Unboxing & Review of the Golf Daddy Simulator

Unboxing & Review of the Golf Daddy Simulator

Golf Daddy

54 года назад

7,489 Просмотров

Shop here: https://golfdaddy.com/products/golf-at-home

The Golf Daddy 'Golf At Home' is an at home Golf Simulator that Doesn't require you to hit a ball. Golf anywhere without a ball. Simulate realistic conditions for less. Fast setup & portable. Exciting games with a vibrant community. Simplify your golf improvement with a simulator.

How it works
Our simulators don’t require a ball but you can use them if you choose. Instead they use Artificial intelligence to analyze your swing & divot to predict how your ball flew. Simply setup the included Golf Daddy tripod at waist height and film yourself taking a swing onto the mat - our app will do the rest. It is trained on billions of data-points and is pretty much as accurate as high-end simulators.

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