Plato's Philosophy - From Socrates to Sartre (1978)

Plato's Philosophy - From Socrates to Sartre (1978)

Philosophy Overdose

1 год назад

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das - 17.09.2023 13:35

That old style "direct democracy" was a total mess. Aristotle substantiates this claim and further granularizes it with an example that explains the problem as one of tergiversation. Then a couple of millennia later Madison came to the conclusion that You gotta chuck in a few camerals put the lid back on

Nature Struck
Nature Struck - 13.09.2023 23:11

Great communicator. I couldn't speak as clearly as she did for 10 minutes.

Andrey Bogoslowsky
Andrey Bogoslowsky - 13.09.2023 08:34

I shared your video on my Facebook but I don’t know how to share on my Instagram. I have three pages currently I will get back to TikTok and go viral again. I will share it on TikTok. It will give you a huge exposure.

Ernesto menendez-conde
Ernesto menendez-conde - 13.09.2023 07:52

Just amazing!!!!

Donald Whittaker
Donald Whittaker - 12.09.2023 22:06

Dr lavine is terrific

Avalanche - 12.09.2023 00:04

Unsolved still. 2023.

Nilsa Nieves
Nilsa Nieves - 11.09.2023 05:45

Thank you for posting. I enjoyed it when PBS first presented it and I enjoy it now. What a clear and professional way of presenting something that could be so difficult to transmit to the general public. Thank you.

Aquinas John
Aquinas John - 09.09.2023 20:47

who she is?

Frank - 09.09.2023 05:29

First time I heard of her, she's great

Firebird Stark
Firebird Stark - 08.09.2023 22:23

Sartere was an evil pedo, we need to not put him in conversations with actual philosophers

Escape Felicity
Escape Felicity - 06.09.2023 17:26

we need a philosopher king
no shit

César Clouds
César Clouds - 04.09.2023 06:15

Read the book version, great introduction to western philosophy.

Jumo - 02.09.2023 20:42

Plato was absolutely right

yimer none
yimer none - 02.09.2023 14:14

Thank you Madam !

Jewel - 24.08.2023 17:44

truly my favorite video in yt

Book Davies
Book Davies - 24.08.2023 13:59

I used to watch this series when I was a kid. Was on PBS.

Bochini - 17.08.2023 23:43

The opinion she gives about cultural relativism is dishonest, if not wrong. Taking her arguments that WWII was justified because Nazis and their allies were unjust, then the USA would also be justified to be invaded and destroyed by other countries considering their racist politics and unjust treatment of people of color. I get the point, but her examples are politically oriented which presents a distorted and dishonest image of cultural relativism.

timnray99 - 16.08.2023 18:42

"a fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry hence a university education" George Bernard Shaw

timnray99 - 16.08.2023 18:36

ah yes the Lenin-Bolshevik dictatorship by the educated, one collective disaster after another and millions of Ukrainians starved to death....where a bureaucracy of the highly educated obey the orders for better pay, working conditions, and health care paid for by the lower classes....and the French Philosophers Derrida, Sartre, and Foucault pursuing to legalize pedophilia....ah yes the philosopher what enlightenment....the School of Athens...where women never wrote anything worth reading

Alejandro Madrid
Alejandro Madrid - 21.07.2023 11:53

Actually Plato was not the father of "Western" philosophy, whatever "Western" means. Simply because "Western" philosophy doesnt exist, its a fiction created in universities. Nietszche, Marx, Kierkergaard, Kant, and omg the autistic English Analytic philosophy (they claim feelings dont exist) are not a unified body of wisdom, they are distinct from one another. This woman is just brainwashed, like a pimp brianwashes his ho. And she will never free herself.

Cass - 16.07.2023 14:58

Where can I find part One? I appreciate this channel but please provide a list of the order of this particular series of talks.

Abdou Sayh
Abdou Sayh - 12.07.2023 21:39

Verry good 🎓👍

Batafurii 13
Batafurii 13 - 07.07.2023 09:05

Wow this is an incredible expression of philosophical concept

Oron Zachar
Oron Zachar - 05.07.2023 18:29

Waww, what a sweeping yet deep thought provoking presentation

Steven Otte
Steven Otte - 20.06.2023 04:15

Wow, Thelma Lavine takes over the scene, and lights so many candles for our cake in the baking, from stars of the Cosmos. Oh, Oh, Thelma, where've you been when I was only so static gazing out so many windows in so many schools. You're Author! Thanks for your courage!

SirTokeAlot - 12.06.2023 07:32

She is fantastic!!

TRT - 10.06.2023 15:35

Can you imagine Plato being alive today where EVERYTHING is image. His head would explode. Masses ARE easily persuaded by images. Look around at the result. Particularly last 3 years. It was so easy

Zara Merrick
Zara Merrick - 01.06.2023 20:05

absolutely awesome explorations; thank you!

