Haiti's Revolution is INSANELY Interesting. Here's Why.

Haiti's Revolution is INSANELY Interesting. Here's Why.

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Yogini is now Yogenie Priyanka
Yogini is now Yogenie Priyanka - 27.09.2023 03:13

I met some Haitians in one of the self-growth programs of LandMark. That day, seeing their positivity, I could hear my INNER VOICE , Haiti Calling for Healing
Let me know if someone here is equally interested in Haiti;s Healing

Wef Vince
Wef Vince - 22.09.2023 12:16

Excellent video!! Thank you brother!

wed basshead5
wed basshead5 - 06.09.2023 09:17

One is I will never let go of my country history love for ayiti

Aaron Nichols
Aaron Nichols - 01.09.2023 15:28

What a brilliant take!!!!

Aaron Nichols
Aaron Nichols - 01.09.2023 14:45

Served in Haiti as a Marine during Op. Secure Tomorrow in 2004 which happened to be their bicentennial. Though the capital Port au Prince is ravaged with poverty, the countryside is stunningly beautiful!!! The people there are just as beautiful and I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Haiti and it’s people.

M We
M We - 26.08.2023 16:48

The Revolution was betrayed by those who saw themselves other than black...Those in charge went back to The former slavers France to be recognized...Hence, paid France who sue for peace, and still paying, making the Island poor along with invasions by the US support ed bt the Western powers

Arron Ben Moshe
Arron Ben Moshe - 18.08.2023 22:11

Haiti will know soon who they are and will have a spiritual awakening like no other nation will have! May Yah Bless you people of Haiti-- your beauty will come out with the Ruach ha Kodesh (yes, the Holy Spirit) and you will make all of Israel proud like your ancestor did who I read about 70 years ago when I was a child--you all fought for your freedom and became free and it only took a few men to lead you all!
Israel we are going home soon, Yah told me "Prepare for the Kingdom!" so I have prepare the Story Song of Deuteronomy 32 and I hope words that will inspire our blood all over the four corners of the Earth. Please remember Israel while on the corners that you don't always know who we are--and we are of all colors and not just Black America! We must promote the Sabbath Day and not a name given to us by men. Please realize that you serve Yahweh and not the pagan names. Your strength comes for Yah, "I am" and not the names of the White men who surround you and the names they made our ancestors pray to, and they only believe in themselves and what they think! 1/3 of White America has the blood of Hebrew slaves in their veins America—they and their ancestors didn’t know that we were in Black America were already being punished by our Father in Heaven as the children of ancient Israel! So they are part of our Heritage if they feel the Ruach ha Kodesh and pray to Yah!

Nick Troutt
Nick Troutt - 14.08.2023 06:00

I live in Les Cayes, Haiti where I have been teaching for 10 years--good job on the video and the history.

Jephte - 10.08.2023 19:18

Thanks for the video. A lot of things said about the revolution and about Dessalines are lies to discourage revolutions, and isolate the new nation

Jephte - 10.08.2023 19:11

Viva la revolution, viva Haiti

lony walenton
lony walenton - 08.08.2023 21:25

It. Would be a difference if a haitian or any black teach their own history

James Wiggins
James Wiggins - 29.07.2023 02:09

WOWWWWW Haiti paid reparations but america can’t pay reparations for the history of murder,rape,slavery and free labor damn it’s crazy how america will be forever trash until the day they take accountability for there actions and there ancestors actions america stole so much that didn’t belong to them one I wish america could be great for once for the Black community

Compt@public - 23.07.2023 00:14

The catholic church prohibited slavery and slave trade, therefore, the first french people in Haiti were pirates and they were followed by non catholic peoples. The catholic church had a hard work with these whites and with the african culture and didn't play a role. The french people in mainland France were not aware of the conditions of the slaves or didn't wanted to know it but there is no doubt that when the national assembly heard the truth directly from the black representative, they abolished slavery what neither the english, the usa, the chinese, the arabs, the turkish, the egyptien, the black kingdom in Africa or any other in the world did. The french philosophy never follow the racist point of view of many others parts of the world. The french were as cupid as the others but not racist.

