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DoomonSlooyer - 15.09.2023 09:20

"Back in my day we didn't have drones, augments or overdrives."

Master120 - 14.09.2023 22:17

As a Magnum main, i must say that players are literally complaining about a turret that need to know how to use aka Magnum, but doesn't complain about Scorpion literally the most braindead turret in the whole game, da thing can kill heavy hull with just one of they guided rocket packs in every range and don't need to know how to use, just spam the rockets and they'll hit you even behind a house.

Joseph L
Joseph L - 14.09.2023 02:10

A small thing, but I genuinely think removing the distinction between m1/m2/m3 and increasing the tiers to 7 also made the game less rewarding

Liam Peer
Liam Peer - 13.09.2023 23:26

I recently tried the game and I noticed that they only let you play against bots, people here are commenting as if it's still a player vs player game

can someone explain?

Bozo New Mousecontrol Player - PT
Bozo New Mousecontrol Player - PT - 13.09.2023 21:11

Fk tanki online

Abrar Ur Alam
Abrar Ur Alam - 13.09.2023 17:30

The old large maps were absolutely next level. They lagged a lot yes, but when they didn't it was the most fun i've ever had in the game.

I also used to love how upgrading modification (mk) levels of each turret would actually affect the skin of the turret...that really meant having a cooler skin correlates with how strong you are in the game. Similarly, cooler-looking paints had higher protection.

If you saw someone with "Zeus" paint (blue lighting paint, highest cost, highest protection) and they had their fully upgraded turret and hull skin, you actually knew death is inevitable.

Nowadays, having the coolest skin and paint doesn't carry that promise of being a veteran. You either got lucky or payed a lot...

Zaid Ayyaz
Zaid Ayyaz - 13.09.2023 16:06

They are dying because they are making some elements easy to get like supplies everyone has supplies
And they are making some elments highly complicated to get

George Serbezis
George Serbezis - 13.09.2023 13:21

We no longer get an exitement with tanki online, that's all Taspens! In the past, we would grind for hours only to wait for a big celebration to come and do our huge upgrades. Now, everything is boring, everything is too easy and too hard at the same time. It's really easy to fully upgrade your garage, but very hard to play tanki when we have buyers who bought 6000 UT Container and have all possible exotic augments and ruin the gameplay. The flash version was also very cool, simple and classic. In a few words, you no longer feel to grind and earn crystals, upgrades won't make you stronger, but the exotic augments, which only buyers get via buying a dozen of UT Containers. The skins are pointless too, it was super fun to chase and earn the XT Skins, now I got this new Steampunk Magnum skin with a single UT Container opening... meh. Pointless game. No longer reasons to grind, no longer exitement to have during celebrations, useless upgrades, useless skins... Do you like that Taspens? Everyone has now the NEW EXCLUSIVE SKINS and nobody has default skins. Heck even the defaults skins are just 1, the HD version, at least in the past we had the M0-M3.

[Snom Gang] Scorch
[Snom Gang] Scorch - 13.09.2023 03:05

A cohesive list of what ruined tanki:

Bad devs
p2w philosophy
bad devs
Drones being added in the first place.

Did I mention the devs being bad?

Black GokuEdits
Black GokuEdits - 12.09.2023 22:08

Bons tempos,hoje em dia o jogo está desbalanceado,e com muitas novidades demasiadas

Giorgi - 12.09.2023 18:32

Bring back 2014-15 Tanki online and it will get success, deffo will be back

Red Eyes
Red Eyes - 12.09.2023 17:36

Everything you said makes sense and i think We should have two Options of game modes in matchmaking, a ctf mode where everything is allowed and a ctf mode with nothing but supplies like you said, will make the game Much much better

connecting - 12.09.2023 17:21

The people spamming double damage and double armor or whatever it is called is the reason tanki sucks rn, so that gamemode would absolutely help it become big and i also agree with drones and maybe augments being bad, they could make augments good by making them easier to get and not making them too op

GreatGordonFan - 12.09.2023 17:18

Things I hate the most:
-mk1-mk7 mods look the same
-no product kits for crystals
-too many new features
-lack of secret rooms
-unnecesary updates
-bad updates
And the worst thing of all:

The loss of the flash interface and graphics.

Master Dementer
Master Dementer - 12.09.2023 15:14

I left tanki around 2016. You know its bad when even the new players who joined after the sh*t updates are saying its bad. Things went downhill when they removed paint protections.

卂乙ㄩ尺乇 أمواج المحيط ツ
卂乙ㄩ尺乇 أمواج المحيط ツ - 12.09.2023 00:42

i left in christmas 2020 cuz i felt like they were never listening to the community and what we wanted, i made a new account last week and they throwing me in games with majors and brigadiers with far better equipment than me so i get 1 tapped by everything which brings me to my next point that they change/remove stuff that were perfectly fine, matchmaking was never this unbalanced so why am i getting in these games? 💀

Equify - 12.09.2023 00:06

I also would like to bring old tanki back, I loved it when you could use supply at any time with any delays.

