Unlocking the full potential of WordPress with Custom Post Types and Custom Fields

Unlocking the full potential of WordPress with Custom Post Types and Custom Fields

BuildingOnWordPress (with Josh Donnelly)

10 месяцев назад

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@buildingonwordpress - 11.09.2023 16:34

🎉 Extended Cheat Sheet:

✅ Post Type
In WordPress, a post type is a content type or data structure. WordPress has default post types like "Posts" (for blog posts) and "Pages" (for static content), and you can create custom post types to suit your specific content needs.

✅ Post
A post is an individual piece of content that belongs to a specific post type. For instance, a blog post is an individual post within the "Posts" post type.

✅ Meta / Custom Field
Meta or custom fields allow you to add additional data to your posts. This data can be used to provide extra information about a post, such as author details, publication date, or any other custom information you want to associate with a post.

✅ Post Archive Layout
In WordPress, a post archive is a page that displays a list of posts based on a specific criteria, like category, tag, or date.

✅ Single Post Layout
A single post layout is the page dedicated to displaying an individual post in detail. It's where users can read the entire content of a post, view its associated metadata, and engage with any custom fields or additional information you've added.

@MIKY-IT - 14.11.2023 04:35

Hello, here is the passage that has been described but how to visualize the options of the subject under the article? It does not apply to the options of the topic. Once again, your page will show you the options on the topic. Thank you

@samuelo8976 - 28.09.2023 17:54

Promo sm

@visualmodo - 17.09.2023 04:05

Very good video! =D

@andersbrathen - 12.09.2023 09:37

Perfect. Thanks! Next time, you can maybe go to the next level, and for example look at various options for sorting on archive pages, based on custom fields. For example, Events, sort by Event date. Only show event in the future etc.
