6 Supplements That Science Proved Will Actually Help You

6 Supplements That Science Proved Will Actually Help You


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@kennethhobbs7563 - 21.12.2023 17:11

Folic acid bad, folate good

@LS-kg6my - 16.12.2023 10:17

Vit D should be on this list

@stevenking8923 - 13.12.2023 09:25

I was taking Gaba and it completely took away my back pain and headaches but after 2 months it stopped working

@CaritasGothKaraoke - 13.12.2023 08:39

Melatonin doesn’t help with DSPS. It reinforces it. This is because DSPS isn’t a disorder. It’s just a variance, like being left handed or autistic.

This IS our natural sleep cycle. We sleep best in sunlight. We stay up all night.

If it weren’t for those of us with a nocturnal cycle, our ancestors would have been eaten by smilodons in the night and nobody would have named the constellations.

You need us. Stop acting like we have a disability.

@LeVidocq - 12.12.2023 18:50

All St. John's Wort did was spike my anxiety.

@goatsplitter - 12.12.2023 07:15

Beet juice. Interesting! I'm a cyclist and runner and am absolutely going to give this a go. Assuming a beet juice shake a little before the activity is the recommendation? We'll see!

@gaywrestlingclasses4724 - 06.12.2023 23:29

Word of caution: Beets and beet juice are high in oxalate which can lead to kidney stones. Just because a supp has benefits doesn't mean it's without risk

@misspatvandriverlady7555 - 05.12.2023 15:17

SAME-e is a supplement in America but a prescription in Europe that has been shown to have antidepressant qualities and improve liver function. It also doesn’t have all the troublesome interactions St. John’s Wort has and works differently, by encouraging the production of neurotransmitters, rather than blocking their reuptake. I take a max dose of 1600 mg a day, I’d recommend starting at 800 mg a day, and make sure to get the good stuff, individually sealed in blister packs- a pain in the neck, but the stuff degrades easily when exposed to air, and not taking it if you are taking anything else that elevates serotonin; it says on the packaging not to take it if you have bipolar disorder as it can induce mania, so you know it actually does something! 👍

@kathrynsamuelson1983 - 02.12.2023 16:33

Just saw this. One problem is that our soils are nutrient deficient from monocropping. Foods are less nutrient deficient from this as well as the use of herbicides and pesticides because they don't have to work as hard to grow and survive.

Many of us in the northern hemisphere are vitamin d3 deficient as we don't get enough sunlight on our skin. It's good to have your doctor order a blood test for this. It would be good to talk to your doctor about taking k2 as well if you need d3.

@VMNobles922 - 27.02.2023 07:31

We're all deficient in vitamins and minerals with a western diet, so yes, most people DO need them

@Dude357 - 15.02.2023 19:15

"Pregnant people ". I think he means Pregnant Women.

@yellowflowerorangeflower5706 - 06.02.2023 20:55

Cookie for the algorithm

@mrpink6022 - 30.01.2023 15:01

Cinnamon, dark chocolate apple cider vinegar nutritional yeast, green tea, onions. Garlic, Sauer kraur, Kefir.....water!

@GingerPlease - 18.01.2023 04:34

I'm so glad that during a genetic test for drug efficacy, I found out that my body has some issues metabolizing folic acid. Now I'm directed by my doctor to take a daily supplement of a metabolized version of folic acid so my body can just absorb it. So glad I found that out!

@katiem.3109 - 06.12.2022 11:39

A tip for the vegetarians out there: Eggs are also an excellent natural source of creatine.

@MyCommentsRMaturelol - 14.11.2022 22:29

Every time I talk to a doc they're like idk maybe take a multivitamin if you want. I ain't doin tests.

@polyblank73 - 05.11.2022 15:36

How do i convince my mother to stop wasting money on fish oil? she takes it to help her joints

@HoosierDaddy5381 - 02.11.2022 23:18

Pregnant people aka pregnant women

@drkatlewis - 14.10.2022 06:40

This must have been paid for by the pharma co or by people who don’t understand biochemistry.

@e.miller8943 - 20.09.2022 00:17

Older people don't produce enough CoQ10, so it seems to be a good supplement especially if taking statins.

@blackkittyfreak - 17.09.2022 10:33

I took St. John's Wort for a month after watching this video, and I am delighted to say that it helped noticeably with my depression, which I had been struggling with for some time, and it actually helped me a little more than the antidepressants I was taking before. Unfortunately, I also take stimulants for ADHD, and after a couple weeks I noticed that they had lost most of their effect. When my test bottle of 30 capsules ran out, I decided not to get more and went back on traditional antidepressants, because the slight increase in mood I got was definitely not worth losing the effects of my ADHD meds.

@kelseybedwell5199 - 12.09.2022 02:13

Can you do a series like this but for specific illnesses? Please. Like ADHD, Anxiety, depression, inflammation, etc. the amount of misinformation/ not scientifically backed information out there about how to solves these specific problems with supplements, home remedies, etc is ridiculous considering how many people suffer from these things.

@imwatchinvids - 20.08.2022 14:13

thank you so much for using gender neutral terms.

@Tracy-xe9zu - 08.08.2022 04:57

Should've had Vitamin D and Zinc. Vit D deficiency contributes to depression symptoms (my psychiatrist has me take them as an augment to my antidepressant). Zinc, if taken when you feel like you might be sick but aren't there yet, helps reduce the intensity and durration of illnesses like the common cold (again, advice from my psychiatrist who swears by this regimen and uses it personally)

@zach7206 - 07.08.2022 22:58

"most people dont need them unless they are deficient" well how many are deficient mr scientist? like over 90%?

@DestinyForeverWalksPhD - 23.07.2022 18:30

This is great and valuable information. I shared you out. This information is worth being heard. Thanks for sharing.