Cass - 31.05.2023 19:34

The Nazis had exactly the same idea about breeding an elite leadership as Plato. Aspects of this were drawn from the Spartans who were ultimately defeated by the Athenians. It was also a defective idea as given the small numbers in the Athenian elite, inbreeding would have resulted. Quietly, the US has become an absolutist, statist society, with only one accepted viewpoint reinforced by censorship and rule by a tiny elite educated in a few elite colleges. and fixing of elections by State interference to block some non preferred candidates (Durham Report).

Cass - 31.05.2023 16:16

The farmer was not and could not be unscientific, nor could the hunter gatherer

The Toltec
The Toltec - 26.05.2023 04:58

It's not really true... We don't have a true democracy.. we have some democratic processes and institutions... But we have a capitalists state funded republic with a constitution and ... And that is why our society only works for you if you are an elitist.. This county was founded on slavery and genocide.. there is nothing great about that

James - 11.05.2023 23:01

So, due to my unfortunate circumstances which restrict my ability to cope emotionally, I'm bad, immoral, unjust??

D D - 08.05.2023 00:35

If Plato to come back and made to listen to this lecture he would not be amused by inclusions on human rights here ! Obviously assuming he had had checked the historical background of slavery, massacres , destruction of land and properties looting plundering , killings of millions ,cultural innahilation of ancient civilizations far superior to what he had had studied on his own after Socrates , he would wonder what a failure he has been in the western propaganda,in his name would die again broken hearted👊😊

PS VS - 30.04.2023 22:12

More of this Series, please.

George Dantz
George Dantz - 29.04.2023 20:26

This is one of the most exceptional videos on introductory philosophy I have seen as of yet. The narrator does a stellar job at making the subject matter clear and understandable.

ars artium
ars artium - 27.04.2023 02:32

Literally arm chair philosophy.

Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 25.04.2023 11:42

Government is trash unfortunately.

Katerina Makedonia
Katerina Makedonia - 23.04.2023 07:28

Democracy means that Demos ,the town the ppl of the town choose the best representatives by voting them. Not demagogue corrupt and greedy as we have now. During byzantine church and ppl in Churches were the leaders of their communities. They chosen the king. In Greek societies Feudarchs and tyranny were unwanted. Was a terrible thing to be under islamists rules and then under European rules. Corruption and unfair methods,shadows and Elite that cares only for themselves how they get money is our reality now. This was awful for Greeks before the newmodernism and Atomic man that cares only for his own rights and scream allday "i have rights". Elite of unfair greedy ppl brought us the darkness...

Always Great USA
Always Great USA - 20.04.2023 11:42

The real Socrates would have taken Plato's ideas of a philosopher-king and an elite college of educated and secluded leaders completely apart. In contrast with Plato, the philosophy of Socrates was entirely predicated on his belief that human wisdom is worth little or nothing, and that the highest wisdom attainable by a man is the recognition of his own ignorance. If the unexamined life is not worth living, then it is only because he who fails to examine himself and his own life will arrogantly suppose himself to be wise or intelligent when it comes to the basic values of life -- such as piety, justice, morality, etc. This kind of arrogance makes men rash and dogmatic in their dealings with one another -- thus, Euthyphro prosecutes his father, Meletus prosecutes Socrates, the angry and self-righteous Athenians fight a war against Sparta, and a civil war between the classes within their own city-state, ordering the execution of their enemies, and quickly condemning men to death from feelings of revenge and rage -- thus the Athenians condemn to death their own admirals, for example. Socrates examined men precisely to show them that they were not actually as wise as they thought,, and that their behaviors were ignorant, dogmatic and rash ! A philosopher-king ? No, men humbled by the realization of their own ignorance, more tolerant of their fellow citizens who disagree them, more cooperative and less dogmatic, more patient and thoughtful, less rash and severe... This is what Socrates was hoping to achieve... And, yes, his mission was doomed from the start.. For men are nothing if not forever arrogant !

Levi - 06.04.2023 10:29


Seamus Breathnach
Seamus Breathnach - 03.04.2023 07:25

WONDERFUL! Thoroughly was your other podcasts,esp on Marks...

Seamus Breathnach
Seamus Breathnach - 03.04.2023 07:20

At the risk of appearing unspeakably impertinent might I suggest to those who loved this account that they read Eric Voegelin.

Pierre Bernard
Pierre Bernard - 20.03.2023 06:31

Bravo thanks you !

Oxen Wolf
Oxen Wolf - 10.03.2023 15:22

you sound soooooooooooooooo upper class like you have. you nose up the royal BHOONDA! I wonder what your target audience is- Booooooooooooooooooo!

ehulsizer1 - 28.02.2023 01:30

I never knew Julia Childs did Philosophy. She's got a pudgy chicken in the oven!

Manny Moseley
Manny Moseley - 03.02.2023 03:41

Thank you for posting this unique
Informative, entertaining and fun
pedantic video. I enjoyed it greatly. I love philosophy, reading and hearing the Greek philosophy is so fascinating. It's interesting to hear what they believe. Thought, interesting. Thanks again. God bless you.