Wise guy
Wise guy - 22.07.2023 22:30

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC AKA SAINT DOMINGUE was HAITI .. these racists bastards stay hiding the truth,waiting for a new HAITI .

Edrus Ammousse
Edrus Ammousse - 19.07.2023 00:30

Great job brother

Lorde Bangs
Lorde Bangs - 15.07.2023 16:50

Cause makandal started the revolution fr

fulaan1 - 12.07.2023 23:38

How did Touissaint as a slave own slaves??

Mel Makonnen
Mel Makonnen - 09.07.2023 06:38

Anyone ever told you you look like Penn Jillette?

Lambo4Yah - 04.07.2023 16:29

Ummm excuse me you didn’t mention JEAN-JAQUUES who is the main one who got my people out of slavery. Your “history “ is straight garbage. Do not mention my people again fool

Phoenix Farida Nagai
Phoenix Farida Nagai - 04.07.2023 16:29


Orville Brown
Orville Brown - 02.07.2023 22:01

Very interesting, Sir. In addition to the sources you mention there is the wonderful trilogy by Madison Smartt Bell: All Souls' Rising, The Master of the Crossroads and The Stone That The Builder Refused. The Haitian Revolution also influenced in America., the revolutionary activity of Denmark Vesey (1822) Nat Turner (1831) and John Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry (1859). In acknowledgement, the Haitians held a memorial service for Brown in Port-au-Prince in December 1859. The Revolution also influenced the enslaved population in nearby Jamaica and in 1831 broke out "The Baptist War" led by Samuel Sharpe, a Baptist lay preacher. That war did enough damage to persuade the Brits to end slavery in the Caribbean in 1834 before the enslaved could rise again and take their freedom. Haiti influenced the struggle of Simon Bolivar against the Spanish overlords in the Andean nations of South America, by giving the liberator money and materiel and sending him 12,000 fighters. I am about to publish a five-act play, Toussaint and Other Heroes of Haiti's Revolution, which should some day be made into an Oscar-winning movie. In it there is some emphasis on Toussaint not simply as the warrior, but as the statesman who persuaded U.S. President, John Adams to resume trade relations, who negotiated the withdrawal of the invading British forces, who welcomed French planters who had fled the revolution, to return and restart the cultivations, and who helped create new constitution which he said was the most advanced in the world because it gave women equal rights to the men.

tony twist
tony twist - 01.07.2023 03:06

thank you sir

B Balderston
B Balderston - 01.07.2023 02:20

🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹 Haiti deserves immense respect.

X - 29.06.2023 18:43

The part that needs correction is that the island in its totality is called “Ayiti” named by its original Taino inhabitants. The side now known as Haiti is the Republic of Haiti. “Saint Domingue” is what the FRENCH called that side. That is not what we call Haiti.

“What was Toussaint’s beliefs before the revolt? How did he get his leadership skills?”
Bro, please continue doing more research before making this video. If you don’t know of Vodou and it’s influence in the revolution than you can’t cover the revolution. All of those questions you asked about Toussaint has been thoroughly answered. He is NOT some mysterious figure no one knows anything about. There’s too much info out there not to know. He got his military skills from the Dahomey female African warriors from Benin that came to the island.
Thanks for bringing attn to this history and making this video but you have a lot more reading & research to do love.

Brian Jackson
Brian Jackson - 28.06.2023 05:42

' Toussaint L' Ouverture', not "Louverture".

Ferrad Delva
Ferrad Delva - 23.06.2023 19:50

God Bless Haiti and Haitian . The Rebellion , The Fighter . Proud of Haitian Revolution . The most Specular Revolution in the World . The imperialism and the Slaves master , will never Forget .

Ferrad Delva
Ferrad Delva - 23.06.2023 19:36

Thank you for letting the Wirld know about Haitian Revolution . The most Spectacular Revolution in the World . The USA , Should thanks Haiti , helping them Fight in Savannah Georgia , Whitout Haiti , USA will not have Louisiana .

Rome Cottrell
Rome Cottrell - 23.06.2023 06:06

I'm happy 😁 that I watched this video I learned about Hiati 🤔.