@projectmicky1226 - 30.06.2022 11:38

If you aren’t low on B12 it’s a placebo effect (for anyone thinking B12 is ac super vitamin). Your body won’t absorb more than it needs. I went to the doctor because my hands stopped working and pain was getting unbearable-they found out I was a rock bottom B12, probably my whole life, and that the few times I had taken vitamins was what was holding me over the whole time. But when I stopped I functionally crashed. B12 is found in meat, dairy, eggs, and some edible Japanese mosses. My diet is mostly dairy and meat and eggs so it left them confused, as B12 deficiency is most found in vegans and vegetarians. I had to start shots first to raise my levels quickly, and now have to take B12 every day for the rest of my life. They think something is wrong in my stomach, so I don’t absorb it naturally from foods, leaning more to the idea of a pernicious anemia style issue

@davidlancaster5804 - 26.06.2022 08:23

Melatonin really does work.

@anatolydyatlov963 - 15.06.2022 18:31

Well, you have to admit, though, that turmeric and berberine supplements are pretty good for you, especially when your fasting glucose levels are high (pre-diabetes / insulin resistance), which is proven by research. I'm only mentioning this because, according to the CDC, approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes.

@Lfiddler4life - 07.06.2022 07:47

Why would saint John's wort preform better in Germany based trials?

@TheMaui2020 - 04.06.2022 09:35

Calling herbal drugs, such as St. John's wort, "supplements" is one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on consumers in history, yet it is enshrined in law, Senator Hatch's Snake Oil Protection Act, DSHEA. Hatch represented Utah, where most "supplements" are manufactured and is a large part of the state's economy. The system is corrupt as hell and we must constantly be on guard against the scams lurking everywhere, especially in "health food" store.

@MigotRen - 03.06.2022 21:42

Aside from Creatine for my bodybuildugn workouts I also take a Muiltivitamin pill every couple of days. As I mostly focus on macro nutrients (carbs/fat/protein) I am suspicious that i dont fully get my fill of every micronutrient like vitamins and minerals.
And i think as long as you dotn overdoo it by taking several times the daily amount, you cant really harm the body that way.

@Redxiii1314 - 21.05.2022 02:08

I’m so glad you mentioned St. John’s wort’s interactions! A lot of people start it without knowing that detail, and the liver enzyme it induces metabolizes ~40% of drugs.

@foxylovelace2679 - 30.04.2022 16:51

Surprised Metamucil wasn't included.

@carltonposey369 - 30.04.2022 12:32


@Weirdkauz - 24.04.2022 22:23

I have felt a definite benefit from taken cheap bubbly magnesium tablets: when I did take one a day, my period gave me no cramps, when I didn't, it hurt like hell. So, even thought I don't like the taste, and I do eat very healthy, I just stuck to taking them. Helped me for years, got back cramps whenever I forgot.
Got the idea from a self-help site of endometriose patients, just thought I put it out there.

@catisyellen9877 - 23.04.2022 09:20

Omfg melatonin saves me with my job, but it doesn’t help my insomnia very well… If it’s real bad anyway. Falling asleep is literally the most stressful thing for me.

@LaLA441000 - 22.04.2022 22:35

I've heard beet juice, however good it might be, may not be so good for diabetes patients (is been said).

@youthfullonglife3377 - 15.04.2022 11:25

Right supplements are always good....

@user-jc7hs1wd1d - 02.04.2022 08:23

Heroin’a my favorite supplement (human)

@nedludd7622 - 30.03.2022 10:00

Three things that were recommended to me and worked for me. Melatonin helped me get better sleep when I had been waking up at night. A psychiatrist gave me a prescription for serotonin for what he described as anxiety--not depression. I also had a nervous tick in my leg while sleeping, rather strong at that, and taking magnesium eliminated that.

@forsakenEx0usT - 22.03.2022 00:46

Hey someone made an Ad vid on Instagram about melatonin saying it can "mess with hormones " . How true is this? Can anyone do a deep dive into melatonin!?! That would be awesome Thank you

@oogiioyu4632 - 16.03.2022 22:00

Thank you ❤️

@kurotsuki7427 - 02.03.2022 16:32

If you have trouble sleeping an extra 10 minutes is still a god send.

@grovermartin6874 - 22.02.2022 01:04

For added entertainment with your educational insights, search for how many people died of vitamin overdoses last year, versus how many people died of physician-prescribed drugs. Then when you don't believe what you find, check out your findings on other sites. Then wonder why there is such a hue and cry about the ["Shudder!"] "unregulated" use of supplements. This battle has been underway at least since the early 1970s when Teddy Kennedy tried to pass legislation regulating vitamins/minerals to keep us unwashed from harming ourselves. The recently retired Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah led the countercharge, and won -- for a time. So eventually the big pharmaceutical companies noticed that the market was worth the [then] 10 billion dollars that Americans were forking over out of pocket, and decided to join the club and produce some of that honey for themselves. We might wonder why the big producers would want regulation. Squeeze out the competition, maybe? Tsk, tsk.

@grovermartin6874 - 22.02.2022 00:42

It's so amusing to hear the somber "consult your doctor" advice intoned. #1 question to ask your physician is, How much time have you spent studying nutrition? Ask around at med schools. You won't believe how little most know. Do your own reading. And keep up with it. Vitamin C ALONE has had thousands of studies done since St-Gyorgyi (who also described the Krebs cycle, if you remember your high school biology) was awarded the Nobel for it in 1937. Check out Vitamin C, Toxins and Infectious diseases by Levy, MD, JD for a decent overview. The kneejerk reactions of The All-knowing and Godly Medical Establishment would be laughable, if they weren't so harmful.