M A T R I X - 11.09.2023 23:33

Old FARM map was amazing I play all the time,,,I remember old clan batlles on Silens map . Main turret was Freez,,hull Mamuth and Inferno paint my goodness that was time to play.. greetings from KOTS clan member back in days!!

Acidize - 11.09.2023 23:16

Honestly, Tanki isn't as bad as everybody complains about
Overdrives: Not a problem; they don't make me mad when I die to them, it's a strategic element to the game
Drones: Mostly fine, although Defender is tough to go against rn
Augments: Also mostly fine, with the exception of some, like hyperspeed rounds for railgun, and the status ones. OP augments are really annoying, status augments are too basic and also kinda annoying, but other than that, 90% of augments are good, since they change up the turret slightly
Matchmaking: The randomness of map, team, whatever, is fine. A ton of MMO's do that. The inconsistency is ridiculous though. One of the worst parts of the game. They need to base it on GS instead of rank, or add a rating system for players
Servers: The worst part of the game. They're trash. It's not a problem with the game mechanics themselves, but they need new servers, desperately. There is no reason somebody should be able to join 8 matches in a row with the no damage bug

Anurag Ladoti
Anurag Ladoti - 11.09.2023 23:09

There's just no good reason to play. I play for a few containers a day when I feel like it and that's it. Playing more isn't fun because it will drain supplies and battle funds won't recoup my losses.

Events suck so that's not a motivation to play. Battle pass nerfed (again) so even less motivation. Now the missions are annoying so I don't really bother with them since I have to play 3 battles to finish daily's now.

Game just sucks overall. I don't see why anyone still plays it unless they have OP equipment and a ton of supplies (pretty much no f2p player falls in this category)

Sterbun - 11.09.2023 22:15

honestly the best thing about tanki is that its unique from other tank games, because other tank games let you play for free.

Commander Cobra
Commander Cobra - 11.09.2023 22:12

It's a tank game and they decided to ruin it with hovering hulls, shop prices, and the gameplay has no chance except grenade which is just a weird thing to add they could've added a secondary attack
Btw I love the new augments😅

Spy - 11.09.2023 21:38

so many memories with this game

Szymon Nowacki
Szymon Nowacki - 11.09.2023 21:36

I think that we also need to look at the topic from the bright side. im also an old date non buyer tanki player, but honestly the gameplay and evrything other now isnt that bad. The game is still updating and alive, the developers are doing their best to make the game better. New gameplay, skins, turrets or hulls are a matter of time - tanki needs to be updated like every other game - otherwise even the old fun gameplay would just get boring too.

Shxxxxd - 11.09.2023 21:30

This the only one thats not written by a dummy
Needs to add back smaller maps and more maps to the matchmaking its repetitive.
Don't return to what u did before it was only fun because of our age and time period.
The ratings page isn't good and the ranks are trash no one cares anymore. Getting generallismo was something sick now legend is infinite and not hard to obtain with premium, rating page is sooo outdated add things like win rate, better leaderboards, kd's for diff combos and more it'll be so much better and something to actually aim for. Makes more competent players.
Reward people for joining and being in the community like 500 tankoins for level 30 in some tanki dc or smth, so they're closer and more in tune.
Make the chat better and not ban someone for every little thing so they can actually make friends and have fun.
Skill isn't even considered in the game genuinely do something so people try to get better and r rewarded and not esports
Progression with skins too
crystals kits

Mathoz - 11.09.2023 20:46

I think the only way of making the game actually fun again is just showing no mercy and completely deleting the hovering hulls. They ruined not only golds but also matches like CTF and RGB. The amount of times im enjoying a good battle and thinking that my team is gonna win... and then a virgin russian flies in with his goofy hopper thinking hes somekind of Boeing airplane, caps 5 flags and my team loses... those are the moments i wanna uninstall the game.
They should increase the gold prize to like 5k (i guess inflation excists in tanki aswell and 1k is nothing lol).
Another good change would be not adding events every damn weekend. They should be actual events which are rare and dont happen that often.
Promote the game!!! Please!!!
They should also calm down with the 80 augments for each turret and hull. I remember when effects like the freeze effects were unique for that specific turret... Now you can almost slap on a goofy cYrO augment on any turret and the effect loses its unique-ness.
There are many many more i just dont wanna write a novel even though i already kind of just did 😂

Bruddah - 11.09.2023 20:18

I think tanki just needs to listen to players. firstly buy new servers, then work more on the make for example add more maps and make some of the old maps MM like fort knox and madness etc, but our massage won't be as big as if tas does it

Sense - 11.09.2023 19:33

main reason why tanki died "they just trying to fix things that doesn't need to be fixed"

9Cz - 11.09.2023 19:12

I quite play a lot at the moment since im maxed but if I wasnt I would definitely have quit the game those gigachad with freaking powerful augment like assault magazine no offense taspen but thats really breaking the game in my opinion augment when they first was released were okay in my opinion like the crystal ones but also the fact that you cant choose the battle with the matchmaking makes me get bored like why is it always highways and lost temple give me monte carlo on matchmaking and big maps that are actually fun

kingVON - 11.09.2023 18:54

if they bring back flash player it would be a bit better.

