Ace Attorney's GREATEST Case? - Bridge to the Turnabout (Trials and Tribulations)

Ace Attorney's GREATEST Case? - Bridge to the Turnabout (Trials and Tribulations)


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@drparadox7833 - 16.01.2024 00:45

What I love about Godot is the fact that he could have gotten away with everything if he kept his mouth shut, but he INSISTED Phoenix figure everything out partly to challenge him and prove he is inferior to Mia and partly because Godot knew he needed to face justice.

@sajadalaaibrahim3205 - 11.01.2024 22:36

Best AA case till I played the Grand turnabout.

@enenra6417 - 28.12.2023 07:36

Yall know all the Feys except Maya were supposed to die in this chapter right

@pancreas_ - 26.12.2023 07:12

I love the irony of Godot not being able to see the red in white... therefore not being able to see that the culprit of Mia's death was no one but Redd White.

@SassyOnHardcore - 18.12.2023 10:48

"It somehow just gave him a cold". Motherfucker, he was flung 30 feet and hit his head against a telephone pole after getting by a car, and walked away with a sprained ankle, logic doesn't apply to him

@ThatObjectionGuy - 10.10.2023 19:00

Turnabout Succession was better imo

@sahelebrahimal-wasti4829 - 30.09.2023 16:11

My favorite final case in the trilogy❤❤

@simonwiken9782 - 13.09.2023 12:07

I will be honest, the BEST moment in this trial is when you play as Edgeworth, and get to use the autopsy report against Franziska.

@akev2794 - 06.09.2023 17:55

Is the art here different somehow? I didn't remember the original looking like this, or maybe I'm being dumb

@Renkoyons - 30.08.2023 14:52

The "specially the people who enjoy the male variety" line caught so off-ward i almost fell from my chair, great vid

@mobgabriel1767 - 29.08.2023 16:24

There are three certainties in life:death,taxes and DL-6 being important to ace attorney trials

@wolfywonder8480 - 23.08.2023 00:26

So my personal headcanon for why the Fey family drama and Iris are never mentioned again is that, after her plan failed, Morgan took out her frustrations by killing the daughter that got in her way. This then landed her on death row, and during the time between T&T and AJ she was executed. That, plus how generally traumatic this whole case was for everyone involved, makes it not exactly a hot topic to remind everyone of. It would also help explain how Phoenix became Hobo Phoenix; he was jaded after the bitter end to the Fey family drama and loss of his ex, right when he was starting to reconnect with her.

@user-gb5fv6gn5b - 11.08.2023 00:25

I have just played the first three games and i gotta say, i think the best case is the last justice for all case easily.

@Alnard - 05.08.2023 03:17

Pearl is young girl missing and alone on a frozen mountainside in the wake of a murder and burnt down bridge and noone seems concerned or bothers to look for her! 😅

@alvarcej3 - 11.07.2023 23:03

This case is a great as everybody says. I just finished it again after a couple of years and its just as good as I remembered. I dont think its overated at all

@DetectiveEmaSkye - 04.07.2023 16:57

I did go crazy when the music kept playing during Godot's cornering part, I was so confused and when something different happened after trying several different pieces of evidence as I knew it was under his mask but didn't realise I could present his profile until after a few minutes of trying pieces of evidence
I was taken aback cause I was so used to the same thing happening over and over and when I saw Mia I was like YO WHAT THE FUCK I GOT IT BUT MIA????

@DetectiveEmaSkye - 04.07.2023 00:43

Just finished this case, and the trilogy, today! I love this case and Armando's character
Cannot believe Elise was Misty... I'm so sad because when we found that out she was already dead and I know Maya missed her so much

@SkiGlovesie - 26.06.2023 22:11

Trials and Tribulations was my first Ace Attorney game and I had no idea of the surrounding plot and stories (aside from a friend who really, really liked Miles Edgeworth). No, I don't believe the prior games are required reading at all.

When an episode is written well you don't need the surrounding episodes for it to be good. For me, this finale was just a truly incredible story and gameplay experience on its own. As you said, no time is wasted and it's expertly written. Anything the characters said referring to prior games felt simply like the characters had lives beyond what I'd seen in this snapshot. This case isn't incredible because the prior two games set it up. This case elevates the valie of the prior 12 cases because it uses them as a stage.

Also, the ultimate penalty is not the first instance of the save scum trap. That'd go to the 17 statement press that let this game/episode establish you can't trust the music cutting. And knowing that, having confidence in the face of the music and ultimate penalty is earned.