James Watts
James Watts - 22.06.2023 20:17


Jerry Aristil
Jerry Aristil - 20.06.2023 22:44

Haiti doesn't get the respect it deserves!!!

carlos guzman
carlos guzman - 19.06.2023 18:28

obama iowa campaign is more interesting

Listen up
Listen up - 19.06.2023 01:38

Trust a white man to push the idea that L'ouverture owned slaves.

C Maurice
C Maurice - 17.06.2023 22:46

Your channel is the only one i found calling it a Revolution and not a massacare. (Great reporting.)

laresial - 15.06.2023 11:28

Becouse they hate whites and killed them all?

Adonijah Morningstar
Adonijah Morningstar - 14.06.2023 18:40

Haiti's revolution was remarkable, but I have to ask, what have they done since then? I can't have "passion" for a country that doesn't take care of it's people, I came from a country just like that and never looked back!

Champion Sword
Champion Sword - 14.06.2023 14:41

Light will shine on us again.. l’union fait la force

MARTIAL no art
MARTIAL no art - 13.06.2023 09:39

I could be wrong but is that Zelda music in the background?

Juan Cruz
Juan Cruz - 13.06.2023 02:56

AWSOME video, it allowed me to look at the Haitian revolution from a whole other perspective.

Mixtape Mania
Mixtape Mania - 12.06.2023 09:26

And I wonder why the videos about the haitian revolution dont get as much views as the poverty porn videos about Haiti

Chief Skillz
Chief Skillz - 12.06.2023 07:06

We should have a discussion on my podcast.

Nelson Gutierrez
Nelson Gutierrez - 11.06.2023 02:17

Saint Domingue a beautiful name taken after Santo DOMINGO by Napoleon the French invator of the Dominicans DR 🇩🇴

Benjket - 10.06.2023 01:17

Black history month but where is Haitian history, why they always left behind?

Wiz Trucker
Wiz Trucker - 08.06.2023 18:37

You encapsulate this pretty good ❤❤❤🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹 not our true flag however its whats available Red and black is my flag

Wiz Trucker
Wiz Trucker - 08.06.2023 17:52

As a Haitian man Toussaint and Dessaline is our christ and saviors. The catholic Christian church are in possession of Dessalines head. Also we we helped the united states in their revolutions and what do we get for gratitude embargoes furthermore by Haitian taking up Christianity it's like a smack in the face of makandal and our liberators voodoo/ vodun/ is our religion shame on them for keeping this up

Wiz Trucker
Wiz Trucker - 08.06.2023 17:44

You know the sad part about is that they give black Americans the none successful black revolutionaries and are given more credence than the successful first black empire in the western hemisphere who actually opened theirs doors/ land to the jews . Not to take away from the Garveys etc we have set the example for freedom as far as im concerned the pioneers this was done purposely to. Keep blk Americans lost

1ramarama - 06.06.2023 00:13

Very good that you like Haitian revolución. Good. I like it too. But there are many hardly known revolutions around the world also and Haiti is not a prominent country as France, England, USA, Russia, etc. That is also a cause why it is not so famous, not just white peoples’ bias. Even though you mention the enigmatic (?) nature of Louverture, you do not mention a word (may be due to your love (bias?) for Haiti) about the horribles crimes committed by Desdalines, like cutting people in half with a saw, nailing people alive to walls, raping and all the evil that came later, like the Blackism movement, Etc. The truth is that the oppressed often prove to be as cruel as the oppressors, the only difference is that they are at the lower end of the historical wheel. Later on Haitians invaded Santo Domingo and the mass killing they committed were unthinkable. The main reason for the enmity between both ethnic groups even today. But thanks any way. Very good lecture. I appreciated a lot. 9.8 out of 10.

wisguen - 05.06.2023 06:36

I give you props buddy. You appear to be unbias so far.

KingRooto Da Indigo
KingRooto Da Indigo - 05.06.2023 00:51

You forgot to mention how Haiti is the richest country in the western hemisphere, life oil lithium, copper, rare earth metals earthquake Haiti possess more natural gas, you home there’s Saudi Arabia and Venezuela together