Ibrahim Nasser
Ibrahim Nasser - 11.09.2023 18:43

I'd play the game again if they do that and if they also let us use the og skins or at least to have the m0_3 for free once u max out the thing

Paweł Świąder
Paweł Świąder - 11.09.2023 18:34

i still unfortunetly have a big sentiment for this game and i am going back to it from time to time. Honestly developers change the game way too fast. I am off for half a year and suddenly half of the game works completely different. This game doesnt need to change so rapidly.
Daily missions rework its just terrible. Three random missions per day was a simple and good system and i have no idea why they wanted to change it. Especially when they have a lot of work on other parts of the game.
For example, they are changing to hd skins for at least 2 years and most of the maps and some skins are still old. I understand old players like old skins, but the game doesnt look good with mixed graphics.
In my opinion developers are making rash decisions on new content without thinking too much and are forcing these ideas on players.

Jonas hannes
Jonas hannes - 11.09.2023 18:14

They should bring a old tanki mode back something like this. It should looks like from the old times. For players who missed the old times of tanki online, that would be pretty cool, but possible? Idk ❤

fermat TO
fermat TO - 11.09.2023 18:06

Matchmaking is bad bcs every second game you got big map or night mode, which is made for campers only
like you said in one of your videos, devs should add an option, where you could choose what types of map you want to play and what types not

onether bad thing: missions
i am playing tanki since 2016 and at the beginning missions were really fun, if you completed 1 mission every day in a week, you got a prize
and that missions were really fun, like kill 30 tanks in TDM mode
but now?? what is this ?? it takes 2 hours to complete daily missions so a lot of people play pro battles rather
and so there are not enough players for mm, which leads to unfair teams

tanki just need to add more og maps to mm (like esplanade, gravity, madness), mpas that are actually playable
and change missions system ofc

lets just think for ultra weekends at the second: at the beggining, ultra weekends were once a month, now they are every weekend if there is no event
and for every event, there is stupid event mode. Most of the player want more golds, but then we see map ful of HOOPERS (biggest mistake tanki added)
all we want to see is gold hunters mode, without overdrives, maybe drones and augments too

Jed Morley
Jed Morley - 11.09.2023 18:06

All the status effect augments drones and Hopper are what ruined it IMHO

Espoir - 11.09.2023 17:56

They killed the game when they added MM (forced to play terrible big maps) and the removal of super missions which one of the main reason of why we had to play hours per day (even if we get supplies at the end) and now we have useless ultra weekend every week they are copy/past boring + most augments are the same for every turrets + adding criticials damage for every turret is lame aswell... so many things to talk about tanki downfall

DeadlyKitsune - 11.09.2023 17:39

I hate the fucking collision of the "dead" players! Pls remove the collision of them they are so annoying as hell!

Also pls reduce the Equipment Change Cooldown to 3 or 2 minutes. It's ridiculous that you can only change 1-2 times in a Match. This makes the Equipment Change completely useless!

roJLoBoTo - 11.09.2023 17:33

and the most crazy thing is the unbalanced augs and weapons , like u cant be top 3 if u'r using wasp or hornet cuz u die very fast , they 'eed to balance the game , delete overdrives and drones , and delet the golds and leave only mega golds and do x10 mega golds in events only

FIREARMED - 11.09.2023 17:20

That's a really cool idea ,I can't imagine no drones no augments no overdrives and catching a goldbox with pure skill. wish tanki implement this , even I would upload if this happens. Cheers m8 :)

Haitham Mohammed
Haitham Mohammed - 11.09.2023 17:04

Why some promocodes didnt work. I used a lot of it but didnt work what is the problem?

Judo - 11.09.2023 16:54

I think it's because the html5 isn't as good as the flash version and their unbalanced overpowered pay 2 win updates that makes the game trash

Thiago - 11.09.2023 16:18

Matchmaking is one of the things that hurts the game the most. Many times in a match there will be a 9999GS Legend playing against a 5000GS Major. Another thing that also harms the game is that you can't choose the map, and for some players this is a problem as it won't always be a map they like. My suggestion in this case would be to let the player choose the game mode and map, then matchmaking would do its job by choosing players with similar GS and rank, but of course, this is after they have fixed the way matchmaking works.

Thebraker - 11.09.2023 15:00

I really miss when everything was green, it made the game feel more realistic, just like a real war with tanks. The ranks felt like you really are a general or a legend. It was just better. I personally think that the developers don't listen to the comunity and they ruined the game with adding stuff we don't want.

Volv0LT - 11.09.2023 14:55

You speaked only facts ❤

13ased_American - 11.09.2023 14:45

Bro i remember when everyone went crazy for the gold box now maybe a few people go try to get it or a couple of times it's been minutes and nobody has gotten it

THE THUNDERWARLORD - 11.09.2023 14:34

meh gang

Mustafa Alim
Mustafa Alim - 11.09.2023 14:32

Things added which ruined tanki:
Removal of most drones
Daily and weekly missions rework
Rework of protection modules
Cycling through status effect augments
P2w augments only available in events
Removal of theme gold boxes
Mostly boring and repeated event modes
Gradual increase of shop prices
And the list goes on and on...
