How To Beat The NEW Hardest AI - AoEHD

How To Beat The NEW Hardest AI - AoEHD


10 лет назад

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Sina - 07.04.2020 08:21

how do you make the villager bring the boar close automatically?

SpectatorGenious - 23.07.2019 00:13

How does it react to the persian douche? original ai just gave up. Also you have been Zack, but what are you now?

Autumn Leaf
Autumn Leaf - 25.03.2019 09:53

Even using robin hood im still struggling lol..

K_ Ralph
K_ Ralph - 06.04.2018 11:30

Its not the way you will learn much, because u spot weaknesses of ai and use them, because its everytime the same.
Simply to know that ai will not feudal rush, does not make sense to play arabia against them, specialy because the vills get so easyly distracted!
Try Arena und you will get a hard life doing a booming contest vs ai! If AI is to strong change difficulty.
One bad thing is, that if i want to change strategie by saving game and restore, the ai doesent play at the same strengh. Suddenly it lost its game plan it seems, witch is sad.

Francisco Percara
Francisco Percara - 06.04.2018 04:03

Come on 1 vs 1 it's not that hard, when 3 AIs comes to destroy you (even if they are not allies) that's a dificult battle. It's like they don't want to fight betwen them until they destroy me.

Peizxcv - 24.03.2018 01:04

What's the point of wining by rushing AI? Wait will Castle and imperial and see AI throwing hundreds of units at you at once. Defeat that without wall and that's something.

Stephen Davies
Stephen Davies - 08.03.2018 23:48

Has the AI become even harder since this video was made?

Sheep Is for the weak
Sheep Is for the weak - 19.01.2018 22:00

Most of the time I play with my friends with a 20 minute peace treaty. We like to build up first and then clash. But in the time we try to deal with each other the AI grows beyond our comprehension and we need a truce to deal with it first lol. shit aint easy

RBEmpathy - 09.01.2018 20:30

Moderate is actually harder than the old 'hardest' now, in my opinion. If you let them get to castle, they're basically already at imperial, and then they spam-trash you and toss in a mix of siege and uniques to get the job done faster. I had 3 castles, 6 towers, and ~40 units on defense. Nowhere near enough.

I restarted, retried... basically if you don't aggressively harass their economy, you're doomed. Because the AI is amazing at turning literally every single point of eco into more attackers.

If you put the pop limit @ 500, it's like a fucking sea of enemies that come at you toward the beginning of Imp.

Christian Rowbotham
Christian Rowbotham - 07.09.2017 02:45

I can't even beat the AI on "easiest " :(

Roberto Castaneda
Roberto Castaneda - 05.08.2017 14:09

the fast castle knights rush is what i used to do to beat 2 and sometimes 3 computers in the original version of the game, now it is imposible to beat, a single one because by the time i attack the ai, they already have pikemans, archers, canons, castles, wonder, all the reliqs, a master chief..etc.

Connor Westley
Connor Westley - 08.07.2017 03:16

How would one beat 7 AI on moderate+? I need the steam achievement.

Saikat Basak
Saikat Basak - 27.04.2017 07:43

step 1: get to the feudal
step 2: build towers surrounding enemy town center and block his base using palisade walls
step 3: watch as the ai minds its own business as you are building its doom
step 4: win

MikePortnoyz - 15.12.2016 06:15

Why is AI so inconsistent? I find sometimes I beat hardest quite easily, other times hard rushes me in early castle with 99999 archers and 5-6 rams

luke barlow
luke barlow - 11.11.2016 00:39

Am I the only one who can't even get close to beating the Standard AI?? ... ...........
pls don't judge me xD

TheRealEric - 01.11.2016 15:16

I always wished they would let you pick from several AIs, like one that focuses on huge armies, one that focuses on siege, one that focuses on small raids, one that focuses on cavalry, one that focuses on ranged, etc, etc. I always want huge army battles.

Rabah Rettas
Rabah Rettas - 08.08.2016 01:07

great vidéo thanks you ^.°

Phamtom y wayne
Phamtom y wayne - 25.07.2016 23:53

when i try to do this, they rush me with skirmishers and archers on minute 14 and i die :c

CJ00014 - 20.07.2016 23:30

Well I tried this, but I must be bad as fuck, because I cannot get Castle Age before 25 minutes -.- I tried to do the exact same thing I saw here, but...idk, I'm dumb

spandan chakraverti
spandan chakraverti - 23.06.2016 14:28

I play against the moderate AI and trust me they go to Feudal soooo quickly! It's faster than the FA time this hardest AI got. How do they go up so fast? :(
btw after their fast Feudal I almost always defeat one of them with a decent Archer Rush and good micro even though im behind them Age wise :)

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe - 18.06.2016 00:36

back when i was playing alot i could go 1v7 hardest ai and wipe them out. if u can rush 1 player that is walled up. wipe them out then just hang out behind their walls. another is place a relic in a choke point when troops are advancing

Dex - 07.06.2016 01:39

In a 1v1 game (or 2v2, 3v3, doesen't matter) a tower rush in a land map is a definite win. They can't cope with it. Anyone can do it. Of course, it diminishes the fun a bit.

