anything I hadn't considered. Maybe it's the walkthrough I picked but the game was boring. There just wasn't anything to it. I didn't get to see any of the glitches i heard about and the visuals were lukewarm. Maybe I didn't watch long enough but it seemed pretty aimless and stupid. I was like, hey, I get to deal with stealing a car for the seedy underground...wait, nope, who the hell is this guy... is that it? Where are the plots? I was watching for over an hour and so nothing worth noting. A waste of time.

@m1garand164 - 22.06.2021 11:14

There are a few things that kept me playing this game. That was the great feeling combat, the atmosphere, and the interesting missions. I always felt there was something interesting to carry me forward despite the glitches and bugs. You can see the devs had passion.

@Robpoolgaming - 17.05.2021 11:11

I’m going to miss the post apocalypse Jeremy Jahns look.

@zackpez3560 - 15.05.2021 08:19

I'm over 100 hours in and having a blast. One of my alltime favorites. Played on a fairly high-end pc.
