the LAST DAY before Santa is here for Christmas 🎄
Best Christmas Eve Day Ever 1056
You know how every morning recently has started off with hide n seek with our Christmas elf?!! Well this morning the elf on a shelf is playing waaaaaay good. Adley and I are having a hard time finding him, till Aldey starts going up the stairs and seems our elf on the ceiling fan!! We can’t reach her, but Adley has an idea that requires Jenny and Niko!! So we go wake them up and Niko is sooo cute. He keeps grabbing his blanky and covering his head, playing a new game of peek a boo!!
We head downstairs and Adley’s plan was to hold Niko up to the fan to grab the note!! Jenny vetos that plan pretty quick, so Adley and I come up with a new plan of getting up there to find out what she said. After getting the note, we learn that Snowy our elf brought us presents to get us ready for Christmas!! We all have something under the tree, including our pets Olive and Koopa! They are brand new, matching Pajamas!! We love them, we decide that we are going to wear them all day to day to be cozy on Christmas Eve.
After eating french toast for breakfast and having a small dance party, Adley shows us a new trick she learned, kicking so high she bonks herself on the head! Niko watches and wants to try, his little kicks are so cute!! We have a surprise visit from Issac, who is bringing us presents from his mom and dad who are our really good friends! The brought some awesome toys for the kiddos and they gave Jenny and I brand new snowboards!!! We love them, we love our friends, and we can’t wait to hit the powder in them.
We end the night by heading to Momduras house to hang with family and do our christmas eve tradition of decorating cookies for Santa Claus!! We go through our routine of setting out milk and treats for the reindeer and get ready to go to sleep!!
Soooooooo excited for Christmas!!
Watch Adley's last video: CHRiSTMAS SURPRiSE. happy holidays to all my friends. --
Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: NOOO!! OUR ELF made a MESS inside our house! Family goes to Christmas tree lights at Temple Square! --
snag some sweet Spacestation merch ---
Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!
Best Music Ever:
Here's some stuff we use:
Wide Lens:
Zoom Lens:
Sweet Keyboard:
(leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)
#Shonduras #Best_Day_Ever #Adley #A_for_Adley #Niko_Bear #christmas_eve #shonduras_christmas #elf #elf_on_a_shelf #presents #gifts #unboxing #opening #toys #new_toys #games #new_games #Adley_learns #niko_learns #Christmas_presents #decorations #decorating_cookies #routine #morning_routine #OUR_ELF_is_a_MERMAiD!?_Morning_Routine_and_Candy_Drink_Experiment!_Adley_Christmas_Dance_Recital