Solo Queue Anxiety & How to Overcome It

Solo Queue Anxiety & How to Overcome It


3 года назад

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@qujc - 20.01.2024 04:23

I watched this video
I queue for a premier game
I queue with a 4stack
They are ass and they dont even listen to eachothers callouts and info
I carry and we still loose
I played almost perfectly and won every single duel
My team keeps baiting me and letting me go alone and die
I get an entry and they stay in lobby instead of going to the free site

@TheGravelBoys - 15.01.2024 20:01

What if its your byddies who make fun of you blyat😂😂

@rayunited2010foryou - 10.12.2023 07:43

Great video, Haix

@firehazegaming - 04.11.2023 12:13

I dont have fear. 2 days ago, I dropped 45 bombs on mirage and we lost on overtime. What I learned from this game? There are a lot of retards with 0 IQ and brutal ego. It's so freaking hard to play with idiots...

@XandrogZodbolt - 19.10.2023 22:20

Bro came after a bad game to watch your video first so as to learn something but bro did you hit the chord ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@birdleaf5076 - 18.10.2023 22:08

I only solo queue nowadays, I don’t have any friends who play counter strike anymore.

@jab3020 - 11.10.2023 00:00

soloQ is just not fun at all :D

@jouvence3518 - 04.10.2023 17:23

OMg the best gaming video i ever seen so inspired !

@santiagodg94 - 01.08.2023 06:40

2 years later here lol
I always escaped solo queuing for years. I don’t even have 500hrs in but that’s because every time I proposed my self to play I would Que with maybe 2-3 friends and my nervous would betray me and bait me, so I used to quit and leave the game for months. Today after many months I’ve played 3 solo queues (only once in my life I’ve played and I was kicked).
Despite having toxic or muted teammates and losing the three matches I had a good time and even I’ve top fragged one. I’ve realised that what works for me is just getting exposed over and over until I feel natural.
Thanks bro

@fuzjikkks1161 - 12.07.2023 21:57

god damn, i almost fell asleep watching this, the music got me

@YourDudeJacob - 26.06.2023 09:20

I went from gold nova 3 to dmg in 4 days and eventually reached legendary eagle while solo queuing but recently have had a csgo matchmaking rock bottom and I went from legendary eagle to mg1 again hopefully I remember this video when needed

@doska1210 - 13.06.2023 17:04

Thanks for the boost❤❤❤

@aidanesposito9083 - 04.06.2023 05:46

Thanks for video! Needed this!

@Kizly - 31.05.2023 04:18

personally I dont like solo queueing because if Im not at the top of the scoreboard I feel like my team is losing because of me and I feel bad that Im their teammate

@sjuvanet - 30.05.2023 13:17


@dulguunofficial - 27.04.2023 17:34

i hope suppress and pass my fear to reach global :)

@hobosnake1 - 09.04.2023 20:23

I quit when I got global in 2016. I'm coming back now and can only get to LE currently. It feels bad and I was down on myself. This is helping a bit. I keep getting teammates saying stuff like "how are you even LE?" and it's happening a lot. It really doesn't matter. I forgot how much emotions and patterns of belief can hold you back in this game. Thanks for the reminder to lighten up and not care so much what these strangers think or what friends say about ranks.

@anthisschan988 - 24.03.2023 06:11

Man it really sucks when i play mm i always get nervous and my game gets bad when i usually play better :(

@jerej8215 - 12.02.2023 01:48

nah never playing soloq again. Went from faceit level 9 to 4

@somww - 10.01.2023 04:33

Listen. I am 500matches lvl 4/5 .
Every single solo match is complete random on FACEIT.
Most of the enemies are smurfs on new accounts with 4,5kd with 100% winrate or jus ukrainian dimitry who doesnt have money to buy prime and plays FACEIT for fun.
I decided to play some games with my friend that has 2100elo and at the time I had 1200elo so there was no 1000elo gap and we could play some matches.
I saw that people at lvl 8/7 are using their mics and the rotation and depending on your teamm8 is complitly diffrent.
I started to get called a smurf cause I was making 30/25avgKills on 9/8/7lvls but on lvl 4/5 i had 19/20avg kill and 40% winrate.
I even got Emailed from FACEIT Support that my account has been overwatched and they are blocking my que for 7days until they get the verdict.
36% of the players overwatching the demo voted that i have above 1800elo and I am 100% sure smurfing, 53% voted that they dont have a clue and other 11% voted that I am not smurfing.
I relised that I need a premade that could help me get the elo but I never found anyone who could know atleast how to hold a crosshair and call a position on lvl 4/6.
I wanted to kill myself for 3 days when i lost 30matches in the row and in every single one I had above 30kills.
But i kept myself together and kept soloqing and got my elo back.
My lesson was to never soloq. But Im doing it...and still lvl 5.....

@tigris5691 - 07.01.2023 12:11

Im in silver because of my friends and my pc I get decent internet in wingmen most of the time and I have good rank in wingman but im silver in machmaking

@PrismaticCS - 04.01.2023 19:51

Take this dude's words with a grain of salt, as of today he made the comment "Other people's opinions are the most unvaluable thing in the world" on stream so by default this entire video is unvaluable to everyone that watches it. He still gets very upset and feeds into trolls, and turns his toxicity to his chat when they give him feedback. It's funny how people that succumb to these struggles are the ones who also stand up to try to make a difference in the same place. For his situation he's unfortunately still there.