Bandit2057 - 19.05.2016 07:08

I use to play aoe2 back in the day and I still have those cd's lol. Bro thanks for the tip. As soon as I get a new video card I should have a lot of fun! :)

R W - 20.04.2016 05:56

The hardest ai is not at all challenging.

Radoslav Kašparec
Radoslav Kašparec - 26.03.2016 01:48

Well, my hardes AI always starts with bonuses to his resources, because he gets feudal like 6-7 minutes in the game and is able to build castle with 100 stone gathered. That kinda pisses me off.

Anttera Raphael Hoskinen
Anttera Raphael Hoskinen - 20.03.2016 19:13

i Playin Age Of Empires The Forgotten ......I advance in Castle Age in 18 minute with 2 stables (5 minutes before AI) and when i start kinght rush he have 15-20 skimishers-archers and about 60 vilagers ...and next 15 archers-skimishers came to rush my town...... Iplay as celts but my celts have difrent arhitecture..... i think that AI on Forgoten is improved

Tudor Renegade
Tudor Renegade - 12.03.2016 19:48

I never get castle under 17 minutes. How is this possible ?

Cary Kingdom
Cary Kingdom - 03.03.2016 04:17

Hey, +ZeroEmpires, may I ask why you went after the TC with a mangonel instead of the more arrow-safe ram?

John Dick
John Dick - 25.02.2016 08:34

The AI though never builds any walls ;-; it makes it super easy to raid with horse archers and other fast units.

Canadian Ninja
Canadian Ninja - 23.02.2016 09:49

I'm very confused. If this was the new ai FE added to the game (Forgotten Empires) why did it not make some silly comment before resigning, and why did it not have (AI) beside its name? IE Robert the Bruce(AI)?

ThoRi - 18.02.2016 20:36

2 Celts meet in the arabic desert to make war. Okay.... :D

M - 18.02.2016 10:54

this ai sucks! i remembered in the original game they would start trickling an army to my base and harass my economy as soon as i hit feudal.

h hj
h hj - 17.02.2016 17:01

when i play on hardest the enemy is in the castle age in about 9 min. This tactic wont work:(

Dylan Register
Dylan Register - 16.02.2016 21:53

Beat moderate on black forest, did a mega turtle with byzantines and just spammed cataphracts and trash

Hjörleif - Age of Empires 2
Hjörleif - Age of Empires 2 - 14.02.2016 21:16

You ought to do a video on how to beat the hardest AI (AoEHD AK)

robthenorm - 13.02.2016 03:12

i just bought this game on steam. i subbed when i saw this

Super Mew Kitty Kat
Super Mew Kitty Kat - 08.02.2016 02:16

its there a way to prevent ai to surrender ?

OneDrivewasaterribleidea - 06.02.2016 05:59

I heard that in Hardest, AIs get plus 500 of each ressources for reaching all ages, including dark age, from a wiki page. Weird how it didn't happen in this game.

- - 31.01.2016 18:28

Well, that's the cancer of AoE2.
Best strategy is always not to mess up dark age (lose 1 sheep and you lost the game) and go knight rush the fuck out of the game. That's not what a "game" is supposed to be, especially not a "strategy game" that should require people thinking about stuff. But the reality is that your villagers need to be on the time mark, make 1 villager 10 seconds to late and you messed up economy and they will knight rush you first.
Remove fun, add strict procedure of commands and you got AoE2.

TheOfficialMeezak - 28.01.2016 06:16


Carl - 20.01.2016 13:16

Like to see it without harrassig.
Or on a closed map to make it extra hard.

AEN - 17.01.2016 20:05

dude can you upload it for me, please ? :)

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Пупка Рисовалкин - 14.01.2016 16:05


33mavboy - 12.01.2016 17:46

people are so serious when playing this, acting like the tightest of nerds. Like this guy says, Lost a villager to a wolf, not the end of the world. when if that would happen on a game with people ranked 1600+ they would try and kick you for being a noob.

Jordos Ellos
Jordos Ellos - 07.01.2016 21:25

For me the Hardest AI definitely starts with more wood... They take berries first and then build 6 farms straight away as well as a Mill.

Then they get to castle by 10 minutes.

waz - 31.12.2015 22:31

it seems easier than original AI

J W - 28.12.2015 20:21

Finally beaten the moderate AI (though on a big map 1v1 with the Indians and me as Goths, but it is a start).

Janshevik - 25.12.2015 19:12

I tried African kingdoms AI after FE, it's inexplicably harder
