Why TXT weverse is my favorite place

Why TXT weverse is my favorite place


55 лет назад

339,428 Просмотров

It's been a year and a half since I last made any sort of video that's solely dedicated to Weverse, I know it's so sudden 😅 There were a couple of people on Twitter who requested me to do it so here you go! :D I used to dodge making it because it requires much more effort editing wise... But still, TXT and MOAs are so hilarious that I wanted to compile a few since these made me laugh so much 😂

Notes: This is a compilation of their responses starting from August 2021 'til July 2022! Specifically, there are 50+ responses here soooo it's a lot, honestly HAHAHA I hope you like it! I really took my time compiling, conceptualizing and editing this for you guys so enjoyyyy hehe :3

11:56 also correction, it's just *one year later sheeshhhh I lost perception of time 😭 forgive me

Previous videos:

[TXT] Good Boys Gone Wild this era!
TXT in a series of unfortunate events https://youtu.be/KZQcK08PGRg
[TXT] Beomgyu and Yeonjun’s cute and chaotic dynamic https://youtu.be/lZUru8ASqnM

Instagram (@bby_yeonbin): https://www.instagram.com/bby_yeonbin/
Twitter (@BbyYeonbin): https://twitter.com/BbyYeonbin?s=09
Email: [email protected]

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#txt #txt_funny #txt_weverse #txt_yeonjun #txt_soobin #txt_bald_soobin #txt_performance #txt_concert #txt_cysm #txt_taehyun #txt_beomgyu #txt_hueningkai #bbyyeonbin #yeongyu
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