Andor: Davo Sculdun's Very Interesting Proposition to Mon Mothma!!!!

Andor: Davo Sculdun's Very Interesting Proposition to Mon Mothma!!!!

Star Wars Unlimited Universe

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@aceofspadesguy4913 - 16.07.2024 20:50

This feels like a completely different universe from everything else Disney has made, it might as well be. Oh how I love it so.

@chriswhited - 21.06.2024 04:38

because the male is free? wake up and grow up.......... babies.

@chriswhited - 21.06.2024 04:02

no one cares when the son is offered up............because males mean nothing. ... right? Their pathetic argument is over.... it's their problem now..

@chriswhited - 20.06.2024 23:07

you knew she was thinking about it, because of how angry she was. "What just happened" with Bruce Willis and the beard.

@chriswhited - 20.06.2024 22:52

the truth of revolution is the mechanics.... the mechanics are brutal.. "to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them"....He is very interesting because he values both the new and the old, because both the old and new have true value.....the word value must be HONESTLY understood here. Make no mistake, I understand the FALLICY of "if the ends doesn't justify the means, then what does?"...............................COMPLETELY... complex balance, forever moving.

@donelson52 - 17.06.2024 12:13

Andor is superb television in every respect. Mature, thoughtful, beautifully produced and written. Far far better than most Disney crap

@wingspantt - 13.06.2024 23:08

It's crazy how brutal a scene can be with no violence, cursing, or even loud talking.

@SiM0n1755x - 11.06.2024 18:52

I appreciate how, in the finale when Leida and Davo's son meet, Davo actually seems empathetic (regretful, even) to just how upset Mon and even Perrin are by the turn of events.

To me, it makes him seem he's acting out of pragmatism than villainy - to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it.

@SiM0n1755x - 11.06.2024 18:38

Is it me, or does this guy sound like Temuera at times?

@charly03090309 - 10.06.2024 21:27

Sculdun the Bolden

@Intrepid_Crusader1096 - 07.06.2024 06:02

I do wonder if Mon Mothma is going to cross paths with Dedra Meero in a future season. It would be an interesting encounter between two of the most powerful and dangerous women in the show. They both operate clandestinely but on opposite sides. Especially since Meero is trying to find the source that will lead her to the rebel leadership, unaware that Mon Mothma, one of the primary leaders is on Coruscant, essentially right under her very nose.

@greyeagle7713 - 18.05.2024 07:57

I've been reading the X-Wing series of books lately, and one scene described in The Krytos Trap had Mon Mothma in this very room once again, this time as President/Head of State of the New Republic, and meeting with Admiral Ackbar and General Airen Cracken, to discuss the Krytos pandemic ravaging Coruscant.

@Sunburn2007 - 18.05.2024 04:49

He knew she’d consider it. He purposefully raised the issue of the “old ways having value” in their society, to which Mothma agreed they shared an understanding. The old ways include arranged marriages.

@JNB0723 - 07.05.2024 21:00

Davo's right. Our positions always seem to dictate our actions.

@vincentgallorespecter - 02.05.2024 13:12

This is so boring. I can't believe more than an hour of the show revolved around Mon Mothma and her dealings.

@gbonkers666 - 10.04.2024 23:57

Ben came along way from London....

@Fitchy-ke3wz - 10.04.2024 21:22

This show felt so unlike star wars because the writing is so grown up and concise

@realistic.optimist - 27.03.2024 19:14

The trick is finding a legal route with many wide lanes. Because the government will always need to do things off the books there will always be avenues for others as well.

@sandyblack9698 - 16.03.2024 01:07

being from the uk why do you thimk the english make the best villians? brian coxx explained very well..

@nathanlawson313 - 15.03.2024 19:51

Good God, this scene is so well written! This was high-stakes, master swordsmanship, taking typical politician statements and cutting them to SHREDS.

@Beppo85 - 15.12.2023 03:59

Genevieve O’Reilly is great, but let’s also give a shoutout to the excellent actor who plays Davo. In just this short scene we get a good sense of who he is. He’s smooth, smart, and manipulative. You can get some sense of how he got to where he is, because he zeroes right in on any opportunity to maximize his own advantage and sniffs it out.

@MrStephenmindo - 08.12.2023 21:15

I like how Mon Mothma smilingly is like ' hey yeah you can come back, that can be arranged' then they pan to the Tay Kolma and he, am assuming having dealt with Davo before, has ' I know there's a catch here' face.

@johnroscoe2406 - 03.12.2023 14:35

I grew up with 1983 ROTJ Mon Mothma.

