8 Things You Need to Know About Self-Love

8 Things You Need to Know About Self-Love


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nobody relevant
nobody relevant - 14.09.2023 09:45

ok so I'm late to this, but I'm conflicted about something. Sometimes when I try to indulge in self love, I always feel kinda self centred, because I just keep on thinking its miserable, because my need for self love came from a horrible heartbreak, from someone who also practiced self love, and it was a twofold pang of pain:
1) She had a kind of self love where only her boundaries were followed all the time, none of my needs or pain were understood ever, like I didn't mind her loving herself at all, but it seemed hypocritical, that she accepted all of my love without question, even pointing out when I didn't love her as much as I did at the beginning (so intensely that it was hurting me), while never giving me any of it. It just might be she had a stronger personality and I had a weak one. But like this experience doesn't help self love.
2) I just feel miserable for looking for self love, after an experience where I wasn't loved enough by someone else. Idk if its brainwashing from all the media stuff which made me into a hopeless romantic, but it just seems like a cheap substitute. So how to balance self-love and love for others?
Self love is about what we think is the best for us, but how do we know what's the best for us? Sometimes following yearnings can turn into a selfish stubbornness that turns into regret right? So how to find the right amount? And well isn't sometimes happiness shared to others greater than happiness shared to yourself?

Pretty_KJ🩷 - 12.09.2023 03:43

It's hard for me to have self love. I compare myself to others & I struggle with that a lot. I want to feel accepted & loved by others.

Darrell Borland
Darrell Borland - 06.09.2023 17:22

Great subject. Just became aware of your channel. Thanks and subscribed.

sona - 04.09.2023 19:48


AkumaHime - 03.09.2023 05:52

The most I can do is “me” time after work and that if I don’t have chores after.

Sunny - 31.08.2023 10:48

"Many people confuse self- love with being selfish. However, if a person does not love or dislike himself, if he is not at peace with himself, how can he extend the hand of friendship to others, how can he love them? Be aware, the people who are content with themselves and at peace within themselves are the ones who can give the most love around them. Therefore, start by loving yourself, admiring yourself, and being at peace with yourself." ❤️

Rita Szigeti
Rita Szigeti - 29.08.2023 06:02

Self-Love is non judgmental. Self- Love is “Radical Acceptance”. Self-Compassion is truly A big part of Self-Love.
I try to remember to speak (out loud) positive affirmations because the WORDS WE SPEAK MATTER! If we say “we can” or if we say “we can’t” - either way we are right!
Practice Self-Care & Love today… I will too! 🌷❤

Blue hat mimes mimosa
Blue hat mimes mimosa - 24.08.2023 06:15

Self love to me is to say no to offers just to pamper myself.

Mohit Bhandari
Mohit Bhandari - 20.08.2023 15:48


muxiaoyan - 17.08.2023 16:12

pat yourself(。・ω・。)

Sanjana Sangeeta
Sanjana Sangeeta - 16.08.2023 15:55

I said “I”

simmal Naseeb
simmal Naseeb - 16.08.2023 07:46

Self love isnt always giving yourself, sometimes it is also about taking away from yourself. Like having less fun in days that you know you have an exam to pass! We often miss out on this aspect of self love but the last point summed it up pretty well

Lynxy - 09.08.2023 07:14

I started learning some of these things recently. Especially the last one. I've been clean going on five months now and only just this week started getting urges coming back. It's been hard and yet ready in a way. Like, wanting to spend money on anything else but drugs isn't hard but the physical urge is hard for about 15-20 minutes each time.
I don't know why they hadn't been coming around for this long but I've built up enough love for myself and my growth not to go back to that garbage.

catwannabe - 19.07.2023 15:59

There's a saying "treat others how you want to be treated."
But what would happen if you had to treat others how you treated yourself?

Would you be willing to say to others the things you say to yourself?
Would you be willing to give others the same level of blame?
Would you be willing to give others the same level of respect or lack of? Would you be willing to call them ugly or stupid?

You are not worse then others and no one should treat you as if you are even you. Dont hold yourself to standards you wouldn't hold others. It's not fair. ❤

Baum24_baum Baum
Baum24_baum Baum - 17.07.2023 17:33

This video has actually saved me from depression :) thank you psych2go

Mike Schuett
Mike Schuett - 17.07.2023 03:28

I was raised that self love is selfish. It's one thing I'm working on.

alandpal79 - 07.07.2023 19:04

I watched this video because the concept of “self love” always seemed a bit nebulous. After watching it I feel like I have a little better idea, but I still struggle to contextualize what it actually means

World Wide Handsome,you know😏
World Wide Handsome,you know😏 - 01.07.2023 17:56

" Love yourself first , If you want to love others "

Caio Suzarte
Caio Suzarte - 28.06.2023 06:27

I need to learn urgently to love myself because this lack of self love is making me attract people with no emotional commitments with others.

leon malzeno magala
leon malzeno magala - 25.06.2023 07:57

The 2nd part is not true at all far from the truth self love is selfish And taking care of your own needs is b***** f**** b***** so just face the fact that it is selfish And self love is not important is actually useless you can love somebody even without loving yourself so just face the fact I'm gonna hate myself until I'm an extremely old man and you are not going to stop me I'm glad that society is not accepting in the slightest John Kim is a bad person🤬

m b
m b - 19.06.2023 01:44

I just wanted to say thank you. This video changed my perception and to be totally honest I don't know if I were to survive much longer without realising the things that you have mentioned in this episode. I will seek pschychological help and I will strive to become a better person, the process probably won't be easy but I am not going to give up on myself so fast, maybe there is a chance for me. Thank you once again.