@kristiansmith7737 - 16.06.2023 17:46

This was my first exposure to the Ace Attorney games.
I feel in love with the characters throughout the game and yeah it did ruin some surprises for me (i.e. that Mia died in the 1st game) but despite all that I loved this game and the final case completely sold me on the franchise

@christmasdespacito2505 - 15.06.2023 19:43

i heard something that said godot's name was based off of the phrase "waiting for godot" which basically means "waiting for something that will probably never happen"
this can be interpreted as mia waiting to see him wake up from his coma, or godot waking up to see mia, neither of which happen because mia's life was cut short.
i believe there is also some type of play based off the same name that is referenced a couple times by luke atmey.
i just think thats pretty cool

@katiaazizi - 14.06.2023 02:53

I haven’t played the game yet but I’ve seen walkthroughs of this game series. But hearing turnabout during this case was nerve-racking.

@cappilau7448 - 08.06.2023 21:33

Another thing I love is how Bridge to the Turnabout makes you use everything you’ve learnt, and still manages to subvert your expectations.
If you’ve played Farewell, My Turnabout, you will come to learn that not every client is innocent. Furthermore, when Phoenix asked if Iris went to Ivy university at all, she answered that she didn’t have an interest in pursuing university education…which didn’t trigger the magatama. The last time something like this had happened (2-4), Phoenix asked whether Matt has killed Juan, to which he answered he didn’t…which didn’t trigger Phoenix’s magatama.
So one might think that Iris was actually a disguise by Dahlia, given how she changed her name before in 3-4, and she manage to use exact words to get past the magatama like Matt did.
Then we learn that Iris is actually real, and Dahlia was her twin sister, as well as that Dahlia was the one with the murder intent. To the end of the case we also learnt that Iris actually went to university with Phoenix in her sister’s stead, only that she never had any real interest in doing so.
It’s a nice double subversion of the usual expectation of Ace Attorney. Sometimes the clients are guilty, but for this one who appeared to be guilty…turned out to not be at all.

@brianchan8 - 25.05.2023 04:28

Did I just sit through 48 minutes without realising? Maybe

@Mad_Leroy - 04.05.2023 17:05

Bridge to the Turnabout is definitely one of the best cases, but I think that Turnabout For Tomorrow and Farewell my Turnabout are better. They both have higher stakes than BttT, which is saying something since this case has some pretty fuckin' high stakes...

@FlaskFlash - 07.04.2023 03:01

It is, without a doubt, the best case in the entire series. And this is a lot to say, because there are a lot of greats cases, and I do mean a lot, a fucking lot of them. But this one is so important, so relevant to all the characters involved and mixes everything so well that it remains on top.

@MexBaker - 02.04.2023 11:08

Godot could have destroyed Morgan's plans? Pearls wouldn't have been able to conjure up Dahlia without her picture.

@GAshoneybear - 18.03.2023 08:56

Despite it being a TERRIBLE plan, I can why Godot, Iris, and even Misty handled it this way. All three of them failed to be there for their loved ones. All three have a level of shame and regret for their inaction. So, for all three of them to commit to this disastrous idea, all of them felt the need to alleviate their consciences by being directly involved in saving the day. Godot admitted it, Iris implied that, and I'm sure (given the fact the woman left her children for so long that her own daughter didn't know her face or voice) that Misty has a lot of guilt--or she should.

@tazllama515 - 11.03.2023 07:17

Augh please say his name differently

@warriorcat178 - 10.02.2023 14:54


@thecunninlynguist - 07.02.2023 15:43

my fave is Rise from the Ashes

@Belbecat - 02.02.2023 06:54

Lol do you keep changing the way you pronounce everything on purpose? 😅

@e-duh3529 - 01.02.2023 12:12

I love everything about this case. Godot is my favorite character in ace attorney, and Iris and Mia are up there as well. T&T is overall my favorite AA game. Thanks for this vid

@pikachupower0025 - 22.01.2023 00:10

Godot: (throws remote or shoe) Emotional Damage

@aleelrecopilador702 - 14.01.2023 16:40

What bothers me about this case is that I feel that Maya and Phoenix forgiving Godot seems stupid to me. The blind idiot did not avoid putting Maya and Pearl in danger.

@Dipped1234 - 11.01.2023 23:20

I just realized Godot thinks Phoenix doesn't own a tie cuz it's red on white.

@Jevjevjevj - 11.01.2023 18:48

Tbh i couldn't care less for iris. Phoenix's moving on and never thinking of her again is very satisfying to witness.

@utopiapro007 - 09.01.2023 05:47

I think there's something to be said for Mia being killed by Redd White due to the DL-6 incident. Grossberg had released the name of Misty Fey to White, and Mia got too close.

@ryantrapp2189 - 09.01.2023 00:43

I would have to argue for farewell my turnabout

@matthewgallaway3675 - 06.01.2023 02:29

“Why does the legal system hate Maya Fey?”
The real question.

@rokosik - 03.01.2023 00:51

I just realized I pronounced Godot's name wrong this whole time, I thought it was literally pronounced Go-Dot lol.

@eemilsalmi8038 - 01.01.2023 22:17

i made it that far in the video