@muhammadahmedali1440 - 19.12.2022 01:50

Man i have been losing sm recently, this gave me tears. Maybe I will write something about the impact your words have on me someday, will be sure to share here.

@Haywood-Jablomi - 09.11.2022 02:13

At the end of the day, it’s a video game where rank or skill holds no real world value. 99.999% of people will never be close to being pro so you might as well get that idea out your head unless you actually plan on committing your whole life to an almost unobtainable goal.

@o7d461 - 07.11.2022 16:28

i will do this now, but i will definitely rank down because no one in asia servers even uses their mics. im LEM so they use it more in high ranks but its 0% chance all 4 teammates speak

@xnation7128 - 05.11.2022 01:07

solo q = bad team mates and good opponents and also huge loss strike

@scoutman372 - 16.10.2022 08:18

Wow your the best thx

@mrjokkeee - 09.10.2022 06:44

I have given up on MM due to being gnm and getting teammates in silver and we played against supreme and LEM’s

Tho i will try tomorrow/today soloQ on faceit

@pgsd4359 - 29.08.2022 02:44

holy shit, I think this video was exactly what I needed to hear right now, let me hop in CS:GO solo right now. THANK YOU DUDE

@novasdobalinha9838 - 30.06.2022 20:48

Thank you my friend... i hope good thing happen to you! <3

@huhhuhhuh4069 - 21.06.2022 23:45

Thank you, Mr. Professional Virgin. I get quite scared (or nervous) while in a match and I get maybe 1-2 kills. You're right, who cares. Also, the sad music made me laugh.

@frankde5072 - 22.05.2022 16:06

Me solo queuing and get destroyed. Deranked faceit level 5-2 🥲

@lynix19 - 14.05.2022 16:21


@weedplant2370 - 14.05.2022 12:50

Yeah i need to find temmates who can communicate

@haynerr - 02.05.2022 02:35

mann just got bullied over some valorant clip of my iron teammates doing shit and my silver ass dinking mfs on reddit and watching this cause I'm finna pick up thy ak again and climb them faceit levels

@sanpig8381 - 17.04.2022 07:54

I used to fear solo queuing too but u got to improve urself to solo carry ur team like learning solo plays,entry fragging or awping to win for them

@rohitrathod474 - 14.04.2022 22:08

today is my new start.. from now on I will not cry for solo queue thank you !!

@tenkowsk1rog133 - 22.03.2022 02:04

my worst fear is getting 4 guys premade in team instadodge for me faceitlvl 5 player

@dawncrlito - 14.03.2022 13:29

Thank you. I needed this

@marios9576 - 13.03.2022 06:36

The problem for me is i fear the people ill que with. i always que with brainless monkey teammates. i don't care if my teammate has 4/19 score. if he plays smart and tries is what matters to me.

@JDragon272 - 25.02.2022 13:31

Well, in my case, I Stagnated for months in the game I was giving for, realizing I’ve officially Reached My Limit. I’m still having yet to find the One Thing that high level players have that I don’t. But the question is… “What is it? What is it that they have that I don’t?”

With not having the Answer to that, and having to stop Embarrassing myself… I’ve Retired, thinking Competitive Gaming isn’t for me. Another Reason I have to stay Retired is this… I work Nights, and just when I can finally go back in… someone quits and thats more work piled up on me, and it throws off my sleep patterns. Like - the feeling that I’m only meant for working nights and not meant for Competitive Gaming at all.

@sorenzzz - 20.02.2022 09:59

I’ve always enjoyed playing video games in unconventional (glitches etc.) or competitive ways but I’ve always q’d up in duo on league of legends and would get too scared to play by myself. At times I’ve noticed that when i decided to just go for it on my own, go on to lose a bunch of games, but the next day or two I’d win twice as much. I’d be carrying or holding the games together for my teammates. I understand now that as long as I satisfy myself with my own improvement nothing else matter what anyone else says. Because I know it and believe in myself.

@kommissioned - 14.02.2022 13:20

God bless you too dude

@d3r4zz - 15.01.2022 15:17

Nice Video. I hate the toxicity, this is why I only Play with premates.... I try solo q once in a while, but there are so many toxic people that i dont bother wasting my time with them

@wedishprocentahc - 04.01.2022 13:56

thanks i got lvl 3 starting drom lvl5 :))))

@mainakbasu1581 - 03.12.2021 08:32

Thanks... That was so inspiring i want to get better in csgo but i don't always get friends to play with and soloq scared me... Thanks a lot that was so inspiring

@ItsukiXD - 27.11.2021 18:01

The rank is kind of scary but the biggest part is people and expectation and performance anxiety

@kyrytod4515 - 31.10.2021 00:11


@meferswift - 17.10.2021 10:23

Im more scared to queue than soloQ

@NonEmployee - 14.10.2021 05:59

This has been a great video to listen to. And let me confirm, you really CAN waste years of your life being afraid of a freaking video game, and the longer it goes, the worse it gets. I'm 28 and the past decade or more I've been dealing with this problem, and have ended up with a decade's worth of solo play. And I don't mean solo que, I mean playing single player games. Just watching my friends play together while I can't bring myself to even talk to them. Almost my ENTIRE 20s WASTED. This is another problem entirely, but it just goes to show how bad it can get.

Maybe one year of my life I can finally play a multiplayer match of co-op or pvp again. Until then, I'll have videos like this to at least make me feel better about it.