And somehow, despite all Disney has ruined with SW, they have managed to make me think "damn Mon Mothma is hot."

How the fuck Disney are you going to crap all over SW on one hand, but make Mon Mothma a stone cold MILF on the other? How do you even...?! :D

@pelusam79 - 05.11.2023 07:18

People who say this show its not star wars-like are right, its dialogue is uncharacteristically good for star wars 😂

@ericj55 - 02.11.2023 18:05

For a scene with absolutely no action, just impeccable dialog, it's riveting.

@noheroespublishing1907 - 02.11.2023 16:11

A masterclass in subtext! This is genuinely brilliant on every level, the writing, art direction, and delivery/acting is genius!

@RUdigitized - 30.10.2023 23:30

Wells Fargo and the empire have a lot in common

@OconByrd519 - 27.10.2023 09:51

I never thought I would be so attracted to Mon Mothma!

@Beppo85 - 23.10.2023 18:26

This is so much better and more subtle dialogue than we’re used to in Star Wars.

@khadam2221 - 13.10.2023 00:57

What I LOOOVE about this series (which I've only recently watched) is that in Star Wars things are too often black and white. You pursue greater good? You'll become an apathetic and quite often a pathetic monk - a Jedi. You pursue passion? Well... let's just say that you shouldn't count on maintaining your good looks. But in Andor? My god... Imagine what Mon Mothma would do to Davo had she been force sensitive. She would made his blood boil in his veins, tear him limb from limb. How about Luthen? Not too hard to imagine him as being the same black pit as Palpatine. But they aren't so we can only imagine the lengths of their commitment to the cause. Think about all the vile and dark deeds of Rebelion's leadership that were necessary to create a situation in which Luke Skywalker, the embodiment of the light side, could save the day and eventually redeem Vader who then destroys Palpatine. Star Wars flourishes on nuance. Hope we get more of it with Season 2. If it comes to be.

@bjarnetungland4544 - 09.10.2023 22:25

How can the dialogue on this be so good and everything else in star wars is so shit

@abcun17 - 30.09.2023 15:55

What a well crafted, impecably written and exquisitely acted sene! The subtleties and nuances here, make this scene a delight to watch. It also propels it, alongside the rest of "Andor" to the highest levels of quality which is especially important and remarkable given the current state of "Star Wars" and Lucasfilm...

@zachcreaghcoen2389 - 21.09.2023 01:54

This is actually the best dialogue in the whole of Starwars. Absolutely incredible

@RoboChris86 - 15.09.2023 17:24

Tay's body language throughout this scene is phenomenal. It's almost as if he knows what Davo wants before even Mon herself does. Excellent scene

@alexanderg1935 - 13.09.2023 02:41

Sculdun is essentially a thug (albeit a well heeled and genteel one) with dark connections. Mon Mothma's family on the other hand is one of certified nobility and duty of service. She knows that this would besmirch her family name & legacy, not to mention her daughter's future. But that was the price. Necessary and unforgivable.
In a following scene (before the introduction) you see that she's already made up her mind by tricking her daughter into becoming interested in Chandrilan religious/marriage customs. Mon Mothma plants the seed early and then proceeds to accept the proposal. Awesome writing and acting all round.

@Dresqus - 05.09.2023 21:41

All things are great, but their costumes are simply amazing. Based on our world fashion, yet you can feel Star Wars in them and yet they are not comical. Wonderful job by costume team!

@TwoonyHorned - 25.08.2023 19:30

The background music is so moving, given the situation

@kevinfamous2950 - 23.08.2023 07:43

“Money means very little to me at this point.”

@kevinfamous2950 - 23.08.2023 07:42

“Searching for a more fluid banking situation are we?” vs. “yes we’re exploring alternative financing arrangements”

@reco2186 - 09.08.2023 15:13

please balance your intro to the scene audio. lots of ups and down.

@craigjones2415 - 04.08.2023 03:31

A drop of discomfort might be the price of doing business. Absolutely perfect.

@craigjones2415 - 04.08.2023 02:52

She married off her daughter to stop the Empire. Through out history we hear stories of the hardcore. The ones who took it to the limit. It's not always violence.

@catelynstark9883 - 31.07.2023 01:49

Thank God Marriage Alliances don’t fly today

@AdamE96 - 22.07.2023 20:37

What's the music track played towards the end of the scene?

@hexortime - 11.07.2023 14:34

at the end mothma just gave up his daughter hahaha for the rebellion

@TheRepty818 - 01.07.2023 04:40

This is how you write dialogue. And what's equally impressive is how all three of these actors elevate the writing. I hope to see more scenes like this.