Emily Gloeggler
Emily Gloeggler - 17.06.2023 04:10

An inaccurate video. So-called “self love” in reality is selfishness.

Chad Travnick
Chad Travnick - 12.06.2023 02:13

Super awesome, Love your videos and funny cartoons. So true to learn to love youself first that way you can learn to love others. Take a break yourself and those who are singles, married and etc Just take a time out for yourself and examine yourself. I tend to write books, poetry, songs, and try new things that I never done before. Now I am living in Colombia with my beautiful honduran wife and it was super awesome but Even we both needs break for ourselves. Like right now in this spot. HEHE

Lelouch Vi Britannia
Lelouch Vi Britannia - 11.06.2023 09:39

Sometimes theses videos make me feel like the problem in some of my relationships but at the same time other videos make me feel so justified in what I want and that my needs are also important

ARATHY RADHAKRISHNAN - 09.06.2023 18:40

Love the animation ❤❤

Ntusekho Mngadi
Ntusekho Mngadi - 07.06.2023 22:15

Wow self-love isn't easy. Watching this has made me confirm how much love I don't give myself and wow I'm far from where I need to be. This will be a long journey. I thought because I'm confident I loved myself but it definitely isn't just that

Do not press Ipad will break
Do not press Ipad will break - 02.06.2023 05:44

Psych2Go you have a Golden heart ♥
It means your nice and just like an angel 😇

Jeremy Kautchick
Jeremy Kautchick - 02.06.2023 03:35

I just figured out...I look for approval in everybody, because I did not have any from my parents. We should approve our selves before any one else has a say about it.

Beluga Whale
Beluga Whale - 01.06.2023 18:01

I've read in a book once that you should always see yourself as your best friend and if you notice that the way you're talking to yourself isn't how you would talk to your best friend, there ist most likely something wrong. It doesn't mean that you can't be strict with yourself but you should always do it in a way that isn't harmful. I know it's not always easy to do that but at least having the awareness that you're not kind to yourself in certain situation is a good step forwards

PopcornGriefer - 31.05.2023 14:16

I actually am learning about peer pressure right now ❤

PopcornGriefer - 31.05.2023 14:12

I learned more about myself in a dream today

georockstar09 - 28.05.2023 21:48

I think I discovered that being nice to yourself teaches you to be nice to others, whereas being not nice to yourself "excuses" you to be unkind to others. Unfortunately it's hard for some of us who had to grow up in a household where a survival strategy had to be saying and believing constantly "we are worms! We are worthless!" It's a healing process...

Warren Bradford
Warren Bradford - 25.05.2023 03:54

I need to remember these things while practicing self'-love. I must not let any toxic person convince me otherwise.

®upałi Das
®upałi Das - 23.05.2023 21:33

Thank u for help me to go towards the selflove...

Genie Travel blog
Genie Travel blog - 18.05.2023 07:45

I am learning to say no ..

MAURICE The good boy
MAURICE The good boy - 06.05.2023 16:54

I would watch videos like that to change my life and to love my self

Florencia Sananes
Florencia Sananes - 06.05.2023 00:32

Hi! I’m part of a group of emotional support for hispanics and would like to share your videos.
Not every single video is in your spanish channel, therefore: could you ad the translated versions or something similar in different languages in this video’s description?
I am sure it would be useful for other suscriptors too 😊🤗

Randa Azhary
Randa Azhary - 26.04.2023 01:05

In my opinion self love is how to say No for something that doesn't benefit you or even something u doesn't want

kay_serrafim - 18.04.2023 06:23

Phsyc2go, you literally help me with everything. Your tips and advice really help me. ❤

Debbie Hodges
Debbie Hodges - 12.04.2023 00:54

Thank you ❤

Mateusz Tenteges
Mateusz Tenteges - 08.04.2023 15:40

The way you love yourself shows others how to love you

zamyrah wright
zamyrah wright - 08.04.2023 05:26

I never thought that I would need this video to shine light, on things I didn't know about self-love, it makes me feel more light knowing these things about self-love.

Brynx - 08.04.2023 02:23


Spacey Galileo
Spacey Galileo - 06.04.2023 07:40

i was the type of person that would have enjoyed throwing myself down a flight of stairs. tryna to practice self love more and not be so negative on myself

recoveringqueer - 02.04.2023 08:14

#6 hit like a truck

Lori A Winfree
Lori A Winfree - 01.04.2023 23:42

Thanks for your videos
